Tumblr User Reviews

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  • Reverse the nsfw ban

    You guy are sexists and incompetent. You were the one of the few good platforms that didn’t treat the female body as inherently sexual. Now you’ve accepted the normal sexists behaviour of everyone else. STOP DELETING BAD REVIEWS
  • Thank u, next update

    The new font and colour scheme of this app is killing my eyes. However, if the last 5 years of being on this hellsite have shown me anything it’s that the staff refuses to listen to their user base on complaints so I guess we can all look forward to eye strain 🙃
  • I used to love tumblr

    I’ve been using tumblr since 2010... my best friend put me on to it. I’ve been on and off for a few years now since i graduated high school. The app used to be good but now it’s just annoying. Still has funny post and is very informative but i hate the auto-reload feature. Since i don’t get on often, i like how i can scroll til forever without getting bored or seeing the same thing... but if i were to screen shot and send the funny or motivating picture to my friends or boyfriend, it refreshes as soon as i get back on. Small issue but highly annoying, i end up just not coming back for awhile again. Instagram i think is the only social media that doesn’t automatically reload. Yes you took away the NSFW content due to child pornographers which i 100% agree, get rid of the creeps! BUT to get rid of all nudity even if it’s pictures that are tastefully done or meant to be seen as art and not porn eh.... i think there should be a filter process... tumblr was great for expressing and exposing talent and creativity. You can’t put a limit on that. I don’t want porn back, but i don’t want my pictures being taken down because of an exposed nipple. Tumblr just not the same. People that were on before ALL the many many changes, know what i mean. Tumblr was a different outlet from your regular instagram or Twitter... it felt more private.. it felt more free... a place for creatives.... now it’s just.... blah. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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  • Constant Hiccups

    I spend the majority of my time on social media on Tumblr by a long shot, but the app is just barely useful. New issues pop up rather frequently, the newest of which being that I continuously get notifications for one of my blogs even when logged into another account, I've logged out and in to both numerous times to try and fix the issue but it hasn't worked.

    I never use the Tumblr app to actually make posts, it's near impossible to format if you like using html in your posts, small image sizes always get messed up and enlarged without fail, saved tags barely ever appear... It's just a big mess. I use the Tumblr app for checking notifications and that's it.
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  • Incompetent Garbage

    Look I’ve been on tumblr for a while. But in recent years its gone downhill and its not getting better. The recent changes to the community guidelines would have been fine, if things had been implemented properly. As it stands, they’ve given us a broken algorithm which flags sfw posts as being sexual or adult content. Posts like photos of mushrooms or drawings of bears. The actual issue - the rampant pornbots - is still prevalent, because tumblr has done nothing to fix it. Sfw bloggers are being affected by this, and marking your posts to be reviewed does nothing, because they are not reviewed by a real person and are instead put through the algorithm again.
    This buffoonery needs to end. Either hire competent programmers to run your website or cut your losses. You are driving away your userbase. Tumblr is barely more than a laughing stock and the only reason people are still using this app and website is because there are no viable alternatives.
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  • Upset

    Bring back adult content
  • cant view my own blog

    love this app but i cant even view my own blog anymore because it “may contain sensitive content” i worked very hard on it and idc if others can see it but i should be able to especially if i’m 18+ :/
  • Obscene sponsored posts

    Against my will, Tumblr just served me an obscene ad for penis enlargement. It had pictures of penises on it.

    When they banned pictures with skin tones, it was to make room for ads like this, I suppose.

    Tumblr’s bad.
  • It sucks

    1. The ban was a stupid and useless idea, Porn bots are even worse then before.

    2. Nazi’s are everywhere.

    3. Tags aren’t working properly, either the wrong thing shows up or nothing at all. They are all sfw by the way.

    4. Filtering is being buggy (some post with blocked tags are still visible while others with the same tag aren’t) Old post keep showing up on my dash instead of new stuff
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  • Is Tumblr a Good App?

    Once. Amidst all the screaming and can't evens it was a nice app. It did what it was supposed to do. You could run multiple blogs for different purposes and share things with your friends. Then they said they were "making tumblr a safe place for all audiences". Which it was as long as the artists and bloggers, the dedicated users who usually did, tagged their content to keep the roadstops clearly marked. Parental supervision belongs to the parents. Your image was already tarnished by the cesspool of thought-police and angry hormonal 16 year olds taking to the site to voice their displeasure with different opinions. But it still persisted because of a loyal fanbase that liked your product.

    Dumping it with indiscriminate bot bleach and mocking the very people who made you who you are today without addressing or scrubbing the real issues was the worst thing you could ever do regardless of how functional a product it is. A site isn't given worth based on how it was built or what the automated programs are said to do for the ones who made it. It is from the ones who visit, contribute, and actively use the site. I hope everyone stops using it period and reminds you all of what that meant. Yahoo wasted their money on you.

    I don't recommend this app based on the company's treatment of its users.
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