Google Assistant User Reviews

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  • Great voice recognition and action but slow to open

    Wipes the floor with Siri, but would be much more usable if it listens to my voice within 1.5 seconds of opening the app on a cold run. I use an iPhone 7 with a fresh battery, so not the latest but still current hardware.
  • Google Home is Awesome!

    I think a lot of people go into these systems with crazy high expectations or set their system up backwards, like buying cameras and the a smart home system and then are disappointed something doesn’t work the way they wanted. For our current level of technology, I have been VERY pleased with what all Google Home has to offer. The Google Assistant is there to remind me of upcoming appointment, researching topics, music...etc. I intend to get my mother a couple of smart bulbs so that she can start utilizing hers for better security when she comes home.
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  • I can’t believe how this assistant isn’t worth a zip

    First off this assistant Is worthless and I don’t understand how anyone gets any kind of help other than the stupid erroneous repetitive answers constantly given. At least Siri is honest and only knows how to respond with “I don’t know” to everything. Ask a straight forward question and get such stupid answers so far from the main topic of the question is just not acceptable. In a way it’s a good thing it’s a stupid bot because I would not stop till I found it to prevent it from causing anger and frustration ever again to anyone else. Better yet it’s not necessary to throw your phone against the wall. Freakin ridiculous!!
    If your looking for a good test to determine your anger and frustration level I strongly recommend getting assists you’ll find out real quick.
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  • My experience with google assistant

    I find this is nothing like Siri and google assistant acts like another person that is always there for you.

    I would recommend this to everyone and google assistant can do a lot of things that other help systems can’t do.
  • Siri has no purpose anymore

    When I first got this app, I loved it. I never had a google home or anything, but I guarantee this is better. Like, everything in one place. I love it SO much. This app is probably my favorite now, because it is so organized and easy to use. Plus, if u want to talk to Siri you have to activate it, and do all that stuff that will waste your time. I can find dinner recipes, translate, and do all that stuff. I know I might sound like an ad, but I’m just telling u the truth.
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  • What went wrong.

    I had an iPhone 6s and I used this app with my fossil watch and it worked great. I got my text messages and phones calls and reminders and all. But then something went wrong with this app. I did an update and then it stopped working. I was no longer getting my text messages. Everything else was working fine. So I removed the app and then downloaded it again hoping it would work and it did not not. So then I thought maybe it was my phone because it was an older iPhone and the app was updated maybe there were some changes and my phone just was not getting it due to being old. So I upgraded my I phone to an iPhone XS Max hoping it would work. Excited to get the app downloaded and updated and set up my watch to my new phone and nothing. Still no text messages. I was very disappointed. I just don’t understand what went wrong if it was working fine before. Please go back and check to see what you did a few updates ago that changed to not receiving text messages any more. With every update I have hope that I will get my text messages again and still nothing no text messages coming in. That is the only thing that is missing from this app update and I don’t know why or what happened to stop receiving text messages. Please bring back the text messages so I can use this app again with my I phone.
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  • List is harder to use after update

    Catch up one of the primary things are use Assistant for is my grocery list. Prior to the last update it was easy to use and easy to find but I cannot open it from the main screen any longer I seem to have to use voice commands in the grocery store and checking off items is hard to do and added more steps and frustrates me every time I try to bring it up the rest of the app I would give five stars but since this is one of the primary things are use it is becoming harder and harder to use with each update
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  • Siri who?

    seriously, google assistant is way batter than Siri and Alexa. shes so helpful and has so much personality which is kinda ironic for a bot. shes fun and i love her use of emojis and sound effects. the only thing i would suggest is that google gives her a name or nickname, like how Siri and Alexa have. when you ask “whats your name?” or “what can i call you?” she simply says that her name is Google Assistant. i have tried asking if i could change it or give her one but its not something they allow you to do. i feel like she should have an actual name (because saying “Google Assistant” is a bit inconvenient and i'm sure everyone else would agree) otherwise we should have the option to give her a nickname just like we’re given the option to tell her to “call me ___” or “my name is ___”
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  • Can’t connect to headphone

    Not able to connect Sony WH1000MX3 headphone. Google assistant failed to connect during paring and kept saying “make sure Bluetooth is turned ON”. Please fix this bug.
  • Goggle assistant

    Love it it’s so fun and easy to use

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