Kingdom Maker User Reviews

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  • Don’t listen to players

    They regularly update the game and while some updates and have made the game better. They keep ruining and updating things nobody wants. A core mechanic is that you breed your characters for the best traits and quality, their first big update they made the highest tier noble nearly impossible to get, this was months ago and my entire server had only seen maybe 3 mythical nobles since then, your nobles have a chance to get up to 5 inherited traits from their parents as well as a number of traits based on rarity. Both these results have been nerfed to the ground. Even if you get a mythic, it’s highly likely you’re going to get no inherited and garbage traits, making it useless and you have no choice but to throw it away. They’ve essentially made getting mythics undesirable because there’s no guarantee that high quality nobles will have high quality traits.
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  • Reinforcements, Army Power, Game Mechanics?

    Loving the game so far. It has a wonderful and polished treatment but noticed a few things that could be improved. When attacking npc camps and calling for reinforcements, the number of troops that need healing is the same as not calling for reinforcements. What is the point of staging an army and reinforcing your attack? It appears to have no affect on the outcome. Also, could use more info on game mechanics. Army power appears heavily tilted to infantry over archery even with large archery bonuses applied. How does army power work? The stats for infantry and archers seem balanced but I don’t see it in the overall army power rating. This applies to mounted Calvary too. They are the last troop to unlock and result in the lowest army power even with bonuses. Last thing, food loot has over clocked my max storage and I can’t get rid of it (lvl 9) and thus I can not move my fields. This is inconvenient and I don’t know how it will affect my kingdom when I go to lvl 10 and players start attacking.
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    Developer Response

    Hello there! Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate your sharing of your thoughts on the power of your troops and the storage capacity of items in your keep. For your question on Power, please be advised that this does not directly translate to the outcome of battles against other armies since there are a lot of variables to consider like the effectiveness of troops against other troop types, or the banners and buffs that a player may have on during battle, etc. Our teams have already been made aware of this and they are working on improving it in future updates. For storage, we understand that it is sometimes difficult to plan out your next objectives in-game if you suddenly have too few or too many items. Rest assured that I have forwarded this to our team as well for further review. Please join our official Kingdom Maker Discord server as well: Thank you for playing Kingdom Maker!
  • Tried but too many problems

    This game is missing key things to make for fair play. You cannot recall your troops. Once marching they stay until they reach the target. If you are staging you will not know if another army is being staged at the same location. You find out once they arrive and are then kicked back. You cannot stage a new army until the first returns. There is no gathering. So resources are extremely limited. You will not find a place to ask developers within the game. Only one army at a time attacks. Reinforcements don’t attack until the first troops are destroyed. If you reinforce a lower player being attacked you take a morale hit if you are stronger then the attacker. I have played several of these games. This has some unique features but with the issues above it isn’t worth your time.
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  • If you’re rich this game is for you

    You can’t do well in this game unless you spend a bunch of real life money. If you aren’t able to cough up a lot of money, other players will just crush you and there’s nothing to stop them because the game has no built-in controls against high-level players coming in and crushing low-level players. And then you don’t have enough resources to rebuild before you get hit again. You can’t even train infantry because you have to have rare bronze which you can only make a couple of per day. By contrast, the money-spending people have oodles of cavalry units because they have no need to wait for the game to progress or to adhere to normal practices like the other 99% of us. What do I mean by spend money, really? Let me tell you: every day I get multiple pop-ups for packages that cost $99. In the game’s online store, you’re lucky if you see a package less than $20. These clowns, am I right? I just ran some quick math: 80% of the current packages offered cost $99. I’m not even exaggerating. Download the game real quick and take a peek. Then reread this review. Then delete the game. You’re welcome.
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    Developer Response

    Hello Clk936! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. There's actually a stacking penalty system when higher level player attacks lower level player. It can get severe enough that they will easily lose against low level player if they're not careful. That and everything in-game you can get by just playing, you can choose to be F2P and still do well in-game.
  • Great game, just need more frequent updates and things to do end game

    As the title mentions, it’s a great game, however, the map feels very empty in the icy regions and desert-fire regions. If you go far enough on the map, there’s empty spaces all around the end-game regions. I’m not sure if this was intentional or not, as champions that have fire and ice resistance skills seem to be very useless at the point in this games at.

    There aren’t enough worthy NPC or enemies to grind against besides players; which brings me to another point, will there be more and newer types of enemies like dragons, undead, and maybe new types of units for us to build like mages, wizards, etc?
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  • Awesome game but have suggestions to make it more appealing

    First off I absolutely love kingdom maker the story was pretty funny and I’m already keep 12 after just playing it for a few weeks, I’ve been grinding.

    My number one suggestion is having champions actually be in battle. It would be so sick to see champions fighting along side troops and seeing them use there abilities.

    My next is a way to declare war on other alliances. Right now sinister is the biggest alliance and they are hitting people hard. It would be nice to organize alliance wars will your Allies. Either everyone chipping in 1000s of troops and even champions for an all out viewable battle and/or decimating their cities.

    Lastly is a way to expand the refinery you guys do the rest.

    I think it the game can be bit pay to win the deals are absolutely amazing and if anyone who reads this can afford it they should buy them while they last because I doubt they will. I think that the game being pay to win is a general community sentiment and I hope it changes.
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  • Horribly designed.

    This game is terrible. Had thousands of troops inside my city, but can only defend with a fraction of them (because that’s somehow realistic??); in fact I can attack another player with more troops in a single march than I can defend my whole city with.
    If a player smaller than you attacks one of the people in your alliance and you send reinforcements you lose lots of morale which drastically affects your strength and takes sometimes days to recover.
    There are very very few mineral patches (required for all troops above t1, research, gear, etc) that the p2p players exclusively control so you cannot ever catch up. Infantry is way OP. The server I was playing on was only a few weeks old and already the majority of players already quit.

    Don’t waste your time on this game.
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  • Well developed but lacking

    We need a translator!! There are maaany German and Spanish speakers in the servers but because there’s no translation option, it forces other players out whether it’s an English speaker or the reverse.

    Also, there should be protection put up for a player who is targeted by multiple people in an alliance/clan. It’s clear that there’s already a penalty for higher ranking players to attack lower ones but that doesn’t stop it from still happening *continuously* by other people in the alliance. So if anything, there should at least be a block put in place or something, that way, the same targeted players won’t be blasted again as soon as their city repairs.

    Another thing that is just my own personal gripe has to do with the “boink” action. I hate it. Maybe it might’ve been seen as funny to some players at first with the inappropriate animation but after a few times of being forced to watch that play out again with no skip button, it gets annoying. So PLEASE.. either include a skip button or change the animation!
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    Developer Response

    Hello HinaLisa! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. There's actually a lot of players requesting a chat translator in-game. We've also relayed this to our game team too. We can only wait whether or not they choose to implement it or not. Let's all hope. I understand where you are coming from regarding the constant attacks and the need for alternate protection. Our game team is constantly testing out different methods to do this, but so far there's none that will make if fair for everyone involved. If you have any idea, feel free to leave us a message in-game and we can add it to our own. It's our goal to make Kingdom Maker the best game of it's genre out there after all. As for the animation, that's a wonderful suggestion. We'll discuss this with the team, and hopefully they'd agree with it. Once again, I'd want to thank you for your wonderful ideas and kind words. We look forward to hearing more from you!
  • Surprisingly amazing

    This game is so fun it made me quit playing a different game just so I would have more time to play this one. I personally love anything with customization options and player banner customization in this game is way too fun to mess around with. On top of that the grind in this game is actually enjoyable and the way you can attack other players with real time help from your alliance members amazed me. Being a free to play game I was surprised to see no adds and no over the top pay to win players. Yes there are helpful things that you can buy with real money but they are only things that you can easily get by grinding. And to top it all off, the community is absolutely incredible. Being a pvp/pve game with leaderboard and territories I was surprised to see that everyone is so kind to each other, even going so far as to speak a 2nd language in global chat just so that other players can better understand the conversation. I absolutely love whoever made this game because I’m having way to much fun with it and I hope you developers are having a lovely day.
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    Developer Response

    Hello ezbobez! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We're really glad to see that you're enjoying the game a lot. Wait till you get to higher levels as you'll be able to unlock other features available. Don't rush too much though as the fights will also be more difficult. We'll pass your message to the developers so they'll really have a lovely day. Thank you for playing Kingdom Maker!
  • Battle reinforcements/Gameplay

    I just want to start off by saying this is a very interesting and engaging game that if you have the patience doesn’t require a person to pay for any thing. And for me mobile games can get very boring but I’ve been playing this for a dews weeks and I still want to play the app.

    One question I have for the developers is how does the reinforcement button work in battles because every time I click it, they never arrive on the field. Other than that great game.

    One suggestion would be having someway that alliance members in real time can fight together on the battlefield against other alliances such as a war component.
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