User Reviews: Translate

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  • I haven’t had any issues…I don’t think…

    I can only speak English and recently I’ve been learning to draw a certain style for a couple of characters from a game (Bittergiggle and Sheriff Toadster, but mostly Bittergiggle, from Garten of Banban) that I really love. I’d been drawing based off of a certain artist from online to learn the style a bit and now I barely have to look at the original image to draw an adorable version of Bittergiggle. I decided to put the words in Japanese, making it look somehow even more adorable. However I do not know Japanese. So, I looked on my iPad’s apps and found this Translate app. I suppose I can only assume they are accurate. Maybe if my half-uncle (it’s a long story) from Japan comes over to visit my Nana and other family again, I can ask him if it’s actually accurate. I’m worried if it isn’t since there have been so many complaints about inaccuracy.
  • Is this app Точный?

    Ok, first of all, I don’t know if this app is accurate. So I compare also the two translations to your app to Google Translate. A lot of times, I see major differences. Sometimes I’d I type just one word to translate, I get two words. But guess what? Google DOES NOT do that. Like for example, someone go on the Apple translate and type in the word, “translate.” I see two words. If you see two words you know I am right. Type it and you will see, “ Переводить, перевести.” Like, I just typed one word. Second of all, Google has more options of languages. Add, Serbian, Bangla, Finnish, Hindi, Greek, etc… This app should be use an accurate translator to help. Second of all, when I use the microphone to speak, sometimes it paste what I did not say😡😡😡. Я ненавидеть этот переводить. Я также изучаю русский язык. Я записываю слова в конспекты и в основном использую google translate, потому что считаю, что он лучше. This translator needs improvements. You see all the negative reviews so please improve your app.
  • This app has an issue but I love it

    ᒨߎકէ 𝞈ߥηէᕦԂ էσ ᶅᕦէ чσߎ қησ𝞈 էнߥէ էнιક ιક ߥ բσηէ 𝗹 ㄷᴦᕦߥէᕦԂ ߥᶅᶅ Ꮟч ൩чકᕦᶅբ ߥηԂ Ցߎᕦકક 𝞈нߥէر էнᕦ 𝞈ߥч 𝗹 ൩ߥԂᕦ էнᕦ ηᕦ𝞈 բσηէ 𝞈ߥક ση ߥ 𝞈нσᶅᕦ ηᕦ𝞈 ߥϸϸ ㄷߥᶅᶅᕦԂ ⟆ߥբߥᴦιﺇ Ʃηڵσчﺇ ɮߎէ ߥηч𝞈ߥчકر Ꮟߥㄷқ էσ էнιક ᴦᕦ𝝯ιᕦ𝞈 𝞈ᕦ Ցσﺇ ѦᶅէнσߎՑн 𝗹 բᶅιϸϸιηՑ ᶅσ𝝯ᕦ էнιક ߥϸϸر էнᕦᴦᕦ❜ક કէιᶅᶅ કσ൩ᕦէнιηՑ 𝞈ᴦσηՑ էнߥէ 𝗹 𝞈σߎᶅԂ ᶅσ𝝯ᕦ ιէ ιբ чσߎ ㄷσߎᶅԂ բιⵋ ιէ բσᴦ ൩ᕦﺇ ⫪нᕦ ιકકߎᕦ 𝞈ιէн էнιક ߥϸϸ ιક էнߥէ ᕦ𝝯ᕦη ση ൩ч ιℙߥԂ Ѧιᴦ 𝗹 ㄷσߎᶅԂη❜է Ցᕦէ ιէ էσ էᴦߥηકᶅߥէᕦ ߥᏏકߎᴦԂᶅч ᶅσηՑ ߥηԂ ՑιᏏᏏᕦᴦιકн էᕦⵋէક કσ ϸᶅક բιⵋ էнιકر էнιક ߥϸϸ ιક કσ Ꮟᴦσқᕦη̻ 廾ᕦᴦᕦ❜ક ൩ч ᴦᕦߥᶅ ᴦߥէιηՑ⦂ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Just wanted to let you know that this is a font I created all by myself and guess what, the way I made the new font was on a whole new app called Safari! Enjoy! But anyways, back to this review we go! Although I flipping love this app, there’s still something wrong that I would love it if you could fix it for me! The issue with this app is that even on my iPad Air I couldn’t get it to translate absurdly long and gibberish texts so pls fix this, this app is so broken. Here’s my real rating: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
  • Confirmed by an Italian

    This app has been helping me speak Italian while I use Duolingo to learn it. If I want to say something but haven’t learned one of the words yet I will put in the English and then see the translation, but if something seems contrary to what I’ve learned in Duolingo or have questions I will confer with my Italian friend. Not once has she told me the translation was wrong. In fact she explains why it’s correct even if it doesn’t make sense to me.

    I’m surprised by all the low star reviews here. Especially the one that complained that his translation of tofu in Korean came back as bean curd… ya know, considering tofu is… bean curd. 🙄

    Maybe we shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds us, it’s not even a paid app. And as far as languages go, when I wanted to learn Arabic Duolingo didn’t offer it, but I didn’t write them a bad review, I submitted a request for it. About a year later they had it available and I was thrilled. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, rather than complain about it.
  • By biggest problem with this app is

    Ok so my biggest issue with this app and basically any of the translation apps is they never give u the different options. Like with Spanish. U select Spanish but they only give you the “Spain” Spanish..not the Mexico Spanish. And if u know any Spanish at all you know that that actually is a HUGE issue.. being as the two aren’t the same. So u could say somethin in Spain Spanish and it not mean anything at all or is off.. it’s really annoying and honestly I don’t understand why the people who make the app like the ppl who speak the language they are adding doesn’t say anything or whatever to make the creator’s actually add the correct things.. I mean y’all put all this time into making the app and all the languages right? So why in the world would u basically cut it short by being lazy and not adding the ‘Mexico’ one.. it’s just really annoying and if they actually did that they’d get 5 stars..I’m being nice with the 2 stars I voted.. that’s how big of a deal that actually is and I’m not sure why no one has fixed that.. I mean I can’t be the only one who has a problem with that.. so if they don’t add that soon I’ll likely delete the app for snothoer. The only reason I’ve got this app is cuz it came on the phone wen I bought the phone from Verizon. So I figured it’d likely be the best one I could get BUT, CLEARLY I’m wrong cuz there’s better ones out there and there’s a good chance I’ll delete this one for another
  • I pay outrageous money for iPhones, because they are the best, right?

    Why hasn’t this app added more supported languages, yet? ESPECIALLY for IOS 17?! Latin should ABSOLUTELY be included, not only for personal purposes, but educational. Latin is fundamental to medical education, translation of older texts, animal studies, and so much more! And we need to go BEYOND Latin! Like dialects would be great, but that’s a lot. We could at the very least have options like Spanish (Central & South America), as well as, Spanish (Spain) as they are very different. And that’s just one example. With all of the ways to communicate globally, I would think Apple would be on the forefront of evolving this type of technology in communication. Not to mention, with all of the global migrations, be it from refugees, immigrants, people who are studying abroad, etc., it is ESSENTIAL that we are able to communicate in a sincere and meaningful manner to avoid conflict and discourse. We should absolutely be expanding on this aspect of these issues to evolve as human beings.

    C’mon Apple. We can do better. We have to. Especially if you claim to be the “best” and after the radiation issues in France? Or all of the many other issues your company has and will face as tech and AI continue to evolve. You can’t say your the best in security anymore. Pegasus proved that, even though your company tried to keep it quiet. And if you can’t step up? Then I fully support a new company that will.
  • This app is just ridiculously bad they should just delete it and leave the job to google translate

    I really can’t emphasize how poor quality this app is. It is honestly the worse app on my phone. Not only is it not user friendly it also fails to translate certain words correctly when it’s not frozen. Examples of the app’s poor performance are as follows: can’t easily edit a mistake in the words needed translated without erasing the entire message, app will sometimes only translate part of the message (I.e., 4 words out of 20), it does not detect languages, only a handful of language are available to be translated.

    Literally any other translation app is better. Don’t know why I keep bothering to use this app. You’ve let me down too many times, Apple. You can spend millions on advertising the iPhone but can’t spend a few hundred dollars paying an intern to design a better app. Shame on you.

    This app = ☠️☠️☠️☠️ I mean is is accurate? Most of the time NO. Whenever i put in something in Japanese it is most of the time wrong in mean do you even know the meaning people who did Japanese? I want to also point out how the microphone thing is USELESS. When i use it it never comes out the way i say it. I mean you should get rid of that option.
    I also wan to say i speak Japanese so i know it this is right or wrong. When i did use this i thought “ WOW these people are really DUMB!!!!!” As for now i still do think that.
    Though i may be a mere child to me kids knowing more that the people who made this app feels like i am smarter than the people who translated Japanese to english. Sometimes me and my little brother would make fun of this app for being terrible at it’s only job it has: translating. I am a type of person who don’t like it when people get the translation wrong as to me they might of said something that could insult me.

    Must I add I hope the people who owns or programs this app see this and hire a person who knows the language of what they want to translate this. If they did do that DO BETTER!!!! I child for goodness sake it smarter than the app. Also the app is like 0 is has NO PURPOSE.I hope they update this due to how unreliable this app is.

    now i have tried almost every translation app out there and after a long search I finally found it an app that’s true to its words and works in any language for any conversation from a single question to a run on sentence this app is for it and works flawlessly and I recommend that you atleast try it because ya don’t loose anything for just trying out the app worse case scenario you don’t like it ( which is highly unlikely) so then what? You just delete it, the world won’t end if it’s not for you, just try it out, it’s the best,

    Thanks for reading I appreciate you taking the time to read all of that lol have a nice day and I hope this helped😊 and remember Jesus loves and died for you and is coming back soon, are you ready?

    Happy travels! 💜🫶💜
  • Good app but has some issues

    Translate by Apple is a great app but has room for improvement. They need more languages to translate to as they only have a couple dozen currently. Using the app off the internet makes transcribe mode disabled, which is very annoying, but definitely not as annoying as the new bug which comes with the new iOS 17 update. With iOS 17, the overall layout of the app has been changed, which is not that bad, but there is a new bug when typing in letters to translate, they lag a few seconds before actually being typed in. This is TERRIBLE, considering it makes the app just laggy and unusable. But it is convenient when needing an app to translate with and therefore, although trying to decide between 2 and 3 stars, I put 3. Good app ig

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