User Reviews: Etsy Seller

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • So much harder to create listings

    There are definitely some good things about this new app, but I always list my new pieces thru the Etsy app, and this new setup for listings takes 10x longer to use- you have to individually select and edit each photo before posting, it does not give you the option to change the order of uploaded photos which is so frustrating. I also wish it would give the option to delete all the photos off a listing at once, but you have to individually delete each pic, and it just takes soooo long, so much clicking around. I wish they would streamline the process to make it easier instead of adding extra steps.
  • This must be a joke right?

    THIS is what you’ve been wasting time and money doing? A “new” app that isn’t any different than the old sellers app? As a digital seller I still can’t view a customers email on their order. Which is vital because I often have to email files to customers.

    Still missing basic functions that are readily available on competing platforms like Shopify but thanks for a copy of the sellers app we already had. Seriously you make the worst decisions, you’re going to tank this platform.

    If anything this feels like a hollow effort to say you’ve done “something” for your sellers after the backlash last year. You refuse to listen to our feedback and use it so stop asking for it. I’d rather you take the money you wasted doing this and put it into marketing.
  • Slow & Clunky

    This is currently a downgrade by all means. Menus under menus, terribly slow to upload listing photos and edit. The overall UI is confusing and the previous app layout was better. Notifications of actions pop up over buttons that need to pressed next, this slows down the user by either waiting or clearing the notification to see the UI under.

    If an app rebuild was needed for future support, keeping more of the original app design would have been better than this. The original app just needed more features from the web, the UI was usable.

    Hope the previous seller app isn’t removed until this one catches up.
  • Missing the point of an iPad?

    This app has potential and there are a lot of things I like (dark mode, better layout of stats, etc) but the UI is very minimal and it’s hard to locate things with multi step drop downs. Let me swipe between open and completed orders. My disappointment comes mainly from no support for landscape orientation on the iPad. Etsy calls out making it easier for sellers to hit targets with this new app but I can’t even use the iPad with keyboard. I don’t know why this was dropped from v1 feature requirements but it was a bummer to see. Please let us rotate.
  • It’s okay

    I like that this app allows you to print shipping labels, however I can’t request a usps pick up, so I’m still having to utilize my laptop for that. I also like that I can record videos. I don’t like that I can’t do custom variations. I use that a lot with my vintage items to ensure people agree that they have read the item details- it prompts them to go back & read if not, to ensure they are aware of what they are buying is vintage & what condition it is in. It’s progress, but still needs to be improved. Currently using the old app, this app, plus my laptop. It’s a lot to keep up with.
  • Terrible UX, Lackluster features…

    I have only been selling on Etsy this year, but I was easily acquainted with the original seller app. I appreciated the favorites notifications, especially as a new seller, and being able to click through to view profiles of those who engage with your shop. The dashboard view was excellent and having stats separate was fine too.

    The new app is such a mess to me (as a designer it’s painful to use). The ONLY feature I like is the live shop preview and ability to add videos. Otherwise I don’t get it. Why remove favorites notifications? Why bury favorites and shop engagement in the middle of the 4th tab as if that’s not an important part of the shop? Why did you remove “views” from the dashboard? When editing listing photos you cannot rearrange them up or down bc the app thinks you’re still scrolling down the page. I’m going to add the original app back again and just hope Etsy doesn’t delete it. For ppl who use the app for shipping and love the new version, maybe Etsy should just make it “Etsy shipping” and give the old app back to everyone else.

    Developer Response

    Hello there! We appreciate this feedback you've provided. Your feedback is how we decide on future improvements for the app, and we've already shared it with our product team. We have updated the app and we hope you spare some time to check it out and give us a feedback once more. Stay tuned as well for further updates to the app as we fine-tune things and incorporate what we’re hearing from you! You may also reach us out here: ( for further concerns.
  • Still needs major improvement

    I’ve been using the old seller app for the last 4 years now, and have recently decided to try this new one out. There are definitely some “new features” that the old app didn’t have before, such as being able to now cancel orders in the app (before, you could only cancel on browser), or now categorizing orders by dates, etc. There’s a little bit more stats, and of course, the explore and discovery pages. However, there are still a lot of glitches and some features that were omitted from the old app, so I have had to go back and forth depending on what I need to do. For example, the old app allows you to add private notes to orders - the new app does not have this feature. I have found that the spacing and text is sometimes altered or jumbled together in the new app, but fine in the old one. All in all, I think there needs to be a lot more improvement on the new one for it to work seamlessly.
  • Unnecessary App

    I guess Etsy decided to launch this subpar app and wait for feedback and reviews to make update that would make it a functional app. Just strange that Etsy is not an expert in how their buyers use the system, as this information wound have helped them build an app that is necessary. Overall not sure why they did not just update the Orange app.

    Cons: cannot print international labels. Cannot print labels in bulk. Cannot update shipping date, if you need to delay the shipping and notify your buyers. We still need to use our computers. App is not user friendly or attractive in layout.

    Etsy, we do not need 3 apps!!! All was necessary was to update the Orange app.
  • inaccurate, redundant, shall i go on?

    i really don’t understand the point of adding this app.. there’s a sliver of things that i can do easily on it that are maybe harder to find, or not features on the other app, but then just add it!! or make it easier to find!! redesign the old app or something, because they’re way way too similar to be two different things. im also noticing that on every page, & between the apps, there’s completely different numbers relating to my views, visits, link clicks, etc. i have no CLUE what’s going on in my shop at any given moment because everywhere i look, i’m being told something different. i usually look at the line graph because it seems to be the most accurate, but even then, it’s not updated consistently. maybe that’s the problem between all of them, that they update at different times, but all i know is i won’t know what my numbers look like until the next day most likely, then i can see what happened. once again though, even THEN sometimes the chart is lower than another number so i don’t know which to believe!!!! im really annoyed with that, mostly. any other minor bugs are sugar ants compared to the hornet of nothing being clear & accurate. also, once again, just take this app off the market. make the changes you want to make to the old app, add new features, whatever. im keeping them both for now to get a general consensus of what my numbers MIGHT look like, but seriously, do better etsy

    Developer Response

    Hello there! We appreciate this feedback you've provided. Your feedback is how we decide on future improvements for the app, and we've already shared it with our product team. We have updated the app and we hope you spare some time to check it out and give us a feedback once more. Stay tuned as well for further updates to the app as we fine-tune things and incorporate what we’re hearing from you! You may also reach us out here: ( for further concerns.
  • Pointless - merge the apps into one!

    Why do we have THREE separate Etsy apps now, why do I need to download one for selling and another one for buying and now *another one* for…What exactly? Printing a single label or receipt at a time which just wastes paper for me? Please Etsy just stop, every month there’s some new ridiculousness going on that makes it increasingly more frustrating being an artisan using this platform. The previous seller app has more functionality please just focus on upgrading that one, heck merge them all into one it’s ridiculous that I can’t buy and sell without having multiple apps downloaded. Other digital marketplace apps don’t make you download and swap out apps every time you want to use a different basic function.

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