User Reviews: YUBI 2.0

YUBI 2.0
YUBI 2.0

Top reviews

  • Horrible

    This app operates in the ether. You can actually be very safe and actually avoid something but be penalized as if you were being dangerous. If you drive for a rideshare at night when the business is you’re penalized automatically for the wrong time of day. This app will penalize you for acceleration that is moderate that is needed to merge. Otherwise it would be unsafe. No matter any type of deviation from its algorithm is the drivers fault

    Developer Response

    Hi, it's upsetting to hear that your experience was anything but stellar. Thank you for leaving feedback about your experience with YUBI. Please reach out to us at so we may identify ways to improve your experience.
  • False Reports

    Need to get this app for my new auto insurance. Here’s the 2 problems I constantly have. 1 it keeps saying I’m using my mobile phone while driving. I drive a motorcycle & my phone goes in my saddlebag, I have no access to my phone while driving. & 2 I report to work at 3:15am with next to no one on th road yet that’s a negative cause I’m at “higher risk” at that time but when I get out of work with all these other cars on the road then that a positive? This app is flawed.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, we regret to hear that you had a negative experience with our app, but would appreciate the chance to turn your experience around. Please reach out to us at so we may assist you in moving forward towards a resolution. Thanks!
  • This app thinks playing music is considering using your phone

    I hate this app, while it tracks if you are “good” drive and it’s very subjective. Of course I play music from my phone to my car speakers when I drive but apparently the app tracks that as using my phone even if it’s not on. Literally would give me a subpar score when at the end of the day it will mean I won’t get a deduction on my insurance. I don’t understand how this apps tracks if you’re using your phone or not. When it’s off or when it’s idle playing music? Like do I need a separate device to play my music now, and that’s even more money I need to spend? It’s nuts, my insurance made me download the app so I can get the car insurance.

    Please for god sakes fix the app. It’s useless if it’s going to record inaccurate data.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, we regret to hear that you had a negative experience with our app, but would appreciate the chance to turn your experience around. Please reach out to us at so we may assist you in moving forward towards a resolution. Thanks!
  • Horribly Inconsistent App

    I had a drive with no alerts/icons on the map and got an 73. The next drive I got two alerts/icons for medium acceleration and medium breaking but I got an 86. This happens literally every day. The results in the app are a crapshoot. I really hope my insurance company doesn’t use the app to determine rates because they’re going to have a lot of issues and potential lawsuits.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, we regret to hear that you had a negative experience with our app, but would appreciate the chance to turn your experience around. Please reach out to us at so we may assist you in moving forward towards a resolution. Thanks!
  • A quandary

    No matter how I drive, I cannot get above 67 for safe driving and even if I don’t touch my mobile the score is 95. Perhaps if I left the phone home I could get a score of 100; but then my driving wouldn’t be tracked , so that won’t work. Guess the adage that nothing is ever perfect applies here.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, we regret to hear that you had a negative experience with our app, but would appreciate the chance to turn your experience around. Please reach out to us at so we may assist you in moving forward towards a resolution. Thanks!
  • Not really accurate

    If you download this app, do not let kids touch your phone or your Bluetooth radio. My radio is basically a mirror image of my phone. I was dinged for using my phone because my child was changing the music on the radio. The reality is you are using this app because you have to, so just don’t let them have the phone or use someone else’s phone for the radio. Weird things lower your score. It knows it is sensitive because usually a good score is green, however, I have a 56 in smooth driving which is negatively impacting my score yet that part is green. I have a green score in driving but I wish it would tell you before you start the sensitivity of the app.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, we regret to hear that you had a negative experience with our app, but would appreciate the chance to turn your experience around. Please reach out to us at so we may assist you in moving forward towards a resolution. Thanks!
  • A con

    App doesn’t work as it should, only as intended. Rather than making accurately track you performance it’s designed to limit your discounts. Also if you don’t use it they will cancel your policy, so if you’re privacy oriented, say goodbye as they know your every move.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, we regret to hear that you had a negative experience with our app, but would appreciate the chance to turn your experience around. Please reach out to us at so we may assist you in moving forward towards a resolution. Thanks!
  • Horrible app

    This app is not accurate. I never break heavy and it still gives me low scores regardless for breaking heavy. I contacted them and they told me it’s an ongoing issue and most likely because NJ roads are horrible. It also takes off points if you drive at busy times of the day which in most cases you can’t help because of your work schedule, dropping kids at school etc. It’s a faulty app and it should be reliable when it comes to deciding how much money you’re going to have to pay.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, we regret to hear that you had a negative experience with our app, but would appreciate the chance to turn your experience around. Please reach out to us at so we may assist you in moving forward towards a resolution. Thanks!
  • Unrealistic

    App is horrible. How it rates your driving is unrealistic. Time of day is flagged constantly. 3:30 in afternoon when I get out of work is not safe according to the app. States to drive at different times. Tell me what the safe times are. Drive later I get flagged I don’t get it. Have a 92 on cell use. Not accurate. Should be 100. I never use my cell when driving. Smooth driving a 65. Haven’t had an accident in over 35 yrs. If this causes my insurance to go up I’m looking for new insurance. Ridiculous!

    Developer Response

    Hi, we regret to hear that you are displeased with your recent experience with our app. We'd like the opportunity to discuss this with you. Please reach out to us at at your earliest convenience to discuss how we can turn your experience into a positive one.
  • Very inaccurate app

    App is very inaccurate to say the least. When i installed the app, i was very confident my careful defensive driving will surely give me a good score. I couldn’t be more wrong. Not only does it rate low for things beyond my control like low score for driving certain times of day, it also never gives you a high score on smooth driving, even if you drive like an old person. I decided to test the app by driving in a straight empty road driving at a super slow speed, I literally let the car make a complete stop without pressing on the breaks, yet i still scored low on smooth driving. Im very interested to see what driving score the app developers will get. If your installing this app to bring your insurance price down I highly advise against it.

    Developer Response

    Hi, we appreciate your honest feedback, as we are always looking for ways to improve. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Thank you again for taking the time to let us know how we can improve. When you have an opportunity, please reach out to us at so we can try to restore your confidence in our app and business.

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