AiFoto3 User Reviews

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  • Can’t playback videos?

    Backed up my whole gallery on the NAS then found out that the app gets stuck at Loading every time I try to playback videos. I have to force quit the app to exit the loading screen. Photos open up just fine. My 15pro is on 18.0.

    I have seen the disconnection issue that others are mentioning but that didn’t bothered me that much.
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  • Slow and unreliable

    I’ve been trying to back up my phone pictures for 2 weeks and it’s only done 1/4 of them so far. Find a better app.

    - doesn’t background upload. App needs to be left open.
    - SLOW. I don’t understand why the transfer is so slow. I’ve moved to a Samba sync/backup and it’s now 10x faster using PhotoSync app. I made more progress in 1 night with PhotoSync than 2 weeks with this app.
    - Drains battery way more than other apps. Not sure what protocole it’s using but this is unnecessary.
    - It loses its connections all the time. It’s slow and then somehow randomly stops in the middle of the night.
    - It doesn’t support some photos and videos in my camera roll. It’s an iPhone, it seems like there’s that much to support. I don’t know what it’s actually backing up and what it’s skipping. You can’t just backup some things or else it’s not an actual backup!
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    Developer Response

    Due to iOS restrictions, it's not possible to upload data in the background. Therefore, AiFoto 3 includes a "Sleep time backup" feature where the app remains in the foreground with the screen off, ideally while charging. Our current thumbnail creation mechanism utilizes client-side resources on iPhones to produce thumbnails, which are then uploaded to NAS. This approach speeds up thumbnail creation, saving time overall. However, thumbnail creation increases the time compared to simply transferring files, but we believe this method provides users quicker access to image files. Could you confirm if you are using for your connection, or LAN IP or DDNS? If you have any unsupported image files, please provide them to us at so we can clarify the issue. Thank you.
  • Several Problems

    The app has several problems that make it frustrating to use. First about half of the photos don’t display and are represented only by black boxes. If you click on the photo to view it full screen it goes to a black screen. Second multiple MyPhoto folders are shown when there is in fact only one.
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    Developer Response

    Could you please tell us how you to upload photos to a NAS? If one uses the AiFoto 3 app on phone to upload photos and with Photo Gallery 3.2.2.r547 in NAS, it'll create thumbnails using the phone resources. Therefore, no grey square boxes on the UI. But if you transfer photo files directly to a folder in ADM's file explorer from a computer, and this folder is a media source for Photo Gallery 3/AiFoto 3, the NAS will use its resources to create thumbnails. This process will take more time, and before the thumbnails are generated, gray boxes will appear in their place. There are a number of MyPhoto folder problems that we have not yet encountered. Please take a screenshot and send the relevant information (NAS model, ADM version, Photo Gallery version, etc.) to, and we will help further clarify the problem. We will help to further clarify the issue. Thank you!
  • Missing some key features compared to android app.

    Please update app to app photo back up to run in background, duplicate photo removal and to free up uploaded photos on device.

    Developer Response

    The inability to upload backgrounds is a general limitation on the iOS system. Regarding removing duplicate photos, you can navigate to the Albums page, scroll right on the top row to access the "Duplicates" album. Inside, you can delete duplicate photos and even videos. The "free up space" feature is currently under development. Thank you for your suggestion.
  • AIFOTO was way better

    The interface on new app is not as good as compared to the original AIFoto app.

    Developer Response

    Hi, AiFoto 3 has not undergone significant changes to its app interface so far, and we continue to optimize our UI. Do you have any suggestions you would like to provide us? Please send an email to
  • Wrong Metadata

    Overall the backup feature worked well but for some reason it takes the upload date to be the date on which the photo was taken and not the actual date it was taken to organize. As a result a lot of the photos are miscategorized and out of order

    Developer Response

    Hi, We haven't encountered such an issue currently. If convenient, please send more information (error photo files, Photo Gallery 3 version, ADM version, NAS model) and a test account for us to investigate this problem. Please send them to Thank you!
  • RAW

    Unable to view RAW file from iPhone backup. Is this going to be supported in the future?

    Developer Response

    Hi, AiFoto 3 does not support RAW files taken with an iPhone currently. We have included this function in our software roadmap and plan to support it in the future. Thank you for your suggestion.
  • Good layout but won’t play video

    The interface is fine but it refuses to play back video. Gave up trying to get it working.

    Developer Response

    Hi Martony2011, Aifoto 3 has a video playback feature, but we have not encountered this issue yet. Could you please provide more information such as the video file types, NAS model, and network settings for us to investigate and reproduce the issue? You can email the details to Thank you.
  • Extremely Slow

    This app might work fine if you just have a few hundred photos in your library, but hen why buy a NAS. The app doesn’t appear to store any thumbnails locally, which is ok for using storage on your device. The issue is it takes forever to load anything, even over wifi. Remote, forget about it. Compared or google photos running over the internet to this app running on a common wifi with the NAS, it laughably slow. Almost useless in fact.

    The only way I get any functionality is to make an album on the desktop, and then view the album on the app.

    Creating albums on the app invariably causes an error after a minute or two of spinning.

    You can share albums, but can’t make shared albums which each user can contribute to?
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    Developer Response

    Hi BigRedsa, sorry for the bad experience. This App displays picture in the NAS. Network speed can be affected by multiple factors. If cell phone and the NAS connected to LAN, the transfer speed is faster than relay mode ( normally. We’re planning to have upload function of share link created from Photo Gallery 3/AiFoto 3. Creating album causes an error after spinning is an unknown issue. Could you provide us more details about it? Like NAS model, Using Cloud ID or IP via Wi-Fi or Mobile network. Please email to to provide information for further checking problem. Thank you.
  • Seemed like it would be a great photos alternative

    It crashes within seconds of being connected so it’s completely unusable.

    Developer Response

    Hi scantly, sorry for the bad experience. We don’t have this issue currently. We're willing to help, can you provide more details about it like NAS model and network connection and provide testing account for us? Please mail to Thank you.

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