User Reviews: Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Misleading & often contradicts itself

    Biggest thing is this is the cry it out method no matter how you look at it. Putting your baby in a crib with you present or not and let them them cry till the fall asleep is cry it out and there is a lot of research that this creates issues emotionally and developmentally. Besides that the contradictions that this gives is insane! 1. They say to cap naps at 2 hours but will often give me a suggested nap over 2 hours?! Makes no sense. 2. They say early on you can do just sleep training and napping later or whenever, then at the end of the articles it says that you need to do the method with naps as well? Which one is it? 3. It says in the FAQ “I’m putting my baby to bed at 8pm is that too late?” And it says “yes, you don’t want it later than 7/7:30” but it suggest a 8pm bedtime for my 4 month old every day. This alone made me decide not to even attempt their sleep coaching approaches as I can’t trust them. We instead decided to do drowsy but awake and if she cries for longer than 1-2 minutes we pick her up re assure her then when she’s ready put her back down. In about 4 days she started putting herself asleep with little to no crying and she didn’t feel like we were just leaving her alone (in a chair next to her or not) save your money and get a different program!

    Developer Response

    I'm really sorry you feel this way. I do want to be clear that our app is not the cry it out method, we offer a range of methods that differ in parental involvement from bedtime routine fading (where you are 100% present in the room supporting your baby physically) to things like pick up put down (which it sounds like you are using right now) and many more. Our goal is to provide the guidance and tools to parents so they can choose what will work best for their baby and family. It's also important to keep in mind that the app is balancing many things, for example while a 7-7.30pm might be ideal, for some families that isn't practical - so if they need or say bedtime is later on the sleep quiz we try to accommodate that in the schedule. Don't forget your subscription includes the ability to 'ask an expert' and reach out to a pediatric sleep consultant for any specific needs too. It sounds like sleep is going well for you now which is great news! 💤
  • Not for our kiddo

    The functionality and knowledge base is great but the algorithm didn’t seem to be our speed. It often told us to reduce naps to an extremely short length when he had a bad night of sleep which just made everything worse. It also seemed to be insisting on two naps when it turned out 1 nap is working much better for us. It was some of the worst sleep we had in months. We tried it for 1.5 months before giving up. Maybe it works better for younger babies. Ours is 15 months now and is sleeping better with a different schedule than the one this app seemed to be stuck on. *edit* I did reach out to one of their sleep experts who responded within a week and was very thorough. They landed on it being a behavioral habit. Unfortunately at that point I was too strung out to continue with this particular program, so I would recommend reaching out earlier than I did for help.

    Developer Response

    I wish you had reached out via ask an expert to have adjustments made, sometimes a few small tweaks can make all the difference and this service is included with your subscription!
  • Disappointing

    Really disappointed with this app. I thought I would give it at least the week-long trial period but didn’t like it. When I tried to cancel it turns out they had already billed me so now I’m stuck with it. My biggest issue is there seems to be something wonky with the AI when it comes to the suggested sleep schedule. This app recommends a long morning nap for my 12-month-old daughter and short afternoon nap, and based on this a suggested bedtime of 7:30 pm. But she is in daycare and they do an hour-long morning nap and two-hour afternoon nap. For some reason a longer afternoon nap makes the app suggest she go to bed at 6, which is when we eat dinner … I thought it may recalibrate after a few days but it hasn’t. She gets groggy around 7:30. So this sleep schedule portion is completely useless. Some of the content was helpful but at least 75% is information I knew. And there has been nothing to assist with her disdain for her crib. I feel like this has been nothing but a waste of money and I wish I never subscribed.

    Developer Response

    Our team are here and ready to help you with all of this - reach out via the app (help / ask an expert) and Mandy and her team will be sure to get this resolved and make sure the app works for your family!
  • Great app, HIGH price!

    I tried this app out of desperation. All the mom groups in the world couldn’t help me figure out hot to get my baby to nap for more than 20 minutes or sleep at least one good stretch during the night. This app fixed that within two days. I recorded every nap, sleep and started to feel like things would get better. I started to notice my baby’s sleepy cues more when it hinted a nap should be soon. The trial ended and we just cannot afford any of the options! One month over $20, three months almost $80 and a year is $120 something. As a low income, full time student, none of those options work unfortunately. Maybe $15 a month would be nice. I’ll be looking for a new app, but hopefully I can apply what I’ve learned so far and not rely on an app.

    Developer Response

    I'm so pleased we were able to help you with naps after such a short time! I am sorry you feel the app is expensive. After the 7-day free trial our annual subscription is just $10/month or $0.33 per day - since the app grows with your baby and helps you through the more than 20 developmental leaps that impact sleep in the first 12 months - this is really great value vs other available solutions out there.
  • Not for our kiddo

    The functionality and knowledge base is great but the algorithm didn’t seem to be our speed. It often told us to reduce naps to an extremely short length when he had a bad night of sleep which just made everything worse. It also seemed to be insisting on two naps when it turned out 2 nap is working much better for us. It was some of the worst sleep we had in months. We tried it for 1.5 months before giving up. Maybe it works better for younger babies. Ours is 15 months now and is sleeping better with a different schedule than the one this app seemed to be stuck on.
  • Overpriced. No 1:1 with sleep couch.

    I wanted to like the app but I’m hugely disappointed and having buyers remorse. After purchasing the 3 month subscription I did everything according to the plan for my little one. I feel that there is more approaches than just the standards that there is. My baby didn’t do well with the chair until she slept backing it up slowly out of the room. She also didn’t do well with going in reassuring. Step out and wait for protest. My husband didn’t even like that term. “Protest”. I’ve emailed for the sleep couch for questions and haven’t received a reply in almost a week. I wish this app had guarantee if it worked or get your money back. Glad it works for some but not all. I just had to keep telling myself “every baby is different but this app isn’t flexible”.
  • Premium price for a very budget app

    I really regret paying for this app, but they prayed on my desperation at 3am with a wide awake baby.

    Has my baby’s sleep improved, debatable, but I’ve only used it for 5 days. My problem is with the usability of the app though. It’s slow, it’s not intuitive, I’m constantly getting error messages, I have to take 10 steps to do something that feels like it should only take 2. When we’re talking about an app I’m paying premium money for and using multiple times a day, this is extremely important.

    If I had just taken a few extra minutes to look for app alternatives I would’ve found Napper earlier. This is a much better priced app, and it is significantly better designed. Which is why I am counting my losses and switching to that one and will not look back.

    Developer Response

    This is unusual, and certainly not the experience we want you to have with our app. This could have been caused by a number of things, but also could have easily been resolved by our support team had you reached out - and don't forget, your free trial (and your subscription) includes access to a pediatric sleep consultant! If things don't work out with your current app, please do consider coming back to us! I'd be happy to help you with any sleep issues you are experiencing! ~Mandy, Pediatric Sleep Consultant
  • Great content but too costly

    This app is really well done. The sleep tracking works well and you can add feedings too, but both of these things can be done on other free apps. The sleep training component was really helpful and encouraging, there is lots of great helpful content and it provides parents with reassurance during a difficult time. There are different sleep training methods offered depending on whether you want to move quickly or slowly and how involved you want to be in reassuring and training your baby. All of this info is readily available online but it is nice to have it in one place from one trusted resource. However, all that being said I think the cost for the app subscription is much too high. It feels like taking advantage of desperate sleep deprived parents. I think the app is excellent and deserves to be paid for, just not at such a high cost. I would pay up to $10 one time or $5-10 monthly but not more. This was my 3rd time sleep training a baby, so I was already familiar with all of the content, but if you are new to sleep training then it might be worth the cost of the monthly subscription. I tried out the free trial and it is great but I won’t be continuing with the subscription.
  • Worth it

    My 6 month old baby was waking several times a night and napping no longer than 30 minutes mostly only when we were holding her. After two weeks of using this app, she’s sleeping mostly through the night, falling asleep independently, and today each of her three naps were over an hour in her crib. My baby is noticeably happier and so are my husband and I. I don’t think I’ve ever paid more than $1.99 for any app before this or reviewed anything but this is worth it. So user friendly and easy and encouraging to follow.
  • Saved my sanity

    I was skeptical about this app bc of the price, but I am so relieved and happy with it. My boy is 8 months old and was waking 5-7x every single night since he was about 3 months old. I was desperate. The first night he woke up 3x. After a week we are down to 1x a night. It tracks your baby’s sleep and tells you when they should be going down next. I did think there would be more readings/resources, but honestly now that my baby’s sleeping I am happy.

    Developer Response

    We are so pleased we could help you with your baby's sleep! We are constantly adding to our knowledge center so expect those resources to keep growing! Wishing you much more 💤 ahead!

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