Bermuda Adventures User Reviews

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  • Fun!!

    I really like this game! There’s both ad focused ways to gain energy as well as in game ways to replenish energy. The only suggestions I would have for the developers: the temporary expeditions are quite difficult to complete on time even if I dedicate all my energy to the tasks, and secondly, I wish I could continue upgrading my house even though I’m max level! Maybe up to 120 or something.
    Also, you guys just made the game easier by reducing costs for a lot of things! I appreciate it, but I didn’t think it was necessary. :) great job guys!
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  • Buggy and Blocked

    I enjoyed this game for the first few days. However, at a certain point, I ran into a pervasive issue that caused me to quit. When harvesting items, as in many of these types of games, you use up your energy and the item is removed from the game play. However, in this game, if your storage is full, the game still let’s you harvest the item(s), but doesn’t give you credit for this. There is no warning/nothing to block you from harvesting the resource, using your energy and coming out of the action with nothing. I realize that this is meant to incentivize you to upgrade your storage, but when that is blocked by resources and there isn’t a way to sell resources in your inventory, it is very frustrating.
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  • Cute game, but broken. Also, inappropriate ads

    This would be a good game if it worked and if the ads were honest. When I opened the prize booth, it wouldn’t let me go back to the main game. Would like to see this fixed. Even more concerning is the ads for this game that show up in other games: one shows a (probably nonexistent) divorce court scenario that isn’t appropriate for kids; another even less appropriate ad shows the husband character shoving his wife out of an airplane. Violence towards women is not a joke and definitely shouldn’t be where kids can see it. Start being honest (and more wholesome) in your advertising and more people should play this game. Thanks for reading.
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  • Pay for play at it’s worse

    First, let me say the game is beautiful. The graphics are fantastic and the story thread is good enough. It’s truly fun.


    It’s EXTREMELY expensive and I don’t mean just real dollars. I’m talking game bucks/diamonds and resources! You don’t get a free drop of energy unless you pay for it. And it doesn’t last. You have to keep paying per season. I haven’t figured out what they call a season yet, but it doesn’t go a long with any calendar. The energy reloads as you use it, but of course not that quickly. It wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t use so much. You can blow through 200 energy in 10 minutes. Yes, there are free drops of energy, but they only get you so far. You can make food, but it doesn’t go far either. Three ears of corn (plus other res) nets you 1 grilled corn for 10 energy. Must be that new math because I don’t know how 3 gets you 1. You think using 100 energy to chop down a big tree will net a lot of wood. You’re lucky if you get 5. In a side quest to get olives off a tree you need marble (!), tree bark, and algae - no not 1 each. You get 1 olive off the tree and you need 4. I blew through about 100 energy on the marble alone. My point is that unless you buy a pack of 1000 energy every day or 2, you’ll get no where. It’s very frustrating.

    Fun game but frustratingly expensive. Not worth the time and effort. I don’t recommend.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thanks for your feedback! Energy planning is a key part of the gameplay, which is standard for games of this genre. We believe this adds complexity and interest to the game. Our team continues to add various ways to get energy and other resources in the game for free, so that players have more options to replenish their resources. The ability to purchase various bonuses is also present in the game and, unfortunately, the game would not be able to develop without it. However, we do not in any way force players to pay - the game is completely free to play. The Season Pass is similar to the Battle Pass in other games. Usually it is timed to coincide with some holiday (New Year, Easter, etc.) or an event in the game. When a Season Pass is released, you can see its duration in the corner of the screen. After the current Season ends, the next one will begin soon. We hope we were able to answer your questions. Thank you very much for your feedback! We will definitely pass it on to our developers for further consideration. Have a nice day!
  • Getting worse as time goes on

    Been playing this for a long time, loved it for quite a while. Recently it bombards you with at least 4 pop ups in a row asking you to buy stuff almost every time you change screens. And upon return to your main island you’re now forced to watch an ad in exchange for a measly 5 energy points which is just a huge waste of time and not wanted. As this game changes with every update it gets more annoying to play, which is just sad. It is not necessary to spend money on energy and now you’re constantly harassed about it.
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  • Money Pit!

    I’ve been playing for a long while now. I cannot even add up all the money I’ve spent (dumb of me, I know). My biggest problem is that when I first started they gave you the option to watch a few ads to help with energy and diamonds, then that option went away. A few weeks ago it came back and I actually liked being able to watch a few ads for some energy or diamonds. I understand that in-app purchases are optional but with no other way to get energy or diamonds I wind up buying just to finish a quest. This game has gotten so greedy, most games give a few freebies here and there as an incentive, not this company. They even limit the amount of chests they set out so that you can’t even use the keys you get from quests completed. The items that come out of the chests are things that you sometimes need to finish a quest and because there are no chests to open up, you’re stuck. Get it together!
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    Developer Response

    Hello! We do appreciate your opinion about the game. In-app purchases enable you to speed up your game progress. However, it is entirely possible to play Bermuda Adventures without buying. Our team continues to improve the game by adding opportunities to earn useful bonuses for free. We will forward your notes to the related department. Thank you!
  • They want you to spend lots of money

    I gave up playing the main tasks on the home island a long time ago because it just cost WAY too much energy to be able to do any of it. I had just been playing all the side games. Well, they have now made it impossible to win if you don’t spend a ton of money on the game!!! I just bought 1300 energy and I couldn’t even complete one task!!! They wanted me to “invite the monkeys.” It takes 40 energy to cut down one tree for bananas. It takes 5 trees per monkey to get enough bananas. Well they have monkeys all over the island, so I was feeding them. Turns out that they weren’t the freaking monkeys I was supposed to be feeding!!! I literally wasted all my energy trying to complete the task and didn’t!!! It is a rip off!!!! I will not spend another dollar on this game.
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  • Energy goes to quick and takes forever to restore unless you buy

    I don’t begrudge anyone from making money, but nor do I want to spend lots to just play for an hour here and there. I’ll just get on for 5 minutes and energy is gone, which means I need to buy but I am not going to buy for energy that goes that fast. Also in order to make food you have to find one element, and the grass to find the onion in isn’t always there so wasting energy just to find an ingredient to make food for energy. Kind of a waste of time unfortunately but I’ll play when my better games are refilling in less time, those games I’ll purchase from because they are worth it. Hey if you like to waste money like crazy good for you, this game is good just not worth money in my opinion and I wish i could play it more.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! We highly appreciate your feedback. We've forwarded your notice to our developers for further consideration. Reviews from our players motivate us to make the game better. Thank you!
  • Stuck on an event island

    I have been stuck on an event island since yesterday morning. I clicked on the mail and tried to enter the new event island but it doesn’t completely load. It looks like it is stuck on what was supposed to be a leader board that never completely loaded. All it says at the top of the screen is tasks rewards and leader board then at the bottom is says the amount of time that is left on the event. There is no X to close this screen and I can completely reboot my phone and the app but it still brings me back to the same thing like it was never closed.
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  • Okay Game

    I like the game and events features, although kind of upsetting that events will show up and then stop allowing me to play them once in a while like the weird new merge one they just added and I put a ton of energy into just to have it disappear the next time I opened the app.

    But overall a pretty cute game and decently made. Wish the app tracked ad watching so you didn’t get the pop up ads if you watch ads frequently because I use the ad features a lot just to get a pop up right after 😅

    I’ve been playing for a few months so it’s definitely something fairly addicting and expandable.
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