User Reviews: Parking Heaven

Parking Heaven
Parking Heaven
Parking Heaven LLC

Top reviews

  • No one uses the application

    2 stars for the idea. Still have hope on more users using the application but no one literally uses it and notifications on the application are annoying

    The idea of the app is cool but nobody knows about this app, only reason I came across this was from IG.
  • Never any spots!

    I have tried this multiple times but there are never any spots? Maybe no one has signed up in Brooklyn? Good idea but has not helped me at all....
  • Super helpful!!

    Very easy to use and I found a spot in less than a minute... in the city at that!
  • Must try this App!

    So glad someone came up with this. A different way of finding parking instead of circling around. We can now help each other out to get a spot and avoid the headache. Everyone gotta give this app a chance!
  • Great app! Solved a major problem for me.

    Thank you parking heaven app! Solved a major life issue with having to drive around for hours waiting for a parking spot. Definitely recommend to anyone living in the city.
  • Finally, a solution!

    It’s amazing when people come together. This app is the perfect example. People helping people find parking. Love this!
  • Best Parking App

    This App is the savior of struggling parkers! Lol.
    In all realness this app has come in so clutch at crucial moments along with regular everyday parking. Parking (especially in NYC) before this app was a nightmare. I am so happy to have this service and it’s only getting better the more people download it. THANK YOU!
  • Love it

    Great app a few ppl around my way has it and makes it easier for us to find parking instead of driving around wasting gas
  • NYC needed this a long time ago

    I wish this would have been around a long time ago so more people would have jumped on the bandwagon by now. It’s a great idea and concept that will really help eliminate time wasted looking for parking. I love that in order to pick up a spot you have to use one of your tokens so that people can’t just use the app to their advantage without helping others.

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