Sony | Headphones Connect User Reviews

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  • Great app, but big problem:

    Well, I was having trouble connecting my Sony WH-1000XM5, wouldn’t connect first, then it finally worked, I was trying to update them, then when I closed the app, it was working, then I got a notification talking about the update being aborted, I checked it and it was disconnected. Then, when I tried to connect it, it wouldn’t connect, it says can’t connect to YY2954? Why is this is happening? This needs to be fixed asap. I’ll keep trying to connect and get it to update, but if this is going to be a reoccuring problem, then it’s going to have to be fixed quick.
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  • Pitiful software experience

    I've installed this app on iOS 15.5 on an iPhone 11 Pro Max and it simply crashes readily and repeatedly. I've been using this app for no more than 5 minutes with XM5 headphones acquired just today and all I want to do is update the firmware on the headphones. Sony, do you have a legitimate QA department? I did disable automatic software updates because frankyly it wasn't working either. The download of the new firmware was sticking at 1% indefinitely (I have gigabit bandwidth from my ISP, there's no reason for this modem-era download performance from your CDNs), so as a shot in the dark I disabled automatic software updates. When I attempt to do the update manually the app insta-crashes. Reproducible 100% of the time. My iOS devices are configured to send crash logs to Apple and third-party developers. I hope, for the sake of these 400USD headphones, you pay attention to those logs. Garbage software experience so far. Oh, lastly: the English usage throughout this app is embarassingly bad. Please consider addressing it and use Google Translate if you have to.
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  • Sony App

    So far I’m pretty please with this app and the headphones I bought but I got to say I which they implemented a gaming setting so you could play games with better clarity. The sound is great but for games…there’s just more to be expected. And if they added more custom settings as well maybe if they made it so that you can pay for more or just add on atleast 2-3 more options so that audiophiles can really mess around with stuff. I don’t know too much about sound myself but I like to see things personally pushed to their boundaries and I think there is more for Sony to accomplish in the near future especially with PlayStation. But that is a whole other topic entirely. Please fix this Sony..we need this on our phones and thank you for everything else!
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  • Updated review

    The app is intermittently working.

    If the automated update is completed, the app crashes and no longer functions.

    During the period where it actually does function, Sony needs to provide some sort of update that allows more flexibility and festers to be controlled by the touch sensors on the ear buds. The basics which need to be controlled and simultaneously enabled (without having to constantly switch functions via the app) are music playback features (play/pause/skip forward/back), volume up/down control, noise cancellation on/off, assistant access, AND call accept/hang up. Please note I didn’t say “or”. Get this done and add an option for silicone wing tip inserts and you have a winning combination.
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  • Annoying Connect to Bluetooth Popups

    I use this all when I want to connect to my headphones. But when not using the headphones, I get incessant popups from the app to turn on my Bluetooth. This is incredibly aggravating, as I have all notifications turned off for the app and yet I will get pop ups multiple times throughout the day. I will get them when on calls, while using the GPS, while doing anything. It is a dangerous thing to forcibly put out a popup when the user has specifically expressed to have no permissions. I do not want to have Bluetooth on every second of the day and I do not want to have popups telling me to turn on my Bluetooth for an app I am not actively using. This is the reason I have marked two stars. Update with a fix and I’ll change my review and rating.
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  • These headphones and app drive me nuts

    I used to have the WH1000XM3 which worked really well and had no issues but since upgrading to the WH1000XM4s 6 months ago, I’ve been really frustrated. The volume constantly changes or the settings in the app will change even after I explicitly tried to change them. I emailed support and they tried to claim it was user error after it kept happening 5 times.

    The headphone buttons are also way to sensitive now. The hood of my coat or my hair will cause my podcast to restart constantly. Living in a cold and rainy climate it just gets really annoying to have to constantly take my hands out of my gloves and update everything, knowing it’s just going to happen again in 30-90 seconds. I definitely won’t be going with Sony again after this experience.
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  • quality app for quality headphones

    been using for a little more than a year and i can say that its not as bad as most rating suggest, sure connecting with the app may take 5 seconds, but you really only tweak your settings once every month. and with the latest update the headphones and app feel more FUN to use, being able to see how often you use them is very cool, as well as the badges you unlock by customizing your settings, it makes you want to really explore the settings and see what the app has to offer, great work developers.
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  • Good but almost great

    The most annoying “feature” of these excellent wh1000m4 headphones that sync with this app is that it gives you no control over how long the headphones stay in standby mode. If I take them off while watching a show, I don’t want the headphones turning off so quickly. So when I come back to listen, the headphones are off, they have to be turned on, reconnect, then I have to find my remote and continue. This would be an easy software fix function — not sure why this hasn’t been addressed yet because it seems like a pretty obvious customization that most users would want on a high end headphone.

    Also annoying is that the headphones don’t maintaining my noise cancellation settings. I wish they’d keep the same setting “ambient sound” when I turn them on and not keep defaulting to “noise cancelling.” So if the headphones shut themselves off (because I can’t set the timer), I have to turn them back on, reconnect, then modify noise cancellation settings again before I can continue watching the show I was watching. Very silly, this could all be avoided with an app update.
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  • Disappointing in so many ways

    OK, I hope that somebody from Sony reads this but considering my complaints have been mirrored in other reviews and not addressed I doubt it.
    My new 1000XM4’s are terrific headphones and fix the one major gripe I had with the 1000XM3’s in allowing for multiple connections.
    But the Connect app is written for phones period. There is no app for Windows and I would assume for Mac. And the app for iPad doesn’t autorotate so if you have a keyboard you either need to detach it or try reading sideways.
    And even on my iPhone If I have my headphones on while I am moving around doing something like gardening or even walking I get a constant “ding” every few seconds even with notifications turned off. I assume it is because it keeps changing modes but the last thing I want to hear is a bunch of dinging while I am trying to listen to music. Especially with headphones I purchased specifically for their noise cancelation.
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  • Which bluetooth device?

    I have had my Sony headphones for awhile. They were as easy to connect via bluetooth as any other device. But lately, it has gotten harder and much worse. What has changed? The number of devices around our house that use bluetooth. The app is completely useless because while settings shows the headphones are connected, the app does not say to WHICH bluetooth device. Is it the speakers? Is it the treadmill? Is it my iPad? Even from a room farthest away, doors closed to rooms with bluetooth devices, the headphones connect to something, just not my iPhone two inches away. While I credit the strength of connecting to an unknown bluetooth farther away than the one in front of it, or even to the last bluetooth connected a day or so ago; it is annoying and frustrating not to know which device(s) I should turn off just so I can use the headphones. Turning off every single bluetooth except for my iPhone is not practical. While the headphones work great, Sony did not include in the accompanying app, a means for me to know with WHAT bluetooth device the headphones are connected. I don’t have time to run around the house turning off bluetooth devices. I need to look for headphones or an app that stops this digital whackamole and still gives me quality sound or noise cancellation from my headphones.
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