Raivo Authenticator User Reviews

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  • Developer sold out

    Previous developer cashed in and sold the app to a money hungry company, your OTP’s are locked behind a paywall now.


    Developer Response

    Dear user, we greatly appreciate your time and effort in reviewing Raivo. Your feedback is invaluable to us and plays a crucial role in the continuous improvement of our app. Please note that this is a standard message we send to every request and will be forwarded to all the current reviews for further clarification. We apologize for the recent crashing issue, which was caused by an incorrect Build number and a conflict of signing certificates. The current version can recover 10+ keys with the Masterkey. We have a pending update to recover all your keys. We are working diligently to resolve this matter. For further assistance, please contact our dedicated support team at contact@mobime.org. Warm regards, Mobime Team
  • Was good.

    Today I’ve attempted to use it and the app would open, then instantly close. The app name had changed to “Raivo Debug”. I then updated it via the App Store to be greeted with a subscription prompt. I was able to go past that by clicking the small X in the top corner however, it wanted me to log back in. I did that only to find that my codes (that are backed up to iCloud), are incomplete. I’m missing about half of them.

    Don’t know what happened but suddenly adding a subscription without warning and the loss of data is concerning.
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    Developer Response

    Dear user, we greatly appreciate your time and effort in reviewing Raivo. Your feedback is invaluable to us and plays a crucial role in the continuous improvement of our app. Please note that this is a standard message we send to every request and will be forwarded to all the current reviews for further clarification. We apologize for the recent crashing issue, which was caused by an incorrect Build number and a conflict of signing certificates. The current version can recover 10+ keys with the Masterkey. We have a pending update to recover all your keys. We are working diligently to resolve this matter. For further assistance, please contact our dedicated support team at contact@mobime.org. Warm regards, Mobime Team
  • Great at breaking the app & wiping your keys

    Have been using this fine for ages. All of a sudden they push an update that breaks the app and doesn’t even launch for a single user. What is testing?

    What’s worse, they push the fix for this and the database was completely wiped. App is starting fresh. Manageable situation if you have taken back ups but even still you shouldn’t have to do this. Worst case you can’t get into any of your vital services.

    Company was bought by someone not long ago, added incompetence by dev too it seems. Either way, I can’t trust something like this won’t happen again so will be switching
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    Developer Response

    Dear user, we greatly appreciate your time and effort in reviewing Raivo. Your feedback is invaluable to us and plays a crucial role in the continuous improvement of our app. Please note that this is a standard message we send to every request and will be forwarded to all the current reviews for further clarification. We apologize for the recent crashing issue, which was caused by an incorrect Build number and a conflict of signing certificates. The current version can recover 10+ keys with the Masterkey. We have a pending update to recover all your keys. We are working diligently to resolve this matter. For further assistance, please contact our dedicated support team at contact@mobime.org. Warm regards, Mobime Team
  • All shared secrets were lost following an update

    Needed to login using MFA as usual, and I found that my installation of Raivo was now displaying “Raivo Debug”. Tried launching multiple times, but it crashed over and over. Updated it through the App Store, and now it lets me launch the app, but it’s back to the first time setup screen. I’ve used Raivo for years now, and now all of my shared secrets are gone. Awesome.

    Edit: To add insult to injury, importing and exporting your keys is now a premium feature. On top of that, this update was pushed out a day ago, with a message in the patch notes stating to “make sure keys are exported before updating to the latest version”. I hope the developer understands that users are not notified about updates and their associated patch notes. iOS updates apps automatically, so this was entirely out of my control. This app is officially useless to me.
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    Developer Response

    Dear user, We deeply regret the negative experience you have encountered. Rest assured that our team has been working tirelessly for the past 50 hours and will continue to do so throughout the weekend until we resolve this critical issue. We appreciate your patience as we review an update that will be released shortly. Furthermore, if you utilized the iCloud storage as prompted when you first used Raivo, all of your keys can be recovered provided you remember the MasterKey. We value your understanding, and for any further assistance, please contact us directly at contact@mobime.org. All emails are promptly addressed. Best regards,
  • Deleted keys - don’t use

    TLDR - new developer immediately broke the app. Reviews prior to May 2024 are no longer relevant.

    The first update by the new developer crashed the app on opening. The emergency patch they released deleted all existing keys in app, locking out any accounts that were stored there. The update message acknowledging the failure had typos.

    The original update was to create a paywall for the app, but because the software is based on an open standard - you can get free TOTP apps from Microsoft, Google, and a hundred other companies. They all work more or less the same.

    The new developer even failed to follow the semantic versioning in place for the application, releasing a patch with a minor version number and then moving from version 1.x.x to 101.
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    Developer Response

    Dear user, The reason for the jump from version 1.x to 100.x was because the previous owner used an integer for the build number instead of a string. We decided to call the new version 100.x to ensure that users do not encounter the error message stating that they cannot update the app because it's already installed. We understand that this may be confusing, but we ask for your patience as we work diligently to resolve this issue. For further assistance, we are available to help everyone at contact@mobime.org. Kind regards,
  • ravio got bought out with no transparency

    i loved this 2fa app as it was free and open source. i have been using it for years. out of the blue there was a random update with some cryptic message about backing up the data before upgrading. This was not something i ever did in the past and i don't think was ever said before. after downloading the update and opening the app (weirdly named ravio debug) it instantly crashes. i wait a few days for a new update, hoping that my data is still there. when i open it this time i am instantly told to pay a close to $20 subscription for features that have always been free. Not what i was expecting… when i close the prompt i am greeted by the setup screen. long story short i then go to the github repos to find that the app was bought out with zero transparency. there are no public records of this company besides the name and the company has not replied to any questions directed at them. very shady and not transparent at all. i would give zero stars if i could
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    Developer Response

    Dear user, Please update to our latest version 110.3 where most of the issues have been resolved. For further assistance, we are available at your disposal at contact@mobime.org. Kind regards,
  • Scummy Practices

    Avoid at all costs. Shady developer took over this once-great app and have ruined it completely.

    Broke upon update, locking people out completely. Exporting the vault is now a paid feature!

    Shameless, just spent two hours manually moving my 2FAs, leaving behind this app for good!

    Developer Response

    Dear user, Please update to our latest version 110.3 where most of the issues have been resolved. For further assistance, we are available at your disposal at contact@mobime.org. Kind regards,
  • Holds your keys for ransom as they break the app

    The change in ownership of Raivo has destroyed any trust users should have in this app. After completely breaking the app in one update, causing it to not even open, they have now added a paywalled subscription to allow you to even export your keys.

    Imagine all your logins being cut off by the whims of a developer who demands money from you just for the privilege of having a backup and not being subject to their self-destructing app.
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    Developer Response

    Dear user, Please update to our latest version 110.3 where most of the issues have been resolved. For further assistance, we are available at your disposal at contact@mobime.org. Kind regards,
  • Now a paid open source app?

    After the last update I was greeted by a paywall screen demanding $5/MO before I could access my 2FA tokens. Thankfully I was able to restore from backup, however you cannot add new entries now without paying. I’ll be switching to a new 2FA provider because making it seem like you need to pay to get crucial data back is a tactic used by ransomware developers not providers of services I want to support.
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    Developer Response

    Dear user, Please update to our latest version 110.3 where most of the issues have been resolved. For further assistance, we are available at your disposal at contact@mobime.org. Kind regards,
  • Update app - lost all my OTP!

    The title says it all. Dozens of OTPs saved over years are lost. Fortunately I’ve made backups but definitely lost most recent OTPs. Gonna move to Bitwarden Authenticator now. Hope they won’t f up this badly.

    Developer Response

    Dear user, Please update to our latest version 110.3 where most of the issues have been resolved. For further assistance, we are available at your disposal at contact@mobime.org. Kind regards,

Alternatives to Raivo Authenticator