User Reviews: Safari

Apple Inc.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • I wish Apple would cut Safari

    Update: Safari STILL doesn’t work. I use an iPhone that is up to date and it doesn’t work. Sites crash consistently. It automatically opens from third party apps despite me having a diff default browser. I then have to manually copy and paste the url into my regular browser because 9/10 times, Safari cannot handle anything third party apps ask of it. At the moment, I am blocked from one of my favorite apps I have subscribed to and relied on for over a year now, because they decided to make their log in credentials rely on Safari working to be able to re-log in. It keeps telling me I need to enable cookies even after I reenabled every possible cookie. IT. IS. BROKEN. Please, Apple, this project is absolute trash and you are wasting the time and resources of your company as well as your customers. Just stop. Get rid of it. It is worse than useless; it literally breaks other functions on a consistent basis. And don’t even get me started on the desktop version. Holy crap guys, YIKES.

    Update: came back to give it a bad rating AGAIN. How is no one else having these issues???
  • Safari is the best browser!

    I have tried them all and found safari to be the best option for me. I love the security features and they make me feel good knowing how much of our lives depends upon using the web safely. I love how the password vault works, it’s made my online life so much more secure. It works fantastic, it generates complex and unique passwords and as long as you are using iCloud backup it will automatically memorize all of your login credentials so you don’t need to add it’s all encrypted so I don’t have to worry about anyone getting access to my accounts. The reader function works amazing and makes some sites so much easier to read because they are peppered with advertisements. Truth be told, I prefer it for most websites where you’re reading and I only turn it off for shopping websites where it requires seeing images. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with Safari and would highly recommend it.
  • How do I even use this?

    I’ve had my fair share with Safari. I don’t use it a lot, rather, I use alternatives, like Google, Chrome, Edge, or even Opera GX. For starters, downloading certain images puts them in a file, say, I downloaded an image from the Pinterest site instead of app. That’s fine, but… where’s the image?? It never gets save in files, and Safari doesn’t seem to document it on the UI. Speaking of the new UI, I dislike it. It’s easier to navigate, but now, every scroll I make makes the bar disappear. But every web browser on mobile has this issue. However, the ability to switch from one page to another by swiping is not as fluid as I thought. It seems to get jittery for almost every swipe you make. And why are you only allowed to use the settings bar (aA) when you’re on a page other than the home page? Other than that, Safari doesn’t have it’s own identity. It thrives off of other browsers like Chrome, Bing, or Yahoo!.
  • Recommended Reader View Suggestions

    The only new feature I would add is to the reader view. Have a built in feature that would allow direct access to text to speech. Make it so if it was already speaking pressing on text would automatically make it start from scratch at that point.

    Press one combo play / stop button to start or stop it. Press anywhere in the text to have it start at that point. Be able to set any color to any element of the program. My favorite colors are yellow on blue. Playback colors are black on silver. Something where the playback text really pops and stands out.

    The key reason for blue is it’s the best to use if there’s a lot of glare on the screen due to florescent lighting. Yellow is a very good contrast color against the blue. The background color of the playback should be in the same vein. Colors should have the text be extremely readable. The very best colors I ever saw highlighted an entire sentence at the same moment the spoken text was a reverse of the highlighted sentence.
  • Erased everything

    I had over 100 tabs in both private and non-private, and it has been fine for the longest time, but today as I’m using safari it decides to transfer all my non-private tabs to private and erase everything in private. And since well it’s private, there’s no traces of any of the tabs so now I jsut lost over 100 tabs of stuff that I will never Be able to find again because of a stupid glitch that from what I’ve googled. Has been happening to users for years and has never once been fixed. So yes. That is why this app gets a 1 star rating. Because they clearly aren’t able to fix a bug that completely clears someone’s stuff on safari. So now I have to spend hours trying to find everything agian. And frankly I’ll never be able to. I was reading and didn’t take record of chapters I was on, I had other things to read opened in other tabs and now they are forever gone to because I didn’t record their names. Everything that was in my private tab is now forever gone and I can maybe find some but I will never get it back to how it was before. There was a reason I never got rid of those tabs and now the reason is also gone. Thanks for nothing Safari
  • The format is changed way to much and the browser is hard to operate.

    To start off with, I understand the updating, but the amount of updates is excessive and the fact that the updates usually aren't actually helpful to the user experience in anyway but rather just make Safari more unique to other web pages. Thus when the format is constantly updating, it becomes almost impossible to use because you'd have to constantly be figuring out how to navigate the page. Another problem that I run into is that often times when I close out the apps it completely closes all of my tabs and just resets my safari to a single blank new tab. It becomes extremely frustrating and somewhat infuriating when I accidentally close out of the app and reopen it to find all of my tabs have been removed and I cannot figure out how to reopen or revisit them. And due to other glitches I've ran into when using the browser is that my search history doesn't save so I still cannot access my previously opened web pages by checking through my search history. And don't get me wrong, I do find Safari a helpful essential part of my phone/device but I have found that actually using the page is very difficult.
  • Horrible Update

    I recently allowed my phone to upgrade to iOS 15 and safari is now more like Google Chrome. On my phone I barely use that since it’s not very user friendly or intuitive. It now will zoom me out of tabs entirely rather than letting me zoom on the page. When a website naturally opens in a new tab, the new update still has me open a new tab manually to bring the page up. It’s an absolute mess and nightmare to use now. I know Google is a competitor but I don’t use it for my iPhone for this reason. Awful update. I wish I could make it go back.

    I don’t even know when this review was written but Safari continues to be the worst. I’ll lose tabs and tab groups completely unprompted. It would be nice to at least receive a reason WHY it shuts down all your tabs and won’t let you restore them. I’ve lost my main tabs & a tab group several times now and have been unable to get them back. It works just like the Chrome app now so there’s no difference in the two. Both are horrible at saving your history & are far from user friendly.
  • Your Underrated Prince, Safari

    In my humble opinion, Safari is the underrated king among multiple web browsers on the market. I was a PC devotee from ‘95 to ‘16, since then, it’s been all Tim Cook 🍎 all the time. My only regret is not purchasing a smartphone back in ‘07 from Steve Jobs. Presently, I own an iPhone 6s Plus in rose gold (2016), iPad Mini (2016), iPad Pro (2019) & MacBook (2018) in rose gold with matching Beats By Dre headphones.

    All four are set up with Safari, not Chrome, TOR, Brave, Edge, or DDGo. I love the ability to quickly save favorites, add to reading list & share content to other platforms. My favorites are alphabetized for quick reference & the reading list keeps all articles & pages in chronological order for quick recall. Also, I learned Safari quickly because it’s extremely user friendly. The browser helped my navigation of Apple when switching from PC. I’ll admit, learning MacBook isn’t easy, but, Safari keeps things familiar for me on the desktop. When lost, just go back to Safari & start over.

    It’s surprising no one in tech media mentions Safari more often as a go to source for navigating the internet. Chrome is the reigning king of, Land Of Browsers, without an heir apparent. I nominate Safari as the prince with future king potential. Citizens of Land Of Browsers don’t like their chrome-plated dirty laundry aired, sold or tracked.
  • Awful

    So tired of all these changes Apple makes just to be unique but makes for a crappy user experience unless you conform and force yourself to do it their way. I’m sick of accidentally closing tabs and going back a page because there’s completely unnecessary gesture controls I can’t turn off because developers don’t bother with options unless they’re removing them. Who actually built this awful browser and thought “Hmm, you know what people want? Less control!!! Let’s take away their ability to set their own homepage have a blank page that takes over every time they go to use the address bar!” There also used to be a time when you could leave a webpage in your browser and then come back later and finish reading it, but some years ago they decided that you couldn’t be responsible for your own security at all. So now every time I do this, even tabbing out for a minute, my web page reloads and loses my place. So if it’s a few dozen pages long peer reviewed medical study that’s single spaced with small font I have to try to figure out where I was. All for a change I get no choice in. I can’t even choose to use an old version of a browser because my device and even individual webpages will stop me from proceeding until I update.
  • No problem

    I have been using this for years and had no problems with it. I ran over my phone with my lawn mower and was without my phone for over a year due to having to fight with the insurance company. However when I finally got a lawyer involved the insurance company finally replaced it for me. I DID not lose anything and I mean anything. I like the cards better because they are easier to clear out.

    You have to back everything up to your cloud every day or every other day so that you don’t have to worry about losing anything. As I always make sure that I back everything up just in case. It is not apples fault if you lose your any of your information it is yours for not backing up your phone to your cloud. So most of the people who write bad reviews either don’t back up or they just don’t or they just don’t care. Apple doesn’t charge a lot to add more space to your cloud so there is no reason why you can’t back you things.

    This is better than anything that google has. By far. If you want your information used by third parties then use google’s and quit complaining. You can change your browser in safari so that you don’t have to use them get with it you bad reviews and learn how to use safari.