Discolored User Reviews

Shifty Eye Games Ltd.

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  • Very gratifying puzzle solving game

    You start off with very little tutorial, but the gameplay teaches you the rules of the game by example and you must figure it out on your own. There is a lot of backtracking to complete puzzles that were previously unavailable and changes in previous environments that happen due to changes in the game world. I love how unassuming the game looks, yet how diabolical some of the puzzles can be, yet every solution is completely logical and realistic. Finally, the hint system is never announced, so you may not even notice that it is there since this game, unlike others, doesn’t have an invisible timer after which a hint marker may be yelling at you until you solve the puzzle. This makes you feel no obligation to work faster, allowing you to figure out every puzzle at your own pace. All in all, fantastic game! Can’t wait for Discolored 2!

    Suggestion: for Discolored 2, I recommend a method of faster travel throughout the game world since your player character walks very slowly, which does get tedious and annoying at times.
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  • Almost perfect game!

    The gameplay is so amazing and the narrative of it is strange but still really cool. I wish it would’ve been more narrative based instead of you bringing back colour to a dinner and then going back home... it also got a bit repetitive when going up and down stairs but I guess not everything can be perfect! I hope that this game is expanded in the future so then there’s more to the story of going to different locations and learning more about the storyline.
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  • Adventure Puzzle

    Beautiful artwork, fun and challenging puzzles. This game reminds me of Myst. No instructions and no directions. You just have to explore and figure it out for yourself.

    Those complaining are the type of sheep that have to be told what to do in order to go through life. This game makes you use your brain and think of what you need to do. There are hints you can use but what’s the point? If you fail enough times and try many different things you are bound to get it. A lot of times, it’s the most simplest answers to some of the puzzles.

    My only complaint is it is too short. I finished this really fast but it was challenging at times. I loved it for what it was and I hope more levels are added on soon.
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  • Unintuitive Controls and Puzzle Logic

    + Moody atmosphere and music
    - Unintuitive controls
    - Unintuitive puzzles, sometimes too obtuse
    - Short
    - Poor communication of changes to the environment
    - Story has mystery, but fails to earn any investment

    Discolored is one of the worst Apple Arcade titles I have ever played. For a game that seemed to have a ton of testing done, this game wants to be like older puzzle adventure games and do nothing to streamline the process.

    Opening and closing my inventory several times over the course of the game is nonsense to complete the puzzles in the way the developer intended. The premise seems strong at first, but there isn’t a way to get invested in it because it ends so soon. I had to use a walkthrough even with the hint system to complete certain puzzles. For example, how is one to know the blue book would have a red key inside it without a red outline, when earlier, a blue outline of an object in a drawer could be seen without any colored prisms inserted?

    It’s game logic that is so obtuse and frustrating that it’s not fun when the game doesn’t stick to its own set of rules. It’s one thing when a solution makes sense. It’s another when a solution is completely different from what the game showcases you earlier.

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  • Good game, bugged

    Game is good, up until I got to the phone booth. I couldn’t pull up the necessary items, every time I selected what I needed at the phone booth it was just exit the inventory menu. I even downloaded the game again and it has the same issue. Saw some videos and every person who gets to that part has some weird stuff going on during the phone booth scene. Sound effects in their videos stop, music stops, almost as if they’re editing that part. Maybe they’ll fix it if they ever update it. As of now, I can’t get past this part. I like it, just annoying when something you’re paying for doesn’t work.
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  • Cool looking but unplayable on a phone

    The controls are miserable and render this otherwise VERY cool looking game unplayable. Gave up after 1 minute because it was so frustrating. Real shame. It looks fun!
  • pretty good!

    when I started playing it was challenging at first but I figured it out quickly. I really enjoyed the peacefulness of the game (although the music was a liiiitle creepy). I love that the hint button doesn’t give you the answer but a HINT on what you should do next, just like it should. When I finished the level I was very excited to start a new one but that ended quickly when the credits rolled. I hope there will be an update to this game soon and hopefully it will contain more than the just the next level (3+ more would be great!). I get that it takes time to update and create games so I will be patiently waiting because this game was great.
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  • Wonderful game, just wish there was more

    This game was fascinating, I loved everything about it. That being said, I was very disappointed when I got to the end and it seemed like it was gearing up for a few more levels, but instead the credits rolled. I would really really love if more of this game were to be made, possibly uncovering more lore and maybe even answering a few of the questions the mystery inherently brings up. I feel like I was left high and dry. I was really hoping everything would end up coming full circle, similar to The Witness, as many aspects of the two games felt similar (a comparison I do not make lightly, and a very high form of praise in my opinion). Either more content or a companion game to give some closure would perfect this game.
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  • What the hell is this?

    As a first time subscriber this was the first game I downloaded and it was not a good start for me. I downloaded it because the trailer clip looked intriguing but after playing it I realized its not at all what I thought. I don’t know what is going on. Missions are virtually unclear and nonexistent. I don’t know what my purpose or goal is. Even after reading the convoluted description of the game that made no sense I still had no idea what the game was about. Way too hippy-dippy for me and I’m pretty out there myself. This I just don’t understand. The controls are awful. I felt like I had to awkwardly push my fingers along the screen to make things move and it kept getting stuck. Mechanics don’t feel natural at all. Very wonky. Made it unplayable for me ultimately but the story and the purpose of the game itself just isn’t my cup of tea. I don’t know what is going on in this game or why I care about the goal. Making prisms in an empty town I mean.. who made that up? How bored and out of ideas were you? It’s for a certain type of gamer, just not me.
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  • Reminded me of playing Myst

    I was very impressed! This is the first Apple Arcade game I tried and I’m excited to play more if games are all going to be this high quality. Beautiful music and ambiance to match the story. Puzzles were not too easy but also not frustrating.

    Very high quality game that even reminded me of Myst. As others mentioned the game does end after the first mystery in the diner, but I felt it was clear that another “chapter” is planned. Hopefully, the next mystery is released soon.

    Great game if you like puzzles, mystery, or are looking for a game with a chill, moody vibe.

    The only negative I found were the controls. I ended up switching from my iMac to my iPad and switched off the Open Roam option in the control settings to move around better. I did still have some issues turning to look left, but nothing that I felt ruined the experience given the type of game that it is (success does not depend on how fast or well you move) and given that I find movement/control to be the major weakness in many mobile games!

    Well done, guys! Looking forward to more!
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