Tumblr User Reviews

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  • Brand New Review

    I’ve reviewed before but gave it the same rating. Before Tumblr was a mess because of their bad coding — crashing after a little while of use, GIFs and images refusing to load almost constantly, videos not playing correctly, the list goes on.

    But the new algorithm for detecting NSFW content to be “kid friendly” when it was never meant to be a website for kids is lazy. Staff are condescending and don’t listen to the user base. Not only that, but a large portion of users are here for nsfw content. I understand that there is legal trouble and it’s not necessarily tumblr’s fault, but what is their fault is not doing anything about actually illegal content and instead punishing everyone whether they were involved or not. Porn bots are still rampant, neo-nazis and white nationalists and pedophiles are still free to roam while artists and content creators suffer greatly from the way this algorithm works. Up the age requirement to be on and keep your safe mode thing, it wasn’t perfect but it was way better than getting my post removed for having a single pixel of skin tones visible on a selfie or a piece of innocent fan art.

    The only reason this isn’t one star is because I’ve been using this site for years and years and it is honestly my favorite social media platform. It’s niche, doesn’t invade your privacy, and has a lot to offer within its user base. It has so much potential wasted by a terrible management.
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  • Ya messed up bru

    All ya had to do was get rid of the bots but no you mess up the whole site.
  • Horrible Management

    This website does not care about its userbase—only its own image. When the website gives examples of allowed content that could be viewed as explicit (such as breastfeeding women, ladies protesting while topless, and surgery images), it flagged the examples on the staff’s own posts on the matter. Preferring to flag first and then examine later, as sort of ‘guilty until proven innocent’ policy on adult content. At one point, you could bypass the bots searching for adult content from pornbots by tagging your posts with #sfw, and the pornbots swiftly took to doing so to avoid getting taken down. They briefly censored some of the minor tags with adult content but I have other, more popular tags, avoid being locked away from view even when those tags had way more pornographic content to sfw content than the censored tags. Everything I have said so far is factual, and I have seen it happen. I am not exaggerating or lying.

    They’ll keep actual adults from seeing adult content (While the concern for children bypassing those restrictions is valid, outright keeping anyone from seeing adult content is ridiculous) and censor nsfw accounts but they won’t ban obvious white nationalists hurling slurs around or ban harassing stalkers even when presented with multiple points of evidence of said harassment and stalking.
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  • Censorship to the extreme

    Censoring female skin and discriminating against a large portion of its user base all in the name of making a little extra ad money. Yet the porn bots, spam bots, and nazis are all still able to post in full swing.
    “Breast” is a blocked tag but “white supremacy “ is not (and has ads on it?!?)
  • Awful Update

    I have used tumblr since 2009, and it has become clear that its staff do not have their users best interests in mind. Remove the racists, the homophobia, the child pornography. But removing consensual, safe, personal adult content is absolutely ridiculous, it benefits no one. Bots with all kinds of crazy links are still allowed to post, censorship free. And to censor simply “women’s chests” is nuts. As a society we will never normalize all chests until things like this stop happening. Staff is targeting the wrong groups/people, no one asked for this.
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  • A terribly coded and moderated cesspool of Nazis and racism

    After being removed from the App Store for child pornography, tumblr staff has decided to moderate their platform for the first time by banning all nsfw content. However, “nsfw” content is automatically flagged with a terrible coded and ineffective bot that blocks anything from pictures of Garfield to posts made by the official staff themselves. Meanwhile, pornbots are still rampant on the site and staff has made no attempt to moderate hate speech and extremism despite YEARS of complaint. It is easier to find Nazis on tumblr than it is to find a picture of a black person. Tumblr doesn’t care or listen to their user base while actively promoting racism, extremism, and genocide.

    If somehow that still appeals to you, tumblr entirely fails to function as a social media app. There are no notifications when you receive messages, images rarely load on mobile (god forbid gifs), and even on a high-speed WiFi connection the embedded video player fails to load more than half the time. Random posts are incorrectly flagged and blocked for pornographic content, including posts from staff itself. Developers regularly put out buggy, nonfunctional updates, and without a doubt the app is in a less functional state than it was three years ago.
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  • This entire app is notorious for a reason

    Tumblr has always had the reputation for ignoring user complaints about things that damage enjoyment or functionality of the app, in favour of half-assed improvements to aesthetics. Additionally, their management has for years let white supremacists, nazis, paedophiles, malware-spreading bots and bullies make as many blogs and posts as they want. The recent ban of any images of sexual nudity and its ineffective implementation (an ai filter than flags pretty much any thing and everything) raises the question - if they could have put effort into banning nipples, why haven't they put effort into banning the aforementioned harmful users?

    If you are new to this app/website - be warned. You will not be protected, you will not be listened to. Your time will be better spent learning how to program your own app. At least yours might not break every half hour and get passive-aggressive about it.
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  • Uncaring staff

    The staff of Tumblr have recently rolled out the censorship of any posts flagged as explicit. While this would be a great way to stop p*dophiliac content, n*zis, and anything else potentially harmful for other users, the system is broken and till this day (december 24th, 2018) continues to flag and censor posts that do not meet the nsfw requirement for being taken out of public viewing. Instead of content that could harm other users, the system-which is completely run by a simple bot not meant to handle this complicated of a task-instead flags posts that fit within the new guidelines. All over the site and app pictures, artwork, text posts, etc have been wrongly censored despite having saw content. Thousands of complaints have gone to staff about this issue, yet they have done nothing to help the user base on Tumblr.

    This has ended up hurting many people on the site. People now rely on websites to promote their online services-for example, an artist taking commissions to pay for bills-and have been receiving less and less exposure/traffic due to this flagging system hiding their content for others to see. Thousands of people have fled to other websites to find work due to their loss of the ability to rely on Tumblr as a means of exposure.

    Staff has done nothing to help us with the issues this new bot has been causing.
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  • The staff aren’t doing great

    I have used tumblr for longer than I can remember, dedicated an unhealthy portion of my life to it. But the Staff are about one step away from losing me forever. The blogs they’ve suspended featured consenting adults partaking on an activity they enjoyed for their followers, who wanted to see it. Not my kind of thing, but in 99% of occasions, I didn’t see it, and I was perfectly content knowing that other people were enjoying their own thing.
    The one’s they’ve left up? Feature actual Nazis, with all the racist, xenophobic and disgusting views and content that those entail. They feature inappropriate, illegal content which causes harm to children, and bots which spread this content across the site. THESE are the issues that needed to be combated. And yet they’re the blogs that still exist.
    Staff have, not for the first time, alienated a larger chunk of their user base by making an ill-informed, unnecessary decision without ever consulting the people it would harm. Let’s hope they consider listening to their users while there’s still a few left.
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  • Staff Need to Fix Problems

    Tumblr has been my go to social media for years. It’s got great content, a solid community, and a platform like no other.
    Unfortunately, however, every time there seems to be a problem with the software or people breaking community guidelines-staff again and again fail to address it in a way that is effective.
    An example of this is the newest update. For a while there had been issues with tumblr allowing child p0rnography, and there were countless “porn bots” (fake tumbler accounts trying to sell porn and spread virtual viruses, etc.). To fix this problem it was decided at all nudity and specifically female nudity will be banned. This is a big issue for veteran users, as they wanted the illegal and annoying porn targeted. Tumblr is one of the only platforms that allow female and male nipples to be shown without being flagged as in appropriate-something that was important to many of its activist users who believe that female nudity shown should be help to the same standards as appropriate male nudity (if guys can post photos shirtless, why can’t girls?).
    The new changes have been very disappointing, and rating this app low is the only protest that the staff of tumblr will care about since it is in the public eye. I hope our voices are heard, and the platform we all love is properly taken care of.
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