User Reviews: Numbers

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  • Creating or moving groups a problem

    I used a black blank template. An Apple tech support creative adviser confirms the app does not allow me to create a group (insert) between created groups. The tech also confirms that my iPad has the latest updates and the Numbers app I used is the most updated version. What actually happens, is the app seems to randomly choose the location of the newly created group (either below the last group or somewhere in between groups not chosen by me. The tech agreed that the app shouldn’t do that but would not confirm if that is “normal” for this app. The tech could not resolve this issue. I welcome any instructions on how to do this task for I’ve yet to learn how to do create an “inserted group” at a desired location. The best I can do is drag that group and move it to my desired location. I will change rating of this app as I learn its limits.
  • This is my “go to” app

    I love this app! My primary uses are for a monthly budget and a daily complex TV schedule (2 households, multiple recordings, 4 DVRs+). I would love to see the following three features added: (1) the ability to click/tap on an image (or just several merged cells containing text) and pop-up a larger version of the image/merged cells**. (2) the ability to use multiple merged cells to hand write notes using the Apple Pencil (varying nib sizes, move the merged notes around and/or cut/delete like any other cell or merged cells). (3) the ability to insert a moveable and removable window (either set or expandable size, like 4 cells wide and high to 6 cells, or more, wide and high) that would accept animated GIFs and/or video clips. Features 1 and 2 are features I could use immediately. UPDATE: Feature request 3 was added in the latest update. I have a new feature request... the ability to see the history of shared access, like number of visits and date of at least the most-recent visit.

    **This would really help my friend (with poor near-vision) read the individual blocks of information on the TV schedule.
  • update 5.2.1 - Everyone Needs to hard reboot phone

    This new version appears to not be working for most people. The solution I found is to uninstall, hard reboot and the. reinstall the app. All of your files should be saving to you Icloud, but you may want to verify before you delete the app. Mine were and all of my files were available when I went through these steps. I tried several other things like just re-downloading the software, but the hard reset was required for me to use my existing files and/or create new ones.

    I don’t use the app much therefore giving it a neutral rating in the middle. My rating doesn’t have anything to do with the actual functionality as the app is basic enough for me to see excel files using my phone.
  • Works fine; don’t like the paradigm shift

    I need a lightweight spreadsheet program for calculations that calculator cannot handle. It does the job, with some annoyances. It is very easy to wreck a spreadsheet. I would give it 3-4 stars, because there is room for improvement.

    However, I hate the general Numbers paradigm shift. I mean the input modes, having to switch between numbers, text, formulas, and functions. I just want to type the formula in the cell, but I could not figure out how to do it. It takes my input as text regardless of what I do. Also, I have to double click in order to see the formula in the formula bar. The formula is also a mix of the said modes. Not a plain text formula. I cannot simply copy it and paste it somewhere else. All this is very weird and inefficient. That was almost a non-starter for me. However, because the spreadsheets I create are relatively small, the paradigm shift does not affect me too much.
  • I’d kill for MINIFS and formulas in CF

    It’s amazing how robust this app is, given that it works on a phone. The recent updates are nice; the text options are pretty, and I appreciate how a couple of months ago Apple fixed a glitch I was experiencing where the contents of my pop up menus would get deleted any time I edited them.

    There are two functions I very regularly miss in Numbers compared to options I get with Excel: a function like MINIF or MINIFS, and the ability to make conditional formatting work based on a formula rather than just Apple’s predetermined options. The lack of a formula option also prevents the ability to format a cell based on the contents of another cell.

    Bonus points if there could be an option that let me hide non-editable fields in a form.
  • Great Spreadsheet for iPad Use

    This Spreadsheet in iPad format is very easy to use for simple spreadsheets... interactive format is simple, easy to use, without the intense formula & formatting issues of the more high Power Spreadsheet of the Mac. I like it better than the Mac Format for my “Household & Recreational” Spreadsheets.

    Only negative that is a bit frustrating is the “editing” within a cell functionality ... it is a bit erratic when selecting text or insertion points within a cell. Sometimes requires selecting the Keyboard icon @ the lower right on the screen, other times insertion point directly “clicks in” where positioned similar to the way it works on the Mac & in the Pages App. When working with the Spreadsheet, I have not found a reason for this “2 options” issue for cell editing. Rating loses one Star for this issue.
  • Very Good

    I have used this app for years with my job as a baseball scout. I have designed 10 different templates for my needs and they have all been so easy to put together. With the updates sometimes it takes me a minute to think along with the app designers to be able to execute what I need, but every time it works out well. The updates, over the years, have been helpful. Really appreciate being able to use the apple pencil. Good luck!

    To the designers of this app, I do have some constructive requests for the next time you guys are looking to tweak this. It would be helpful, if it is possible, to be able to automatically save the apple pencil work instead of having to touch the screen elsewhere to get rid of the adjustment boxes everywhere. Thanks.
  • UNfrozen Headers Bug

    I am trying to convert to Apple from PC. I think it’s a good app that I would love to be able to use, but this bug is breaking my resolve.

    I do a lot of spreadsheet work. I need constant access for updating my spreadsheets and I can’t use the app Numbers on my iPhone without extreme frustration. Every time I freeze the headers, as soon as I put my cursor in a cell where I want to enter a formula “this cell = another cell,” the HEADERS UNFREEZE. I can’t get my headers to stay frozen. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to have to count column numbers and row numbers every single time I want to enter a formula in a specific spot BECAUSE MY HEADERS UNFREEZE. I can’t tell you how often I HAVE TO SET FROZEN HEADERS because THEY DISAPPEAR EVERY TIME I SET THEM.

    I have complained online about this to Apple multiple times with no result. I am now complaining here. I have been pushed to zero patience with this bug. Fix it! If the ability to set and maintain frozen headers is available and I just haven’t figured out how to make that happen, for heaven’s sake let me know.
  • Solid feature set, responsive developers

    I’m happy to update, and say that the Apple Pencil works again as a fine selection tool, the “mouse” of the iPad, with just a flip of a switch in the Settings app. Thank you to the development team for listening and adapting!

    If you’re looking for an office suite that meets the majority of content creation needs, and aren’t locked into MS Office for one reason or another, then you can’t do better than the free, Apple iWork suite. It does what it is designed to do, and does it well.

    While MS Office is utilitarian at its core, iWork’s design embraces creativity and presentation at every level. It is much easier to create something that looks good in iWork than it is in Office. I’ve created simple advertisements in Pages on my iPad Pro, and sent them straight to the printer.

    On the flip side, some feature omissions limit iWork from being a five-star product. Most, you’ll likely never run into, as they’re useful to a small group of users. Others, though, like Numbers not having a hide/unhide key command, just don’t make sense.

    Ultimately, I recommend you give iWork a try, if you haven’t already. It’s free, so there’s nothing to lose, and you may well find you like it better for your uses than some of the paid alternatives.

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  • Pencil needs a toggle switch

    UPDATE: Just noticed that Microsoft Excel for iPad has a toggle switch in the iPad app settings to turn the Apple Pencil always draw feature off. Come on Apple, please up your game. I like to brag about how much better you are than Microsoft, yet they are clearly beating you on this one (and with your own Pencil feature at that). Downgrading my 3 star rating to a 1 star rating until you fix his issue. Please do so quickly.

    ORIGINAL: For the most part, I love numbers. I use it daily. It has worked great for my purposes. But with the last update, they added the ability to draw on the spreadsheet with Apple Pencil. Nice feature but there is no ability to turn it off and use the pencil as I have been (to click and highlight/drag cells, etc.)
    Now everytime the tip of my pencil touches the sheet it draws a line. I hate that. With my iPad Pro, the pencil gave me the reach to get cells in the middle of the screen without slowing me down. Please add a toggle switch to switch between draw mode and the old functionality and I will be back to 5 stars.
    I used pencil the most with numbers and now I can’t use it at all.

Alternatives to Numbers