Kingdom Maker User Reviews

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  • Fun but not mor addicting (I don’t play Fortnite) than Fortnite and super fun but…

    This game is super fun and addicting sometimes. But it needs a dragon because it is medieval times. Also it needs more than one piece of land. I also don’t like how the peasants are a waste of time and the game needs more skins for peasants and I wish you can marry the peasants so on and so forth with them. It would also be cool if you can free ride on your horse or carriage and to travel on a boat. All in all it is a perfect game. however it takes a long time to upgrade and or research. I feel like there should not be a limit for family members because pretend you are a mom and you say to the doctor or your husband I want to have a 8 child and they say no because that’s the limit but it’s NOT. And it is a pay to win game BUT it gets boring I am a level 11 and I only have rounded to 100 thousands 200k THIS GAME IS A PAY TO WIN Its so boring!!!!
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    Developer Response

    Hi there Here take this! It's awesome to know how much you're enjoying the game. We're always working towards making the game more enjoyable than it already is which is why your ideas will definitely be considered along the way. Thanks again and have a nice day!
  • Don’t play, it’s pay to win and bullies are rampant

    If I could give zero stars, I would. Bullies are allowed to run rampant. Entire alliances full of players have quit across various servers. Our current alliance is being targeted for harassment and told the harassment won’t end unless we give in to their ridiculous and unreasonable demands. Our players can’t mine or farm for food in peace. Yet, in spite of multiple reports with screenshots of the harassment and confessions they won’t allow us to play, NOTHING is being done. The game only offers very expensive packs after luring you in with cheap packs. The cheap packs disappear entirely for overpriced packs (50 and 100 usd) that don’t contain any real value for the cost. Unless you spend hundreds of dollars, it is also extremely difficult to remain competitive. The economy of the game is severely broken. Yet, in spite of multiple complaints, nothing has been done to address it. Instead they make gathering resources MORE difficult while players struggle to gather the resources they need to grow and advance. Don’t waste your time or your money.
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  • Great game bad people

    The game over all is great, would have liked to know that I could transfer to a different shard before I wasn’t able to. The game should have a limit on how high and low you can/be attacked from it would greatly improve the game, there are some great people and some not so great people. On that note the next section is more for new people and the company who run this game. Over all I’ll probably keep playing this game but once I’m to the point I can’t advance do it the current shard I’m in I’ll probably quit, and I won’t spend any money on it with the current toxic environment

    Everyone joining, if you get “prod 3”, transfer out don’t stay (you have to do this before you get to keep lvl 9). The top alliance is nothing but bullies, they will attack non-stop there is nothing to stop a player 5 or 6 times your power from attacking you, if you do try to defend against these guys expect threats, cussing, and belittling you in private messages.
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    Developer Response

    Hello batsibf! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You have some interesting suggestion. Let's see if our game team would agree to this, I'll make sure to pass this on. Oh, and if you are being harassed in global or in private message, you can report it to through the in-game support ticket and it'll be taken care of. Or simply block them so you don't receive their message.

    Developers most recent update greatly increased the difficulty to accumulate resources. The developers keep modifying game mechanics to increase the game difficulty to push consumers to pay money to progress to higher levels. They make false promises to consumers regarding mergers and additional content. All they have done is actually reduce the content, increased the difficulty. Rather than provide new in game content to drive sale they spend time remaking resource collection by reduce rewards and increasing difficulty. Time spent on certain upgrades to progress in game have been wasted as they have eliminated the options.

    All they do is reduce rewards and increase difficulty. On top of that increased the amount of high level resource options and decreased making of lower level resource options.

    The past two updates to this game has caused hundreds to quit over the last couple of months creating ghost town servers
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  • Only 1 complaint

    This is the very first time I have reviewed a game ever. This game is amazing in almost every way possible. The game play is amazing, alliances are awesome, gathering resources is great. I have never been addicted to a game like I am with this one (and I am usually not a fan of these kind of games). But I find myself checking my kingdom and my alliance throughout the day every day.
    My one and only complaint is: A 16 MIL Kingdom should not be able to attack a 3 MIL kingdom OR stiffer penalties should occur
    Other than that I am with this game for the foreseeable future and I will most likely even spend some money. Which I have never done before either
    Great work
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  • Could be better

    It was really fun to begin with but obviously geared towards male players as the colors for making the shields aren’t even a rainbow but some weird amalgamation of shades that appeal to no one. The beginning nobles giving birth to runts to start with starts you with disadvantages. The mythical nobles are way too random and doesn’t have any rhyme or reason for blessing any lineage. The same family could be almost entirely inbred and have one legendary marry in and then they get the noble lottery.
    You had the opportunity to show genetics and you failed. You had the opportunity to give the kingdoms the ability to trade with other kingdoms and you didn’t do that. Instead, you’ve allowed pay to play gamers turn it into a “war game.” Absolutely disappointed.
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  • Playing free & loving it

    Started playing this game on a road trip and quickly became addicted. Haven’t put a single penny of actual cash into the game and I’m doing well, having a blast. Anyone who says you need to pay to do well in this game isn’t investing their time right. Time is just as valuable as money in this game. I was worried I’d start slacking once my vacation ended and I was back to work where I can’t be gaming on my phone but the game is built to accommodate pockets of away time. My progress slowed slightly but not enough to be frustrating. My only complaints with the game is that there seems to still be a lot of bugs/glitches - the most frustrating being the in game notifications; red dots showing up when I don’t actually have the resources to upgrade that item or train that unit. And sometimes no red dot showing up even when I do have the resources to train. A fun one I’ve noticed is a headless noble at various trading posts, decapitated head stuck in the sand, and when you click him suddenly a giant version of him appears. So giant only his feet up to his knees fit in the camera view. Anyway great game, keeps ya busy when you’re actively playing but allows you to schedule time away productively too. Sure spending money helps but isn’t necessary. I’d definitely recommend to others, and am hopeful the bugs will get fixed in time.
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    Developer Response

    Hello PartyOnDarth! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We're already aware of the problem that you have shared here on your review. Our game team is currently working towards a solution. All we ask from you is a little bit more of your patience.
  • Toxic Pay-to-Win

    This game was fun in its initial stages, while I was still under the “bubble” and couldn’t be attacked. Then, it was still fun, although clearly those who were willing to spend money were stronger than those who didn’t, and the players who spent the most money were the strongest of all. Still fun though. And then the developers merged our functional “shard” (server) into one that had lost most of its players because of toxic game play — at some point the only players left are the ones who spent a lot of money. To save their cash cows, the developers threw our unsuspecting, much weaker “shard” at the dying toxic one. Result: most of the players from our shard, both weak and strong, left in disgust. Advice: enjoy the free play and the early stages of your game, and don’t give these greedy developers a cent, especially when the game play becomes toxic. They really don’t care as long as they make money. What a shame, this used to be a fun game..
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  • Combat needs balancing

    As is, the game is unbalanced. They recently introduced tier 4 troops and they are extremely op. Like destroy everything in their path op. The combat needs balancing. High level players shouldn’t be able to repeatedly attack low level players with no repercussion. The morale system is not punishing enough so high level players can get away with whatever they want because nobody can retaliate. Bottom line: combat needs fixing. Defending is stupid, you can’t control your troops, they take 30 seconds to deploy etc. combat needs fixing. Balance the system pls. Otherwise the game is great very addicting and fun to play blah blah blah doesn’t matter if the combat is broken. The devs will tell you to just move farther away from this player but what they neglect to mention is it doesn’t matter! They can just re-find you, and attack you again. As mentioned above, the morale system is ineffective. it’s a joke reading the Dev responses in here. Fix your games combat.
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  • Good game, but pay to win

    Like many strategy games like this, Kingdom Maker is pay to win (p2w) as well. It does a better job of not being harsh about it by making you spend money to shield. They took that concept out. But the paywall hits you when you need certain resources. As you progress, you have to spend hours every day to get a CHANCE to get the resources needed to build. It’s designed so you get most, but not all, resources by spending time. But there are some rare resource that take time and then a chance to get. That’s the paywall because if you don’t pay, you fall WAY behind those that regularly pay making free to play (f2p) impossible to compete. It is nice that bigger players are penalized for attacking smaller players. This game has great potential but let’s face it, it’s built for maximum profit of the developer. If you can find an alliance that doesn’t want to be in the top alliances, it’s still a fun game to play. I’d take this over many other similar games for f2p if I didn’t care about winning. Meeting people all over the world is quite cool. Hope that helps.
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    Developer Response

    Hello AveGamer! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We can see that you've really played the game. We do understand where you are coming from with your review and we're doing what we can to keep a decent balance between paying and non-playing players. Stay tuned for future updates though as we do always what we can to improve the situation without affecting what's already inside the game too drastically. It's not perfect but someday somehow, we'll get there. It's not always too obvious but we do read all player feedback.

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