Can’t browse products without it resetting and reordering products being viewed
I did a search for “sample” to see if there were any good items to add. I noticed it brought up a couple clearance items I was interested in trying as well. Search results brought up 395 products and that number has not changed. As I’m browsing products and scrolling through the list of 395 returns, it will look like maybe it’s updating the list and it will bring me back up to the top of the list and as I start to scroll again, I notice that products are in a different order and the number of hits on the search is still 395. I will never be able to see all of the hits as it continues to keep resetting itself and I’ve lost the patience to try to skim through the results to skip over what I already scrolled past and do my best to catch the products I haven’t yet seen that I might be interested in. Very very frustrating. I think I gave up after the sixth time it reset itself.