User Reviews: The Conqueror Challenges

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  • Five Finished, Just Started #6

    When our gym closed during Covid, I did my first Conqueror challenge. I started out with an easy one, 90 miles of Hadrian’s Wall, just walking each day around the neighborhood. Surprisingly, I finished it in only three weeks and knew I wanted more of a challenge, so I did the Camino DeSantiago, then the north coast of Scotland, then the Pacific crest Trail which was definitely the longest, and I just finished walking the length of the UK. I wear an Apple Watch which records my steps or miles of bike riding every day, and I input that information into the app on my phone each night. My medals are proudly displayed in our house, and I think these challenges are extremely motivating. I’m going to be walking or biking every day anyway, so why not reach for a big goal like this? I also really like the idea that trees are planted or plastic is taken from the ocean, and I would recommend Conqueror to anyone — in fact I have done that already many times. And by the way, I am in my 70s. Anyone can do this, because you go at your own pace. Thanks, Conqueror, for developing this program!!
  • I would give full recommendation

    The Conqueror team is fully committed. They travel to areas that are in the challenges. They communicate with the group in social media. They communicate with challengers one-on-one to help with questions.
    The medals are so lovely and real weighted items. When they arrive in the mail after completing a challenge, it makes you feel every bit of the accomplishment you earned! The challenges offered are different levels, the time to accomplish is adjustable if life interferes with completing on time. The history of international regions and trails during the challenge makes it a unique experience. Best of all is the emotional support and comradery within the community of challengers. People from all over, every walk of life offering empathy and support as you accomplish your goals at your pace and level of fitness. The cost is not overwhelming but what is gained far outweighs the cost.
    Thank you to The Conqueror team and the family and friend challengers 🫶
  • Fun and Motivating

    The challenges have been a huge motivator for me to keep pushing each day. The app makes sure that I have a way to see how I am doing and continue to push. The encouragement and sense of satisfaction when recording and effort into the app and easily see where I came from to where I am going and want to go makes it that much better.
    The function from signing up for a challenge, to determining what you want to record, to recording, seeing the progress and the postcards or places, then finishing and quickly being able to get your medal shipped is great and seamless. Couldn’t ask for a better process.
    I really enjoy tracking my history as well. If you are looking for something to push your self to meet your goals, the Conquerer Challenges are for you, and the app helps add to that experience.
  • It’s so cool to visit these places and walk a path virtually

    Look, I don’t typically write reviews. This app has helped encourage my exercise habits over the past few years. I’m able to upload common exercises like walking, running, biking, swimming etc thanks to a conversion table to equate it to their miles/kilometers. Because swimming a mile is only a mile per distance but generates more cardio than walking that same mile.

    This also means I can do my momentum flow/fire spinning and figure out an appropriate distance for the time I spend doing that. The community is wonderful and inclusive, there’s groups for all kinds of personal situations and if you don’t find one that works for you - you can start one.

    I’ve done a few challenges so far and intend to do more. As a bit of a history/lore nerd I just recently started the Lord of the Rings challenges and look forward to their completion. Bit of a tip, don’t shoot for the longest distance ones straight away unless you already get a ton of mileage on a regular basis
  • Great Motivator and Lots of Fun

    I love this app! Whether I’m doing a challenge on my own or with my family as a team, I’ve enjoyed the process. The challenges allow me to “see” the world while helping me to stay motivated to be active and do something good for the environment. I freely admit that exercise is not my number one priority and staying active while fighting extreme fatigue through cancer treatment is a struggle but the Conqueror Challenges help me to keep going as I see progress even if it’s just a little. I love the versatility of adding any kind of exercise I may do even if it’s just housecleaning or gardening; it doesn’t have to be some heavy muscle workout or marathon walk/run.
    The Challenges are beautiful and interesting with the postcards with lots of interesting facts, pictures/videos and city views. They make me want to go see the real thing! And the medals at the end are beautiful, very good quality which makes me want to show them off.
    My family and I have really enjoyed this app with its no pressure, go at your own pace challenges. I even get a t-shirt for the ones I do by myself. An extra “prize” just for me. Each challenge is totally worth the money and I recommend it to everyone.
  • Can Exercise Really Be This Fun!?

    After an accident, I stopped exercising. I could not find anything to hold my interest or motivate me to move; that is until I discovered The Conqueror Challenges App. The advertisement for LOTR caught my attention and downloading the app kept it. The app is incredibly easy to navigate. There are just the right amount of buttons to get you where you want to go simply and fast. You can even go directly to the Conqueror Community of over 210k members with one click! The community is the most supportive, motivating group of individuals you would want to meet. You can connect most watches and devices that measure distances to the app or you can enter your distances manually. There are maps, postcards, movie snippets to keep you motivated on your journey. Oh and medals!! The medals are spectacular. If you have been on the fence about joining a challenge, I hope this inspires you to try The Conqueror Challenges. I am glad I did.
  • Love the Conqueror Challenges

    My first experience with virtual challenges was their Lord of the Rings Virtual Challenge and now I’m in the Return of the King Virtual Challenge series. The beauty, workmanship, and attention to detail on their medals is truly impressive! I loved being able to form a fellowship reinforcing the value of friendship and working together like in the books and movies. It was easy to sync my Fitbit to their app to automatically record the miles I walked every day. I loved their environmental action of planting a tree or stopping 10 plastic bottles from entering the ocean for every 20% of each challenge completed. I enjoyed the stories and postcards along the journey that were based on the LOTR films. I can’t say enough about their exceptional support if needed. The 2 times I needed their help (when I was learning how to access certain info on their app and also form a fellowship), they responded within 10 minutes with the answers. I was so impressed! The Conqueror Community is also very positive and supportive. It was such a motivating and positive experience for me as you can see since I’ve signed up for more!

    Many years ago, my goal was to walk a half marathon. I started training and the day I had to walk 7 miles. I knew that I would never be able to walk a half marathon. I have had many knee issues over the years and putting that m that is difficult to measure, as well as in aerobic swim class, etc. any miles on my knees for training and the actual event would not be smart. I was thrilled when Facebook sent me the suggestion to look into The Conqueror app. I was overjoyed to be able to work at my own pace and still get metals. I am now on my sixth one and really love the process. From the postcards to planting of trees to getting the bibs in my email, I love the whole thing! This is an outstanding company and it really keeps you motivated!
  • Perfect for me

    I was just walking the neighborhood now and then. I wasn’t really motivated and needed to find something that caught my interest. I found the Conqueror challenges and thought I would try it. I gave one to my sister too so we could do it together. We started with the Amalfi coast. The apps street views are beautiful. I love seeing where I’ve gone that day. Now we are doing the Inca trail. I have a friend who has really walked it and it’s now something we can talk about. My nephew was in Cairo years ago so naturally the Giza pyramids are next. I love this app!! Never before would I think it would have been possible for me to walk all these miles and actually be excited to get out there and do it. Plus the medals are awesome. My sister said what are we going to do with all these medals. I told her it was the first one I’ve ever received in my life and I’m putting mine on my mantel. ❤️ (I’m 70 years old)
  • Great way to have fun getting active

    I found the Lord of the Rings challenges and being a nerd who needed to get in shape bought the pack to start trekking the ring on my peloton to Mordor. The app experience follows the movies with postcards and clips from the movie as you take the journey with Frodo and team. I started with the walking portion and quickly shifted to the biking mileage for the journey. I know some people are skeptical of the virtual journey for medals, but I have put in over 1600 miles in 2022 and earned four medals and am taking the last journey to dump the ring over the next four weeks. My wife got intrigued and has started doing them and we are planning to customize a 2023 team challenge. The app will track the miles you ride, walk, swim, whatever through the phone health app, which is synced to my watch. Doesn’t get any easier to track miles and have a little fun getting healthier and losing weight. I’m down about 12 pounds over the year and feel much healthier as a result. Thanks to the Conqueror team for putting this together and making tracking exercise fun and interactive.

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