User Reviews: Safari

Apple Inc.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • It browse web

    iOS is internet capable communication device. For it use all capability, must software having for browsing internet pages. No question. Safari one such choice. It have bookmark, bar for type search, even tab for many page same time. All on iOS use WebKit, not understand use chrome, Firefox, etc. Use brave for private time website but all else safari, is best no question.

    Additionally, Apple continues to improve the functionality of the browser with every release. Reader mode is a must have IMO and just keeps getting better. Apple puts the same care and attention to detail into Safari as all their products and I love it. You can tell they aren’t just sitting back and responding to competitors. They are actively pushing their own features forward to make their software the best they can make it. To find a company with that built into their DNA is truly special and rare. This is how art is made. Thanks Apple, I feel privileged to share this gift with you.
  • Bi by Buy

    It’s a free app after $1,300-$1,500 are committed to the iPhone or MacBook Pro. The compass 🧭 does point to Egypt but it doesn’t cost that much to ship off to Paris with a couple Arabic guys who can and do care {if you’re into it}. The airliner is Spirit. There are several accessible payment plans for the Mac environment that make Mona Lisa hop on anyone’s phone, simply to eat your mind’s food for thought.♾️
    If you’re trying to hide your tail, on occasion Safari does it for you, for free, despite the bill for the hardware. You’ll navigate on Safari {as suggested}, in Africa {as suggested}{“Safari”, consider the game names such as Leopard, to drag home to your or their taxidermist named Mary Lisa}, and you’ll get lost in the freedom of loss of history and then realize you’re in post-2001 America 400 years later. This is useful when you’re hoping {in Africa-America} to time travel. Then, Mona Lisa eats your mind’s food for thought, as she has immigrated around the Renaissance, the Salem witch trials, ICE, Immigration Customs and the Civil Rights movement, [to hold you close {through the storm, a la “but ‘I am’ the storm”}]. Your tail is her ammunition, for her ages-old hunt to destroy you from within your own Apple. ↗️
    To hunt better, control their navigation systems, while they are out in the wilderness, which coincidentally is not where you find Mary Lisa. Yet, remember to swipe up from the bottom to where you’re always welcome to be squeezed: Home ↙️.
  • Bad Update

    This update was awful for people who used safari a lot. The search bar was at the bottom so that if they had muscle memory they wouldn’t tap on it. The switching of positions of the new tab button and private/tab group button. It was completely unnecessary and if they had muscle memory instead of tapping on the private button they would tap the tab group button. If someone wanted to switch the position of their tabs they would have to hold onto it longer and the option to delete all tabs appears. Which makes it much easier to delete all your tabs. The scrolling has become much slower. You can also see less tabs. The titles of tabs have become much smaller so it has become so much harder to see. This update also makes safari auto refresh. I used to read books on safari and I could leave in the middle of the chapter to do something else and come back to the same place. Now I have to scroll and find where I left off. If you wanted to delete a tab in the old version you could just swipe left but now with the new update you have to press the tiny x button which makes it much harder to delete any tabs.
  • Please remove: “website is in full screen swipe down to exit” pop up

    “updated” my iPad from iOS 15 to 17 and I have this Unnecessary pop up that comes up every single time I go in full screen on a video (this will happen on any website with video), so the pop up is a constant on my screen. I respond to messages or check the comments while having the video still play, but when I go to click back, there it is over and over again the “website is in full screen, swipe down to exit” pop up (so it’s not just once per video, but more like 10x and it lasts for a solid 5 seconds every time). It covers the pause/play button and I can’t see the screen since the pop up is in the center middle of the screen. This is a serious functionality issue. Could you please consider removing it..? Apparently this hasn’t been fixed since May 2023 when this first was introduced and since then I have seen many others (iPad users) express disappointment over this as well, since it’s unfortunately just limiting ease and functionality of this app, and I (we) just want to have a good experience.
  • Google sandbox

    My wife went into google sandbox and put all my information on there under business add settings. I need all deleted and if there’s any copies sent to my email if not delete and I’m pressing charges and I’ll contact Google myself also she has taken my Apple IDs her and her new bow means boyfriend after 20 years of marriage with me. I gave her my whole life and she has done nothing but take from me. I’m heartbroken but mainly I suffer from PTSD social anxiety, agoraphobia shell shop and now I have a vascular disease in my left leg, wonder where that came from if you would please erase from my iPhone SE that was just bought. I have also another one sitting here that was just bought last year not even a year ago that is also tore up with my Apple ID locked reeving, but she retrieved one while ago. It was two hours after it said it was available. She uses Bluetooth devices to get past off of messenger to get into my phone, please fix everything and press charges with anything. My name has on it because I didn’t do it. I have two different iPhone sitting here that I can give you the serial numbers to that. I can’t even put on my phone on my app because it has been taken, plus the IMEI.
  • To much scams…please READ!

    So whenever I use this app/ Safari it get these trackers and scammers to get my location and this is making me nervous. I installed ad blocker I think it’s called and I blocked some trackers which made me feel better. Every time you search something you usually get a scam or tracker. I do not like when people track me down. I rarely use this app because of the scams and risks. I think it is an OK app in general because it’s the people making these small BAD websites. The reason I gave it 4 stars is because it could use work but it is pretty much like google. I use google way more because I feel like it is much safer than safari. I could be wrong… Safari could use some work with all these BAD websites. Can you block these bad websites? I would love to block these websites cause they are scary. Also watch out for nine anime/ 9anime websites… I searched up 9anime on safari and clicked a link. It looked safe but then these inappropriate pop ups kept coming. I immediately got off. I checked my ‘ How much trackers we have prevented’ or whatever it’s called
    it said that it had prevented 14 trackers from getting my IP address. This was good and bad news. I’m glad that safari and google can prevent these trackers but it is bad because this is dangerous. BE CAREFUL ON SAFARI!!!

    My names all my ideas all I want is what due unto me like anybody else would if they was being held back from what rightfully theirs or should be at all because if not for them wouldn’t be no big name. Idea

    In the jungle you need information

    Nobody stands up for what’s right anyway, who really started UBER LYFT all the mobile delivery like DoorDash Postmates etc me recognize I can not do anything until yall start to believe. Same with Facebook Instagram MySpace Twitter TikTok Snap Chat etc yall want change I can give you look at Luis Vutton trying to use my pattern design on the bags looks like anime news states. Stand up let’s get in on polygraph public live in news where ever long as it’s public on GOOD MORNING AMERICA FOx I stand and say yes I created it my idea and they stealing them trying make me look crazy because nobody believes me because their taken my earnings royalties before I get them it’s like a job holding your check. I believe yall but nobody believes me and making all these profiles post sharing and what I get nothing dis and looked at like I’m crazy. I sure do miss BIGGIE AND PAC YALL NOT REAL.
  • Went downhill for me

    Not sure what happened to Safari over the last year but I have been having way too many issues with it on my phone that I’ve had to make the switch to chrome for good. Pages stopped loading for me more times than they did load. Whenever I would go back a page, it would be blank and I’d have to toggle back a page and forward a page several times just to get it back. And refreshing the page never worked. It’s like it just was permanently lost. I would always get the “reduce permissions” prompt whenever sites wouldn’t load and even if I clicked to reduce the permissions, the site would still not load. The last straw for me was recently when I started not being able to visit most sites at all because it said I needed less strict security settings. Like what??? I’ve never had that problem with any sites a few months ago and I haven’t changed any settings so something isn’t adding up. Why should I have to compromise security just for safari to do its actual job of loading a page. Anyway I’m on to greener pastures. Goodbye safari.
  • Bad Update

    This update was awful for people who used safari a lot. The search bar was at the bottom so that if they had muscle memory they wouldn’t tap on it. The switching of positions of the new tab button and private/tab group button. It was completely unnecessary and if they had muscle memory instead of tapping on the private button they would tap the tab group button. If someone wanted to switch the position of their tabs they would have to hold onto it longer and the option to delete all tabs appears. Which makes it much easier to delete all your tabs. The scrolling has become much slower. You can also see less tabs. Again, as someone who has 70+ tabs it’s a pain to go through it all. The titles of tabs have become much smaller so it has become so much harder to see. This update also makes safari auto refresh. I used to read books on safari and I could leave in the middle of the chapter to do something else and come back to the same place. Now I have to scroll and find where I left off. If you wanted to delete a tab in the old version you could just swipe left but now with the new update you have to press the tiny x button which makes it much harder to delete any tabs. All in all this makes safari worse to use
  • Why can’t we copy text consistently ?

    All I want to do is copy some text from a PDF. I select the text. I tap on the selected text. Does the “copy” button show up? No. The text is deselected. I just selected that text for a reason. If I tap outside of the selection, that’s a great time to deselect text. Except sometimes, the exact opposite problem happens. I accidentally select everything. The entire thing is selected, but I didn’t want to select everything, so now I need to deselect everything. I can’t tap outside the selected text because the entire screen is highlighted. Ok, so I tap on the selected stuff, which is everything. Nothing happens. I just wish basic copy and paste was robust and reliable across all the apps on my iPhone. It feels really flaky. Sometimes it’s great, like when writing this review. When looking at a PDF, or in various other situations, somehow, text selection is different. Please agitate for all of iOS to handle selection and copy paste the same exact way as user input fields handle it, even if it’s a random website or PDF document.