User Reviews: Affinity Photo 2 for iPad

Top reviews

  • Horrible Interface

    I don't care about price at all. The problem is that the UI is incredibly unintuitive, far worse than even GIMP. It took be a couple of hours to get fluent in using the previous version, but I can't make any sense of this new one. It's quite unfortunate that we're soon about to lose this one alternate to Adobe we had.
  • Just Purchased Affinity One, Now This?

    Not a stable alternative to photoshop. I literally just purchased Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer…. the first version. Now before I was really able to use or learn the first version, I am suppose to pay another $100 for the second one? No discount for existing purchase either. That makes me feel like this is going to happen again and again. Paying over $1000 for an iPad with then $400 in apps to then be charged more than double for the same program makes me want to go back to photoshop for good. Photoshop is expensive, but so is this crap.
  • Not bad, but not that great either

    Everyone is talking about the new UI and how it is so much better. Well, yes and no. When it takes me ten minutes of searching online to figure out how to open a file in my photos into the app, that is a pretty big fail since I start off irritated. Then there are two different exports on menus right next to each other, strike two in my first use.

    That being said I think I will eventually like some of the changes but IMHO they need to really pay attention to the basics first. If someone can’t figure out how to even load their first image without a google search, somebody dropped the ball.

    Still better than being continuously robbed by adobe do there is that.
  • Great Program

    Professional level for a modest one time price. Of course you could get Adobe and pay monthly forever. A no brainer - Get Affinity.
  • Disappointed

    I liked the software but I am definitely bummed about loosing access to this product just because they came out with a new one (version 2). I understand the reasoning behind this change but I don’t support it. In my opinion they could provided options like ones below

    Option 1:
    1. Keep version one either on app store or another way to allow customers to still be able to download/install.
    2. Provide a separate version for anyone who is willing to make a leap and try latest version

    Option 2:
    Provide free upgrade to anyone who purchased the app in last 6 months, along with ability to still access version one for anyone who purchased the app more than 6 months ago.

    Personally, i’d be content if I can still use version one and decide to make a leap to version 2 at a later time, but that should be a decision that I as a customer shall make. No customer would appreciate the forceful approach to buy a new version or loose your money (since there is no way to access version one).

    I hope they fix this or i’ll have to consider other options.
  • A Real Non-Entitled Review

    I don’t get the complaining for paying for this new version. The current price is minimal for what we get in return. The devs need to make a profit to keep going. Affinity Photo is packed with so many features. People will pay higher yearly prices for much less value offering apps.

    That said, I think there may be so many features that it makes it a challenge to navigate this software. There is a pretty big learning curve for it.

    I’m not a fan of Adobe’s sub model, but it Adobe products are much easier to navigate and use, in my opinion. Unfortunately, I’m still stuck with the monthly sub model, but I really want to be able to switch to Affinity Photo some day. Even though I’m not using it, I don’t think it’s fair to give such low rating. The huge amount of feature offerings makes this a great app for it’s price.
  • Love the new version

    I‘ve been trying out all the new features since the day it came out.
  • Unfair other reviews

    This summer Affinity said something was coming they release a new product once every 5 years. If a new video game came out people wouldn’t complain they had to buy it but this product is better then version one and will have 5 years of support
    If you chose to buy version one in the last couple months don’t blame a developer for charging for a new product after 6 solid years of no charges. It’s unfortunate you were late to the party but that’s just the software world. If you just bought version one then don’t buy version 2 until it has more features, they will more than likely do another sale next black friday
  • Focus Merge capability misrepresented

    All right, before I get to my VALID gripe I want to say that some of these other reviews are so outrageous and entitled that I’ve ADDED a star to my review to balance it out. That said, the fact that there is no sources panel after a focus merge is INFURIATING because the website says it’s there and NOT a desktop only feature. PARTICULARLY because this is the device that would MOST benefit from the feature. And it’s CERTAINLY powerful enough. Make it make sense! Also, there a bug where the brush adjustment sliders are too large on the screen if you rotate the iPad and don’t properly resize until the iPad is laid flat.
  • Stabilizer adjustment

    Really really eye pleasing software, feels like you guys are really serious about iPad version, however I just don’t know how to adjust the stabilizer for brushes, before it will appear on a little window next to it and you can type a specific number, but now it is gone and I don’t know where to find it.

Alternatives to Affinity Photo 2 for iPad