WeatherLink User Reviews

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  • Very nice

    Technology is great. Live weather through our own station. Connected via local device and housed in the cloud. If the internet goes down the local device caches the data for days.

    Weather data is essentially live with very minimal second or so delay.

    Interface is clean with summary at top and details as you scroll down with sections for each weather type categorized.
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  • Works well

    I’ve been using it for a few months now and it seems to be pretty reliable and updates reasonably quickly. The free level of service has a lot of functionality.
  • I Like Version 2

    I find the summary page very useful. Each station you save has the basic information. Temp, wind direction, wind, speed and humidity. I have the stations arranged from north to south and I can see the progress of a cold front at a glance.
  • SOLUTION: Use *myPWS* app for your data!

    SOLUTION: 1) Register for a weather underground (WU) account. 2) Transmit your Davis PWS data time WU. 3) Download and use the *myPWS* app to display your PWS data. THAT app updates automatically at regular intervals, it’s the BOMB!!
    You won’t be able to see your indoor temperature and humidity, but a small price to pay to not need THIS horrible version of WeatherLink.

    Original review: -Add “v1.3 page” please- This version is a real step backward to WeatherLink users that were pleased by the simplicity of the previous 1.0-1.3 version. So many folks want access to the old version, which has been disabled in favor (by who?, not *real* users!) of this version. Here’s an idea that would make everyone happy... add a “1.3” page to this new version. Folks (like me) that want the simple version can access that. And also, please enable automatic update of the data to ten minutes. Folks that want to monitor their own Davis station using the app appreciate the ability to monitor “real time” data, and going back to “on-demand” with 10 minute auto-updates (like it was with previous version) would be favorable. Thank you!
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  • Atrocious Graphic Design

    Never before has so much information been rendered more opaque. Ignoring principles of color and design, Davis has taken a simple, well-liked app that displayed data and trends and attempted to give it that cutesie iOS sheen without regard for functionality or the essence of its customer. Trends over time? Customizable time periods? OUTSIDE TEMP has four columns. INSIDE TEMP has two columns. FEELS LIKE has three columns, all center justified, rendering them so much nonsense. Davis should listen to its heartbroken clientele and restore what was lost. Oh, and lose the ridiculous and inaccurate animation of what is happening at that weather station on home list. Mine always says it’s raining. Perhaps that’s just reflecting my mood since I updated this app.
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  • Weatherlink 2 Not Data-centric/Scientific

    Version 2.0 is a big let down for me as a backyard Vantage Pro2 owner from a weather geek perspective. It lacks the chemistry of tying all of the current, daily, monthly, and annual stats together. I liked the WL 1 views of data because I could easily compare my weather station to other regional stations w/o jumping around a bunch of different screens. I doubt “regular” consumers normally buy the excellent Vantage Pro2 or some of the other nice Davis weather instruments, so why did we have to lose the ease of the prior data-centric/scientific views of our weather stations? I know Davis can do better than the consumer eye candy they offer in WL2. Sad, I hope the Davis marketing and Web/IOS teams are given new directions to better support the weather geeks who really get into backyard forecasting and data analysis of their Davis stations and others listed in the Davis network/cloud. I am hopeful we will see a course correction from Davis in the future.
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  • Horrible “upgrade”. Literally poor.

    Ah, Davis. What can I say? Did you hire elementary schoolers to design and write this “upgrade”? Sad for a company located so close to Silicon Valley. You managed to totally break the functionality of the reasonably suitable 1.0. No longer can you see the full weather station details “at a glance”. And the data updates slowly now, and many times is blank or spits a “server error”. All this in an attempt to go to a subscription model. I like my Davis hw. Sw has always been a weakness. Now they managed to bungle it further. Very disappointed.

    Recommendation: if you haven’t purchased a weather station yet, consider other hw/sw options. Davis clearly doesn’t invest in high tech or connectivity features.
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  • A long way to go

    Well. Sorry to say I’m not impressed. Compared to the earlier version “2.0”has a modern look and feel. However on the early version all the data fitted on one page and it was an easy swipe to see month and year. On this new app it’s all over the place and the colors make it hard for me to read. Far far too much scrolling. Compared to other modern weather apps like Weather Underground it’s just not as useful. My advice to the Davis developers is to make it more data and data access centric and less “pretty”. Everything the station reports should be clear on the opening screen. Temperature yes, but other stuff is tiny and poorly distinguished. And please don’t make me scroll seemingly endlessly and still not find what I want. Most Davis users are likely data hacks anyway...
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  • Needs help

    The individual station pages show a lot more information than the old app, but it's missing an important sensor to me (and I would think to some others)...the indoor temperature and it's lows. I use it for checking if a building is freezing or not. Also, the home page needs to keep up to date with the individual station reading, it's always behind and never as current as going into the station page. Restarting the app doesn't help, either. Along with that, please add a pull down to refresh and swipe right to go back to the main screen. All other app use those gestures easily. Other than that, the app is pretty good.
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  • Weatherlink 1.0 is currently better.

    Despite the glitzy interface, Weatherlink 2.0 is slow to refresh the weather station data, does not properly record rainfall intensity (always reads zero), and does not properly transmit current windspeed. The program has potential, but it is not yet ready for prime time. Other reviewers’ comments related to the need to refresh data by going back to the home page, and the elegance of the original Weatherlink 1.0 program compared to this one are spot on. I personally called the company and spoke to a responsive gentleman who went on-line to verify my complaints. Hopefully the program will be fixed, because I was told that Weatherlink 1.0 will soon not be operational.
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