User Reviews: Clarify

Top reviews

  • Don’t waste your money

    I’m a Fabulous app user and loved how it was set up. It really helped me get centered throughout my day until I could do all the things automatically. I was excited when the ADHD app came out as I am always learning how to externally manage my lack of executive functioning due to ADHD. After two weeks of content the ADHD education stops and you are back to choosing from the same journeys and coaching from the fabulous app. There are daily group chat questions but it’s the same questions just asked in a different ways. They wouldn’t give my $40 back saying that was the cost of the app for the full year. I don’t need the app for a full year if you only get two weeks of content associated with ADHD. So now I have paid for premium fabulous and clarify and they are basically the same. Disappointed and frustrated with the creator. There is so much more you can do with this app. It’s a shame you released it before it was ready. I was told more was coming. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Until then I recommend saving your $40 until they can produce a full scope of content.

    Developer Response

    We understand your disappointment and frustration. We are actively working on content creation and considering improvements to the features you mentioned. We suggest that you keep an eye on our updates, as we are constantly working to improve the experience for all our users. The Fabulous Member Care team.
  • Not adhd friendly

    So I tried the fabulous app for a bit and saw that they had an adhd app too and tried it out. 100% waste of time. Essentially makes the mistake that every adhd app/planner makes and basically just says “do the thing” without any incentive or accountability. Seems more like a glorified day planner and I felt that the quotes for inspiration were a bit much. Very self-help vibe that sounds great in theory but doesn’t actually help. I was also a bit weary going into it trying out the free trial but was a little comforted by the fact that it said they will remind you when the free trial is coming to an end bc duh adhd people forget. Guess what never came? The reminder to cancel the free trial. Got billed for it and had to contact apple for a refund which is way more work than I wanted to do. The app is not user friendly either I didn’t see any place to cancel the subscription I had to go through apple for that as well. Very confusing and frustrating trying to navigate all of this.

    Developer Response

    We're sorry that Clarify didn't meet your expectations. We understand how valuable your time is and are working on improvements to make the app more adhd friendly. We apologize for any confusion or frustration caused. The Fabulous Member Care team.
  • Good in theory

    I like the idea of this app, but there are things that just don’t make sense to me—such as not receiving any kind of notice when your “deep work” timer ends; the music just keeps playing, and if you’re actually in “deep work” you shouldn’t have to be glancing over at the timer every five minutes to make sure you’re on task. I almost missed taking my kids to school because I assumed I would know when the timer ended. Also, the whole “do something within 5 seconds of it entering your brain” is the exact opposite of what I need—my problem is that I’m constantly bouncing from one thing to the next. I’m going to keep trying it, but I’m not sure it’s worth the money—especially if you already have the Fabulous app.

    Developer Response

    We understand that the timer feature of the app might not be ideal for everyone and appreciate your feedback. We are continuously working to improve the app and make it as helpful as possible for our users. If you have any further feedback, please visit our Help Center at where you can submit a request. The Clarify Member Care team is here to help.
  • Incredibly frustrating!!!

    I’ve been diagnosed and dealing with ADHD over 30 years. I’ve hoped to find help in Fabulous apps, but find them overwhelming and extremely rigid. There doesn’t appear to be any way to correct answers to questions asked, and then I feel I’m getting forced into tasks that are ill-suited or confusing. When I attempt to exit these flows and find a way to start over or adjust…there aren’t ANY options!! This Clarify App in particular is the MOST frustrating as it doesn’t even allow me to access my profile!!!!
    I found the Favulous app overwhelming and was hoping this specific app for ADHD would work better for me. It started out promising but ended with greater frustration than the actual Fabulous App. Maybe it’ll work for others, but all these apps did was discourage me further, not help.

    Developer Response

    We understand that the Fabulous app didn't work for you and we apologize for the frustration caused. We are always looking to improve our user experience and welcome your feedback. If you have any specific questions or suggestions, please reach out to our Support Team at The Clarify Member Care team.
  • Great app for managing ADHD

    I’ve been a subscriber to the main Fabulous app for almost a year now, and I originally started using it to help manage my ADHD. Thankfully I’ve been able to manage my ADHD quite well lately so this app did little to improve my ADHD after a week of using it. With that said, I would still recommend if you’re struggling with managing your ADHD because it’s more targeted for that. Otherwise, I would recommend just sticking with the main Fabulous app because it has similar content and you definitely get more bang for your buck.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback! We're glad you found Fabulous helpful in managing your ADHD. If you have any more questions or issues, please visit our Help Center at The Clarify Member Care team is here to help.

Alternatives to Clarify