TED User Reviews

TED Conferences LLC

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  • Just ONE problem, but it’s SUPER annoying

    I love TED. I really want to preface with that before I continue. I’m still going to use the app, because I love the concept of TED. Conversation, connection, knowledge, growth, all great things we need a lot more of. I usually watch them on my laptop, but I recently put it on my phone. One thing I hate, and it makes me scream curse words at this app, is the search section. I will literally put in the exact name of the TED talk I want to find, and it will tell me that there is nothing under that search. I have to go to my web browser, type in the TED talk name, and then open the link that takes me to that talk in the app. You guys are a multi billion dollar organization. Please fix your freaking search bar on your app.
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  • Doesn’t work (iPhone 6)

    Never had this issue before, but this app just freezes in the first screen saying “there are two questions to answer to get started “. A few times, the app did move to a screen saying the app couldn’t refresh data (or something to that effect). Disappointing because I loved TED. 3 stars because I used to have this app years ago and loved it so much, can’t bear to give this a lower review. Hopefully it works for others!
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  • Not well optimized for iPad

    There is no option to edit your account, the Podcasts tab doesn't scroll all the way to the top, so the top three listings are halfway cut off and inaccessible, and the interface is generally not well optimized for iPad. Thumbnails are the most glaring example, just at a glance. The thumbnails for videos when you click on them is low definition and pixelated because it's been stretched out instead of being designed properly for a bigger display.

    Overall the app functions well, but the iPad design is not good.
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  • TED is my hero.

    TED talks have literally changed my life. I love everything that TED is about and the work they are doing. Everybody should watch TED talks in their free time, there is so much to learn and that’s what we were created to do. Grow, learn, and improve / help society one day at a time. I pray and hope to work for them one day, furthering their mission statement that aligns so perfectly with everything I am about. I Love TED. If you want the app, download it. If you don’t, download it anyways and wait for the day when you do. Thank me later! xoxo juliasparks
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  • TED Talks Access to Knowledge and Wisdom

    I briefly wish to commend TED Talks for having become a magnificent global forum for the exchange of ideas and ideals indispensable to humanity at this and all future stages of its profess and maturation.

    The largest forward leaps in civilization on this planet have always been directly correlated with public information, education, illumination and inspiration.

    TED Talks present an entirely contemporary means of providing that service to all by enlightening and stimulating the public sentiment, awareness and conviction by presenting individuals with the necessary access to factual realities, expert opinions, and seasoned wisdom in succinct, digested and digestible presentations of key points on the leading and most critical issues of the times.

    As the inceptors and fashioners of the breakthrough documents that created and permitted modern democracy to exist, to progress and to thrive realized and emphatically proclaimed, the progress and stability of humanity is dependent on and the product of an informed and enlightened public.

    Herein do we discover the preeminent value and serviceability of TED Talks in contributing to the ongoing provision of all these essentials to human survival, advancement and happiness.
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  • Unsurpassed

    Let yourself just wander over older topics don't just follow one thing. It is simply amazing about how many incredible people are working on complicated problems, social and scientific, and then can explain them to you in a short burst of maybe 15 minutes.
    Literally, If you could only have one program to watch this would be the one. Good wandering!!
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  • Great content, frustrating app

    Other people have detailed other frustrations and I won’t rehash the, here. But I haven’t seen someone mention the broken Picture in Picture for this app yet. I love the iPad’s ability to stick a video in the corner while I’m doing other work, and would watch a lot more TED videos this way, but I try to use PIP and the video does indeed shrink down into a corner, but then it disappears! Sound stays, but the video is gone. Please fix!
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  • POOR app execution

    I have been a Ted fan for at least 12 years. This is a Terrible user interface. You would think with “Technology” in their name, they would invest something in their product! I could go on and on, but my two most recent aggravations are (1) when in search mode you must “check the boxes” every time to select your favorites. There is NO functionality to “save” your search topics, so every time I fire up the iPad I need to re-do my searches. Unbelievable and totally frustrating that this program does not have a way to save searches on the topics I want to see. And (2), the “Trending” feature line typically has Ted talks that are 10 and 12 years old. Someone needs to inform these folks what a trend is!! And yes there is more (3) everything should “ALWAYS” be listed from “newest to oldest”. I don’t want to hear about information, news, technology, etc. that’s outdated unless I choose to do so. Really hate this APP since they “updated” a couple years ago.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for reporting a problem with the TED app. Let me first note that the date of each talk is shown just beneath the bio of the speaker, on the description page of every official TED talk. It will be formatted as [conference name]|[conference date]. We haven't been able to reproduce the problem with freezing content on our devices, so it's possible you might have encountered a problem unique to your device setup. We just released v. 6.1.1, so please try updating your app to see if that alleviates the issues. If not, you can help us out by writing in to contact@ted.com with the following information: - what type of iOS device are you using? - what version of iOS are you running? - if you have another iOS device with the TED app, does this same problem happen? - does this problem happen each time you try to use the app, or only sometimes? - can you provide screenshots or recordings of the problem? Thank you!
  • So politically left

    I used to love listening to TED talks. I loved learning of new inventions, innovative and health beak-throughs and business ideas so I decided to download the app and I chose categories I THOUGHT would be pretty similar to my interests: technology, science, design, business, innovation and health.

    All that popped up on my feed for days was a bunch of global warming, politics (all leftist views), racism topics, feminist topics and just 2-3 topics that seemed unpolitical until I clicked on them...and even those turned out to be liberal and leftist views. No longer interested! I get so sick of people virtue signaling and promoting themselves as self righteous people. I don’t need people to tell me we all have internal racism and we lack diversity when these TED talks clearly promote only one way of thinking. What a freaking disappointment!
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  • It’s Alright

    I like the fact that you can still listen to the audio while the app is closed. However, the front page hasn’t updated since I downloaded the app a week ago. Same videos and categories, same recommendation — I mean this is like app 101 the home page should have new daily content to look at. I also agree with a reviewer below that I would prefer no or little categorization and to let the content flow into a beautiful chaos of ideas. I understand TED has to try and remain relevant within the problems and contexts of these crazy days, but what made TED special in the first place was its ability to transcend all of that and make its viewers view problems in a different perspective.
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