User Reviews: YUBI 2.0

YUBI 2.0
YUBI 2.0

Top reviews

  • The worst !!!!!

    So I’m supposed to use this app in order to lower my rate. You guys need to fix this ASAP.. How it’s I don’t even touch the phone and it always shows I used it. Driving smoothly how do I control the roads, bumper etc.. again low percentage.
    Driving at 25 mph and never gives me 100%
    If you guys up to monitor ppl driving at least work on this app. Its not accurate at all!!! It’s Horrible! HORRIBLE!!!!
  • Not worth the discount!

    This app is poorly designed and the ratings are not valid. If you plan to ever use your break pedal, do NOT download this app. It literally deducts points from your score for just slowing down/stopping, no matter how smoothly you do it. It’s like the app expects you to just continue rolling until you naturally stop without using the break! It makes me anxious when a light turns yellow or someone pulls out in front of me because I know my score is gonna suffer Also, I never touch my phone while driving (it’s always out of site and on driving mode) and I still have never once gotten a perfect score for phone usage. In addition, if you drive during rush hour, at night, or long distances then you’re screwed because the app negatively impacts your score for all 3 of these situation.
  • It reads situations incorrectly

    I got two complaints about the application:
    1. I drive a non luxury car and road bumps or road damages(holes/patches) are felt. The app translate it to non smooth driving, I tested it on 1.1 mile drive that was a smooth as you can get it - got 62/100 score.
    2. It suppose to measure the driving itself and not the locations you go to, collecting the where you are driving and sending that info is unnecessary and to me considered invasion of privacy.
    If you can fix those 2 issues, I think I’ll be happy with the app.
  • Inaccurate and stupid

    This app is very frustrating. You can drive so perfectly and it still says you are not driving smoothly. It detects things that who knows what it’s talking about. Very stressful and inaccurate and frustrating.
  • The worst app I’ve ever had to deal with

    I don’t know who designed and created this app, but they need to be taken out back and shot!!

    It is the most useless and difficult app I’ve ever tried to use

    and just plain doesn’t work

    It freezes up all the time and for the two months that I’ve had it I haven’t been able to get it to work once!!

    What’s worse is that Plymouth rock does not call me back with Technical Support after repeated calls for help!!!!

    And now they threaten to take away my discount for having signed up for it and they just haven’t helped me one tiny bit!!
  • Discounts

    Did anyone receive their discount after completing the requirements in the app?I was paying about 250$ then added roadside assistance to make it 270$ roughly. After completing the app I was looking forward to my discount so I called my insurance company PlymouthRock and they told me they already applied it when i first got my insurance. They told me this 4months later when i completed the requirements. How did they apply the discount instantly when the app say you have to drive for 4months or what ever the time frame is to get the discount. I’m still paying270$ a month so where is the discount ??
  • A terrible app

    The app is a total mess. However here are the advantages and disadvantages: Advantages (benefits): It shows you the routes you have been driving and gives you the option to select if you were driving. If you are a privacy concerned person, then this accounts as a disadvantage! It also shows you how often you drive (the time of the day) and where too! You can treat it as a challenge to improve your score and drive more safely, however regardless of your safely driving, you can not beat beyond certain points! Disadvantages: Most of the scores are incorrect! For example, You never touch your phone, but still score is not 100. Instead between 90-95! why???? Doesn’t matter how carefully and safely you drive, the smooth driving is low! I think the app assumes that you need to use break from a mile away! Or keep your speed constant throughout your journey regardless of bumps or traffic lights or change of speed limits! Totally wrong!!! If you use your car in prime times, automatically your score goes down! Working night shifts, the score even get worse! I use this app as part of my car insurance (Plymouth Rock assurance), but I don’t recommend using it at all. Thanks.
  • Frustrating

    I’ve never written a review for an app but I want people to know how this app is.

    I live in a rural/suburban type area and downloaded this app bc my auto insurance would deduct money if I use it.
    I drive a few miles to work and back & I drive safe- I have young nieces so I’m used to being very careful. I even have a full cup of coffee in my car on my way to work in the AM and it doesn’t spill. I know I’m safe.
    You can drive the safest you ever drive and you’ll still get points deducted that negatively affect your score, things that aren’t even in your control. I get points deducted for the roadway being bumpy, the time of day I drive going and leaving work bc it’s “prime time”, and I even was deducted points for yielding as I merged because I wasn’t driving “straight” when in reality it was a curved road.

    It is very frustrating and if you ride with someone else and forget to click that button right after, it’ll affect your score.

    The only pro is that I treat it like a game and try harder and harder to score perfectly bu its frustrating bc I can’t control the roadways or the time of day I drive. I shouldn’t be negatively affected for having a normal 9-5 job or that my taxes are high yet our roadways aren’t even.
  • YUBI 2.0 not good

    I downloaded the app and I don’t touch my phone and got a ok score however if tu don’t touch your phone why don’t you get a 100 . Smooth driving bad I drive like I’m 90 years old slow and careful and still got a low score it tells u u. An change when you are a passenger but not true u have to go and pause it like why ? Do not like this app. They said there is a new app however I don’t see it
  • Error

    Tried this app but everytime I put my number for verification th code/link never comes.

Alternatives to YUBI 2.0