User Reviews: MTNTOUGH

Top reviews

  • Variety, challenging, engaging, constant updates

    I’ve been an athlete my whole life. I’ve done CrossFit, functional workouts, 20+ years of ultra running, Ironmans, backpacking in wild places, etc.. all that to say, I constantly am on the look for something that provides a meaningful balance to my endurance-driven athleticism. MTNTOUGH is one of the first programs I’ve found that truly challenges all parts of my body. It’s December 24th today, I started with MTN Tough in May doing MGDs for 4 months before moving into KB20 and then Sandbag 20. I love the versatility and I’ve seen the results. I’ve never been a physically strong person. I can run 100 miles, but I couldn’t lift 50 pounds over my head and carry it. That’s changed. And it’s made my whole body stronger. As a full on endurance junkie, I’ve found a meaningful and challenging way to build strength throughout my body. And in a way that positively impacts my time in the mountains. Whether you’re a hunter (as this was originally built for) or somebody like me, this is an incredible way to build meaningful strength to get into the mountains.
  • Get on board

    There may actually be too much information on the site for some ;for those willing to put in the time to find what they want this is a library of workouts. Wether starting back up from zero or jumping in as an elite athlete. It has definitely helped me get back on track and improve my overall fitness for my construction work. As an owner operator at 52 years old I needed to get muscle back on my frame to save my joints and connective tissues. I recommended this to everyone I talk to about getting in shape. Give it a try, you only get the one body and quality of life in the golden years is predicated on being fit enough to enjoy them. I’ll let you know how my hunt goes. I live at 9000 ft elevation in a camper I found the coached no equinox routines doable in my space during winter, have moved on to the gym foundation, and will continue the work. Thanks MTN Tough Crew!
  • 6’5” Mountain Goat

    In 2018 my buddy smoked me in the mountains of central Montana. Going into that hunt I thought I was prepared…He knew that he was (shout out to MTNTOUGH!) His lanky build and mental strength were coupled with MTNTOUGH training. #DANGEROUS!!! Well, when the gyms closed in early 2020 I knew that I needed to find another way to prepare for my DIY archery elk hunt that fall with my dad. At that moment fall 2018 memories flooded my brain. Of course! MTNTOUGH. It was a no brainer, and I’ll never look back. I broke through some barriers mentally and physically and I was able to be highly productive while at 8,500’+. Furthermore, the MTNTOUGH vision that I shared with a friend at church (the day before I started my first 30-30) caught and spread like wildfire. That group of men continued their own group the following year and we met at the Grand Canyon in November of 2021 to reward ourselves with a two day R2R2R hike. With more men each year, they repeated the same routine in 2022 (albeit without me, since I was overseas). MTNTOUGH has inspired many people in my circle. It started with Scott handing me some humility in 2018. Thanks Scott!!! Thank you, to everyone on the MTNTOUGH team for providing this phenomenal service in a way that even while I’m separated by the pond I can still reap the benefits. Always Ready! Stay Strong. Stay Dangerous. To God be the glory! God bless y’all.
  • Game Changer

    I come from a long history of working out. From preparing for sport in high school and getting ready to deploy with the 82nd Airborne as a combat medic. I have always been physically fit. Once I got out of the military and started a family I lost my passion and desire to be fit. Now that my kids are older and are noticing dad being tired or cant play tag for long, I decided something had to change. I wanted a workout plan that was extremely challenging but also easy to follow and complete. MTNTOUGH hits all the boxes for me. Not only are there workouts super simple to follow, they hit every aspect of becoming fit and staying safe. From warm ups, workouts, cool downs, mobility, metal health, nutrition, hunting, to spirituality, this app is an all encompassing body, mind, spirt workout plan. If you’re looking to change your entire life not just your body. This app is for you.
  • Doesn’t get much better than this.

    If you’re looking for a challenge, engaging, and fun way to improve your overall functional fitness this is how you get after it. You get tons of variety of movements and combinations designed and demonstrated by real doers for people who want to be fit, not just look fit. Simple and easy to follow instructions and videos make this program approachable no matter what your fitness level, goals, or experience and no matter what type of facility and equipment you have available (or none at all). It’s great if you travel a lot and sometimes only have a hotel fitness room and plenty of the workouts can be done anywhere. I started recording my workouts in the journal to build a picture of progress over time to understand my strengths and weaknesses. Also shoutout to the mobility programs, simple no nonsense moves for building and growing a solid foundation!

  • Much More than Just a Killer Workout!

    I’ve been a dedicated MTNTOUGH user for several years now, well before they released the app, and can’t say enough positive things about the programs and community they’ve put together. They are a truly inspiring group that continue to push the envelope forward physically and mentally.

    The workouts are always killer. From no gear/bodyweight, to minimal gear, to full gym programs and workouts, there is a challenge to meet anyone wherever they are in their own fitness journey. Clearly a large among of time and effort is put into structuring each workout and every program. If you put in the work and consistency, you will achieve amazing results.
    Beyond the workouts, they provide a wealth of content covering nutrition, exercise form, and mental toughness.

    They continue to innovate by putting out new programs and content on a frequent basis. Even on a daily basis with the minimal gear daily programming.

    The amount of value you get for the cost is incredible. Following these programs has so many positive impacts and spill over effects into all aspects of your life. They will make you a better version of yourself, and most importantly, a better influence to everyone in your life.

    I highly recommend MTNTOUGH to anyone looking to push themselves and elevate to the next level!
  • Something for everyone

    Really enjoyed this programming. I’m not a hunter or athlete. Certainly not great at any workout, but prob not the worst. There is a lot of need for improvement. I’m 43 yr old, and work as a police officer. I’ve been working out 5-6 days a week for about 15 years and I’ve recently found I was not making any progress, and bored with the workouts. The last 7-ish years has been CrossFit style, and just throwing workouts together. I needed a change. I did a week of the Minimal Gear Daily, and I just finished KB20. Today is day one of KB Diesel (and it was a great workout). The MGD would be great if you’re traveling, in between programs, or just want some good workouts everyday. The other structured programs are creative. KB20 really gave me some focus. The programming has given me a reason to show up everyday and put the work in. If you’re on the fence about it (like I was), I highly recommend you give it a try. If I can offer a recommendation to the crew, please continue to put out new programs. I have not been paid, compensated, or compelled to write this review. It’s my honest feedback. And I can count on one hand how many times I’ve left an app review. I usually don’t do it.
  • Game changer!!!

    I’m about a halfway through my free trial and have decided that I will most definitely be a paid subscriber when it’s done! I’ve been utilizing mostly the mobility and mental toughness programs as I’m an unfit middle aged father of three daughters that allowed himself to get physically and mentally unfit. I had a decent background of working out and had a physical fitness regimen when I was younger but just fell out of it when kids and work became more important. I never thought I would have enough time or energy to get back into it, but if I’m not healthy physically and mentally then I’m no good to anyone anyway, especially myself! MTN Tough has just got a way of invoking a sense of urgency back into a fit and healthy lifestyle. I’m predominantly a Public Land Hunter in the Midwest and although I might not be scaling mountains, I’m constantly climbing trees in my saddle and hauling 30 pounds in my pack as far as my legs will take me into the Whitetail woods. Thanks to MNT Tough, I am confident I will be ready to tackle any adventure and adversities that will come my way in the upcoming season! Thanks MNT Tough!!!
  • Variety, challenging, engaging, constant updates

    I’ve been an athlete my whole life. I’ve done CrossFit, functional workouts, 20+ years of ultra running, Ironmans, backpacking in wild places, etc.. all that to say, I constantly am on the look for something that provides a meaningful balance to my endurance-driven athleticism. MTNTOUGH is one of the first programs I’ve found that truly challenges all parts of my body. It’s December 24th today, I started with MTN Tough in May doing MGDs for 4 months before moving into KB20 and then Sandbag 20. I love the versatility and I’ve seen the results. I’ve never been a physically strong person. I can run 100 miles, but I couldn’t lift 50 pounds over my head and carry it. That’s changed. And it’s made my whole body stronger.

    As a full on endurance junkie, I’ve found a meaningful and challenging way to build strength throughout my body. And in a way that positively impacts my time in the mountains.

    Whether you’re a hunter (as this was originally built for) or somebody like me, this is an incredible way to build meaningful strength to get into the mountains.
  • No Excuse

    I am a 63 year old woman, who lost her hiking/walking buddy to old age (my 14 year old pup) last year, and couldn’t make myself go much without him. It’s amazing how quickly I got out of shape. So my son recommended MTNTOUGH. I started last May with Sarah’s Bodyweight videos. Did them every other day, twice through. Moved on to her Minimal Gear workouts. Did those twice through. My husband and friends are beginning to see results. Then on to Minimal Gear Foundation every other day. Just finished that last week. Now I’m repeating Sarah’s Minimal Gear series. All fantastic workouts that I can do in the privacy of my own little house. I also started doing Heather’s Movement series, and it feels great!
    I thought at first that I wouldn’t need some of the movements in my average every day life, but ALL of them are proving useful…. Picking up and playing with my granddaughter; lifting heavy boxes from the top shelf in the closet, gardening, vacuuming, and even hiking off trail (which I never thought I’d do).
    This has been a fantastic workout for this old lady! I’m looking forward to exploring more of the MTNTOUGH programs!!!

    Developer Response

    Thank you for leaving such an incredible review. We are honored to have you on board and are proud of the effort that you continue to put forth. We can't wait to see your continued progress!

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