User Reviews: Aventon

Aventon: MyRide
Aventon: MyRide
Avant Enterprises, Inc

Top reviews

  • Requires log in.

    The app requires a log in to connect to your bike through Bluetooth, but you cannot use the account you made to buy the bike. The app logins and web logins are separate, but you also cannot use the same email used to create your online account.

    That’s just silly. Either separate the databases so I can use the same email and different passwords, or merge them so I can just have one account.
  • New version does not sync with Level 1.0

    Not at all pleased with this version. Tracking my distance is the only feature I use and it’s completely broken. The app worked flawlessly last year until Aventon stealth patched my display’s firmware with a “fix” to the overclock “bug”. Since then, every consecutive version of the app has gotten worse with respect to connecting and tracking my rides. What’s the point in using it if it won’t track something as simple as distance travelled? Maybe there’s something else out there that does a better job…

    Love my Aventon bike, hate this app!!!

    Developer Response

    Dear emgbeeker Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns regarding the Aventon app. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced and understand your frustration with the recent changes. We've continually optimized the ride tracking feature in recent updates, resulting in increased user engagement. While we can't guarantee it's entirely bug-free, we're committed to openness and active improvement. Your feedback is valuable in our ongoing efforts to enhance the app. Thank you for the opportunity to improve.
  • 2 years with Aventure - bike is a beast

    I generally don’t complain about mundane things like app sync and the like.
    What’s important to me is performance, stability, reliability, and quality.
    My 2022 Aventure has all of that. I’m an aggressive rider and have had to ditch or risk getting injured or ran over by a car. This bike has taken a beating and I mean that. It won’t quit; even with a uneven battery position, it still fires up every time. The ONLY thing I have an issue with is the brake performance. I could do with an upgrade to the hydraulic braking system. The name eludes me at the moment. Other than that; I would buy this bike anytime, anywhere. For what $1800 I think it is now; no brainer.
  • Big changes, no notice

    What happened to the ride maps in record? All I see is a bar graph with not legend to tell you what the colors mean. Map while riding is much more detailed, looks great. I use the app daily while riding, gonna take a bit to get used to. Would be nice to tell us about the changes in the app description, not just a generic ‘update’.

    Developer Response

    Dear User, thanks for your invaluable support and feedback regarding Aventon. We are delighted to inform you that the issue you highlighted has been successfully resolved in our latest app update. We warmly invite you to explore the new and improved Aventon app and embark on a more enjoyable and seamless riding experience. We hope your journeys with us continue to be delightful.
  • Handles well on gravel so far!

    I haven’t been comfortable or very confident riding a bike on gravel roads for many years because of an accident in my youth. Thus far, my new Adventure 2.0 e-bike handles gravel really well and my confidence while riding on gravel is building! I look forward to taking it out for a spin when we’ve got some snow this winter as well❄️🚲 and most definitely in the spring!
  • Surprisingly inadequate

    Only one page in this app updates. The page with your current readings. But there is a medal page where you’re supposed to get a medal for your first 10 miles. And that doesn’t work. Nothing else on this app is useful for a rider and there are better apps to follow your ride and draw information from.
  • Freezes up, fails to record trips

    The app has a function where you press “go” to start recording your trip details. Once your done with your ride, you press “stop” which ends the trip recording and is supposed to log the trip. The app locks up while recording so that you cannot stop the trip recording thus you lose all of your trip data, it’s log that you even took the trip. I’d say about 50% if my trips are missing because it locks up when recording a trip.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your invaluable support and feedback regarding Aventon. We are delighted to inform you that the issue you highlighted has been successfully resolved in our latest app update. The new version allows user to minimize the "go" page while riding. We warmly invite you to explore the new and improved Aventon app and embark on a more enjoyable and seamless riding experience. We hope your journeys with us continue to be delightful.
  • I love my Adventure.2 but…

    There are some things that should be updated with a patch. The black screen on the controller is terrible for riding in the sun with sunglasses. It makes it impossible to see most of the information. I haven’t gotten a phone mount yet, but I shouldn’t have to. Why can’t I select the color I want my screen to be? Black at night would be perfect, white during the day perfect. Maybe they switch as I turn my head light on.. cmon guys, for the price of these bikes we can sort these things out. There’s not much to the app. The “reward” system is lacking. It works with the settings on properly though.
  • Great bike, weak app

    I have an Aventon Level.2 and while the bike is great, the app for Aventon is not great at all. First off it doesn’t record my entire for me to share. I mean sure it auto records but not when I hit the go button, it’ll work for about 10 to 15 minutes. Thank God for my Apple Watch and the fitness which gives a more accurate description of my rides. This app needs some major improvement, luckily the bike performance makes up for it.
  • Buggy app, or malfunctioning bike?

    Not sure if it’s the app or the bike itself but I bough it brand new from a second hand retailer with it under warranty. The app keeps saying it can’t pair with my bike and then spams my screen constantly stating “having trouble pairing Bluetooth”. So I have to unpair the bike then delete the app. Takes away the fact I can make my bike a tier 3 bike. The bike is limited to 20 mph and without the app I can’t raise that limit.

Alternatives to Aventon