Kingdom Maker User Reviews

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  • More fun then expected 8/10

    Really enjoying the game has plenty to do and it’s easy to get into it really like the customization but wish we could change the color of our troops uniforms to match our house crests as well as hero’s I definitely see a lot of potential in this game to become something more my only real complaint is a lot of pop up adds for packs trying to get you to buy stuff and the prices are to high but no video adds so that’s a huge plus for me you can just close the pop up ones no problem keep up the great work devs but please add more customization for army’s and please add player shields next to allies to find them easier in the map with the alliance banner and can we get flags for our own bases it would be nice to feel like I’m fully building my kingdom and it’s mine and not just some minor differences to make each players kingdom feel a little more unique and their own definitely will recommend this game to others 8/10
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  • More alliance options

    This game is amazing! It’s unique in many ways and extremely addicting. I like the battle mechanics, especially how you control the battle and can watch it and gain reinforcements. The family is awesome too with marriages and trait farming. The build and upgrade mechanics make base design creative and fun, often being unique player to player. The alliances are cool too, with capitals and guilds to take and control the area. But I would say that there should be at least one more important alliance role, and another alliance building to go with it. That would add more appeal and complexity to alliances that I’m sure many other people would enjoy. For example, there could be a treasurer that deals with the treasury and the amount of tax that is earned and distributed to each member. The dragons are a little tough to upgrade once they get up there due to the dragon stone amount needed for the next upgrade, but I think the dragon is a cool addition. Overall i think this game is great and still has great potential and I have recommended this to friends.
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  • Predatory, caters to whales

    I really enjoyed this game at first, felt like there was always something to do and so much excitement with battles and character customization. However, this game is tailored to paying players and is quite irritating playing for free. The developers group shards (servers) together with absolute disproportional power, I’m talking 2x your power and 3-4 months ahead of you. Resources are limited, even when you farm for a few hours you still come up absurdly short, forcing you to buy $100 packs. Example: You need ~ 2,900 ‘service honors’ to train your armies and you get maybe 4-5 every enemy you kill. Not to mention the constant crashing every click you make during some hours. You can be mining all day with 6 armies and only get 2-4 of the rare materials you need, from what I heard it didn’t used to be like that, just another example of how they tailored the game to get you to buy packs. The people I’ve met in this game lack authority and power in their own life and climb leadership boards with their credit cards and bully passive players, they are as addicted to this game as they are a drug or substance. You’ll either lose interest in a few months or get suckered into spending your rent money. Please don’t respond “we value your feedback”
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  • I had fun for about 2 months….

    This was a fun game….. until they merged us twice in 4 months to a very toxic shard. My alliance is falling apart because of the crap we’ve had to deal with. It’s a pay to win game. If there’s any chance to survive in the game you need to spend the insane $99 for the double pvp damage because everyone else will have it and farm your members keeps until they quit the game. Great job scopeley you’re killing your own game. There is no balance in the pvp what so ever because when you have the double pvp you don’t need to worry about the morale drop from attacking people 10 levels down from your own keep level. I’m tired of the fact nobody cares about making a game fair for everyone. Stop this pay to win crap and you will have a successful game.
    An update to the struggles now it seems the latest update broke the temple. We went through a recent change in leadership on our alliance which caused our temple to go into limbo and now we can’t even place it. I’ve tried everything in the hopes of it being resolved and the game just says nope you can’t have the temple. Fix this and things might just be better off for everyone. It’s actually making the game a bit unplayable.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Burnswheels. We understand your frustration and concerns about the game's balance and the impact of pay-to-win elements. While some players may choose to spend money on the game, it's important to note that it is still possible to achieve success and obtain everything in-game through dedicated gameplay. Many players have already achieved great results and are competing on an equal footing with other top players. We strive to create a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players, and we'll continue working on improvements to ensure a balanced gameplay environment.
  • Fun at times

    This game can be fun to play…at times. However, the game is getting worse mechanically as the servers are horrendous. I cannot be on for more than ten minutes before I either freeze or get the boot. I know it’s coming as everything before then starts to slow down or get glitchy. It’s been getting worse the longer I play and I’ve got the most recent update. Next, if you want to grow and be relevant then you have to spend $. Not just a little, but a lot! Most packs are $49 or $99 and they will only get you a build or two before rss are gone. There is no good, functional way to help teammates with rss as you are limited in the amount you can send and the number of times (tributes) you can make at any one time. While mining for rss, which you have to do, when a mine is depleted you are not sent home like most games. Instead you have to manually recall them. This just leaves you open for attacks as there are too few rss mines available for everyone playing the game. Overall, unless you have a lot of cash I’d stay away from the game. The devs don’t seem to care or respond to anything anyway.
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    Developer Response

    Hello IlliniOne! Thank you for sharing your sentiments on the game. We recommend you to reach out to our support team regarding the slowdown and/or freezing you are encountering in-game. Kindly also share the details regarding the device you are using so they have some information to work out on. Now for the price of the packs, we do what we can to make the prices fair for everyone. There are also a wide variety of packs that are cheaper available, and some that are more worth it than others. At the end of the day, it isn't required to purchase the said packs as everything in-game can be achieved and/or obtained by simply playing the game. There are also a handful of F2P players in the top ranks. It's very possible to do.Regarding the devs not responding, you can send your feedback/suggestions to our support team so they can relay them to our game team (devs and designers), so they can use them to improve Kingdom Maker in the future. There are in-game features that wouldn't exist without the player recommendation.
  • GREAT until P2P players drive you out

    First let me say – I love this game. I love the gameplay and I love the friends I’ve made. It has by far become my favorite IOS game of all time.

    Until recently it became clear that the developers cater excessively to the Pay-To-Play players. These people who spend money on the game to increase their power believe the objective of this game is to drive off the smaller, Free-To-Play players. Yes, this could increase gameplay motivation and make smaller players want to spend money. But players are quitting because of the tyranny of these larger players. So, to me, it seems like the “business model” the developers are using here just doesn’t make sense.

    Why allow exceedingly stronger players not only to bully but to verbally harass smaller players? The in-game support does nothing. The developers on Discord do nothing. It’s really a shame because this game really is a hidden gem. Unfortunately I’m uncertain if it’s going to be around much longer unless the developers find a way to stop these bullies from preventing smaller players from simply playing the game.
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    Developer Response

    Greetings tjaburke8! Thank you for sharing your experience in-game. Chat harassment is definitely not allowed in the ToS. I would recommend reporting them to our support team so they can do what is necessary after an investigation is conducted. There is no immunity for this, players can get sanctioned even if they are the highest paying players in-game. Even permanent bans have happened. There is also a morale system in-game to address the gap between the higher and lower level players. There are also temple spells that can help mitigate attacks. We know it's not perfect, and we are always formulating some ideas on how to address without changing the core mechanics/gameplay. If you have some ideas, we are always happy and willing to receive them.PS: Some in-game features are actually born from player submitted ideas.Looking forward to hear more from you!
  • Great game but…

    Hello, having played games like Clash of Clans and Rise of Kingdoms, this game takes elements from both games and adds colorful new quirks, boink! It has the world wide map and alliance diplomacy of ROK but also the castle design and defense aspect of Clash of clans. The game also adds keep bonuses and person to person interactions.

    The game has some bugs though and is not as polished as it could be. My most common bug notices are clicking on seize attacks challenges in my daily quest tab and then an error message pops up instead of launching the raid. So in order to fulfill my daily quests, I have to keep doing random tasks and hope a defense raid randomly pops up that matches my daily challenge. Very frustrating,

    Another bug I noticed today is that I am earning clover coins for the event but see no jubilee chests on any of the store or stuff tabs. So I am either missing it or I don’t have it. Others in my alliance say that it is on the “fancy chests” tab. But my tab does not have it. Is this an error?
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    Developer Response

    Hello Gamefan83! Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Kingdom Maker. You bring about some good comparison to other games. It's a totally different experience though when you. The delays you are experiencing when starting a raid may have something to do with the connection that your device to our game server. We're continually upgrading and updating so it should improve in time.And as for the clover coins exchange, it should be there as long as you are eligible and have participated on the event. You may reach out to our support team for more a better understanding and resolution to the bugs you are experiencing. You may reach out to them in-game or through email.
  • Greatest strategy mobile game ever!!!!

    I have played this game for around 3 months and I love it! There’s so much to do in the game. Like upgrading buildings, making a family, training a huge army, and joining an alliance. This game is unique to other strategy games is it’s interesting story quest and battles. This games requires time but it’s very easy to play on the go which is amazing! I love the game, this has probably become my second maybe first favorite game of all time. I do have one suggestion, that is make it possible to build a second settlement, I get why you haven’t but this can work. What you can do is make it harder for the second you make to develop but, you can send supplies to the city. I think this idea can work I understand if you don’t add this idea but I would love if you did. Amazing game!!!!!!!!! 10/10 For sure!

    Thank you so much for listening to my review I love Kingdom Maker and it’s important to me to see this game succeed!!!! Oh and I’ll definitely join the Kingdom Maker discord soon.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, Huntay! We appreciate the 5-star rating and your feedback on the game mechanics, particularly the story quest. Your suggestion to build a second settlement will be reviewed by the team. Please join our Kingdom Maker Discord Channel to talk about the game with other players and developers. Thank you for playing Kingdom Maker!
  • Was perfect until Server consolidation

    I love this game and normally would recommend it. There is a great balance between pvp and pve. A good alliance makes all the difference. There is pay to win but there are always people at my level. However, the only thing keeping this from being five stars is the incredible lack of mines. Before the merge we could find mines for our dailies and improvements. Now, there is never an open iron mine unless you find a kind soul that will switch you. The emerald and sulfur are almost as bad. The merger jammed too many people into a place that lacks sufficient ore nodes. If this could be fixed, or give better rewards from the ore refinement it would be perfect.
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  • 2nd Chance Customization

    I’ve been playing this game for 6 mouths now, and I’ve yet to grow tired of it. This game is fun, interesting, and the graphics are not like anything I’ve seen especially with the most resent update. I do don’t know if it’s just me but I love to customize and role-play with my characters. With the most recent update I’m dying to see and us the new feature. I’ve been trying to see if their was a way to re-customize, but I don’t think their is one. And I think it would be cool if we got a chance to re-customize our family or at least the ones we started with just so we can get a chance to us the new update. Also I think it would also be cool if the characters could die of old age or of some sort of sickness that would through excitement to the game, because I know with myself I always feel bad sacrificing my people in the volcano. And lastly something I also thing could be really cool is if their was a feature where you could see the family tree of all the characters in the keep. I don’t know if it’s just me but I like to know who comes from who, who is with who. Overall the game is amazing and I love it can’t wait for future updates.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, house opinon! It’s always a pleasure to hear that our effort has created a satisfying experience for a fellow gamer. Please tell your friends about the game and what they are missing out on. You can join our Kingdom Maker Discord Channel ( to talk about the game with other players and developers. Also, we always take our community's ideas and feedback into consideration cause Kingdom Maker is a world that we all build together. We'll make sure to pass this on to our game team for consideration, and we hope to hear from you again soon!

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