User Reviews: Elephant Trax

Top reviews

  • Moving & knowing where items are.

    Very nice app. If any improvement, it would be in the search section. I’d suggest allowing wild card searches.
  • Huge lack of customer service

    This is a great idea and could potentially be something really useful. Initially, I raved about Elephant Trax. However, after a recent app update, I lost everything in my app and can no longer browse the contents of boxes. When I scan stickers, I receive an error message. I’ve contacted customer service twice, once with no response and one asking me to confirm my email, which I did. No further response. Thanks to the lack of customer service, I’ve had to replace items that I needed right away due to not being able to stay in the attic long enough to go through every single box needed to find what I’m looking for. Completely defeats the purpose of the stickers. Will no longer recommend and now regretting I used them so much.

    Labeled all of my boxes and put them in storage. Created an account and signed in like it asked to do and 3 months later it says there is no record of me signing up for it. It won’t let me log in to scan my boxes. Now I have to go through everything and find out what each box contains. Would highly recommend going with something else. DO NOT USE!!!!
  • Works as intended

    I have finally tried using the tracking system, and so far it is intuitive and easy to use. I just put my stuff in one box, take a picture, label it, and tucked it away. The only additional function that I wished it had was the ability to invite family members (aka wife) to look at my inventory to see where things are instead of asking me all the time. That’s all for now, and I will update as I continue to use the product.
  • Wish I read the reviews before purchasing….

    The app is glitchy and hard to use. Have to redo the of taking pictures, assigning QR codes and keywords get blown away whenever you have to redo the process. Was excited when I purchased it think I’ll go back to paper labels.
  • Privacy info not available

    The link to privacy info that is there when you are agreeing to terms and conditions leads to a Not Found webpage. Since they can’t even manage to keep their privacy info up-to-date, I don’t trust them with my data so I deleted the app and will be returning the stickers.
  • Not intuitive

    This could be a great app and a great system, but there are limitations that make it time-consuming and inefficient. For example, the repetitive scanning and “assigning“ of QR codes. There is a pop-up that says that the QR code is assigned, and then once you back out of the menus, it prompts you to scan it again and again.
    Additionally, I believe there is a tone assigned when you scan. I’m listening to a podcast and each time I try to scan a QR code, the podcast stops. This is unnecessary and irritating.
  • Did you actually test this app?

    This app is so frustrating. Today it is not saving the barcode when I scan it for a new box. I am having to scan it over and over sgain. It says that it is saved, but when I close the window and try to say Done for the box, it asks me if I want to assign a QR code. It did not do this before, even just a few days ago. Also, it would be nice to have a search by box name. Please fix this app. Just sold my house and only have a few more days to get packed up. I’m wasting too much time trying to get things to save.
  • So far so good

    My only issues as of right now is the constant having to log in and that when I assign an item to a label, it stays in the camera and I have to click out of each screen. Sometimes it won’t have assigned the item to the label and others it will have.
  • QR capture inconsistent

    I’ve had to retake the code up to 3x occasionally. There will be misleading message that the save was successful but you’ll find the photos not assigned so you’ll need to repeat the process. Really slows down packing.

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