Fun and customizable!
The Best????
Response from developer
Glad to hear you are enjoying NeuralPlay Pitch. Thank you for your review. The deals are not biased to any seat. It is just luck. We play on levels 1 and 2 for a relaxing game. Levels 4+ use an advanced Monte Carlo Simulation AI. Roughly, this deals many hands of the unknown cards and plays them to the end, trying each legal play (or bid). The best legal play on average is chosen. This results in some good plays on the higher levels. And of course a few bad ones too. We are continuing to work on improvements and have made some recently. Please check out our recent update.
Love the customization
Response from developer
Glad to hear you are enjoy the game play. Thank you for your review.
Lots of fun
Love the play back features.
Some suggestions for improvement:
Configure to allow bigger symbols for the suits on the cards played. Can be difficult to distinguish clubs from spades for these old eyes.
Configure the time before removing the cards from a completed trick. Often can’t catch the last card played.
For rules configuration, it would be great to have a rule that junk points are allowed except to win. Must make your bid, and only gets points for the bid - no extra points. That would match my local rules.
Response from developer
Glad to hear you are enjoying NeuralPlay Pitch. Thank you for your review. And thank you for the helpful suggestions. We have a game speed option. This may help. It will keep the trick displayed longer before the completed trick is removed. However, it will also slow all the other animations down too. We will look into adding a separate slider to configure the trick display time. Or perhaps an option to keep the trick displayed until a tap on the trick. The “On reaching game over”, must bid to win setting will make it so one cannot win with junk points. However, the junk points are still added to the score. When you play are junk points added up to the "game over score - 1" points? Please send us some more details about your local version at We would like to try to add these options. Thank you again for your helpful suggestions and feedback.
Love it, but
I’ve tried deleting and re-installing several times to see if you’ve made upgrades or improvements yet.
Response from developer
Thank you for your review. The default option is that low point goes to the player who captures the low card in play. You can adjust this in settings and start a new game. It is likely this setting is confused. In case settings are confused, try going back to our defaults with Main Screen - Menu - Reset. If you still see the problem. Please contact us at
Love it, but
2 jokers (ranked below the 2)
Any chance we could get the 2 joker option?
Response from developer
Glad to hear you are enjoying NeuralPlay Pitch. Thank you for your review. Interesting option. We are continuing to add new options. We will add the two jokers below the 2 option to our list to work on.
Take it to the next level.
Only complaint;
Sometimes the ads are buggy. Occasionally, they do not load or they stop. This causes the user to close app/restart. Game is lost.
Response from developer
Glad to hear you are enjoying NeuralPlay Pitch. Thank you for your review. Thank you for the multiplayer suggestion. It is on our list to do. We apologize for the bad ads. We are working on removing them and improving the ad-based experience.
Pitch game
Dumb! Dealer gets stuck and bids 3?
Response from developer
Thank you for your review. We are working on improvements.
Great Game
Response from developer
Glad to hear you are enjoying NeuralPlay Pitch. Thank you for your review. Also, happy to hear that you were able to customize the rules to the way your family plays. The variety of the rules that are played with Pitch makes it a lot of fun.