TED User Reviews

TED Conferences LLC

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  • Should we just use the website?

    Picture-in-picture closes while audio playback continues. This doesn’t seem like an intentional feature.

    Video player should be replaced with the stock iOS player. You’ve included no additional functionality using a custom UI, and it’s less responsive.

    There is an occasional scrolling glitch I haven’t figured out how to replicate. The page jitters struggling to line up with the inertia of the gesture.
    Scrolling performance is also extremely poor, lagging on long lists.

    The only standalone feature that sets the app apart from the website is the ability to download media for offline listening. I don’t need this feature enough to put up with the rest of the app experience.

    The presentation of categories minimizes discoverability. One alphabetized list that lags is not effective.
    Switching bottom tabs is also extremely laggy.

    Additionally there is an absence of
    - transcripts
    - speaker profile pages
    - related links to learn more and/or participate in the topic of the video
    - reading lists
    - footnotes
    - comments

    I can see the negative space in-app where these items are listed on the website so I hope that they’re in the pipeline.

    Hoping this app will change! I think there’s utility to providing more than a web app, but this ain’t it right now.
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  • App has room for improvement

    The content deserves at least a 4 star rating but the app has given me some grief. It closes unexpectedly as the video is loading and I wish talks on the subject matters of interest previously selected would appear on the home screen. Currently there are many talks I have already watched and others that are recommended for me but in which I have little interest. Wouldn’t it be nice if the selection would refresh with talks yet to be enjoyed.
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  • Covid 19 and black lives matter

    After I retired five years ago, I enjoyed looking at TED daily for the variety of coverage. Sometimes I scanned my own interests art, architecture and design just to see what others were doing. I titled this these two areas of concern because I appreciated the thoughtful coverage. My grandson who is 21 challenged me to find a group to discuss TED ideas with. Beyond my partner and my church and book club groups. As a teacher I led Socratic discussion, teaching students how to voice their own understanding and listen to others, even if I had to do so during our lunch breaks. I worked with 3rd through 6th grade. TED talks have given me more insight into the importance of discussion and ways of facilitating it effectively. Thank you for the ideas, the vision, and the hope for our future.
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  • Great app, but some things could be better

    We have a lot of TEDtalks courses offered for e-learning where I work and I’ve really enjoyed watching some speakers more than others. It would be great if there were options to not only be able to search by actual speaker or more than just a single word when typing into the search bar on the app and maybe only getting a small number of results with the exact word and have to try searching a different word to find the video you’re looking for.
    It would also be nice if there was an option to create additional lists to save videos to for those of us who watch for both work, personal, and/or any other reason. That way you don’t have to search through all of the ones you might have added to your list to watch when you’re only looking for one that was saved for work.
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  • Great App, Great Content!

    Recently I have had a minor addiction to video games during covid because of the scarce amount of activity in my life. This addiction was starting to grow, with accumulating many games on my mobile device, and a gaming console. When I wanted to accumulate another mobile device game, I found a section of apps, with TED within this group of applications. Therefore, I downloaded TED. Although I had a minor video game addiction, i still read books, and watched documentaries. However, while I downloaded TED I broke this minor addiction before it grew and spent more time to invest in education and learning rather than a video game that contributes only entertainment to my life. I love TED because with great quality in learning, there is not much quantity of time consumed! Therefore I could watch many more “mini documentaries” as so I say, than other documentaries. Thank you for your time, and last note. If you are wanting to learn more, I definitely 1,000% recommend this application.
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  • Connect

    It’s 94°F and the humidity is well over 90% today. But my task is painting my sons bedroom and I must get it done. TEDTalks are what’s making that possible. The last one was about the beauty and magnificence of birds and the urgent need to conserve them. Prior to that I was listening to several talks about urban architecture and how we can use it to make our world a better place. I give thanks to all the brilliant lion hearted people giving these TEDTalks and highly recommend them to anyone who needs a little lift to get through the difficult tasks of your day.
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  • Playback issues

    I like the design of the app, but I’m having playback issues. One clip will play and when you choose to go to the next suggested video it will freeze. It’s happened every time. I have to go in and shut the app down then go directly to that next video or it will not play at all. Not sure what would cause that, but please fix it because it’s super inconvenient and makes me not want to use the app at all

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  • Perfectly fine before it got updated

    App was working great for the most part, with just a few bugs here and there. Then came some big update that changed the layout and appearance. Since that update the app has become a pain, often freezing, crashing, or taking significantly longer than it used to to load things. It’s very frustrating, I wish I could uninstall the updates because it pretty much messed up the app for me.
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  • Frustrated Nerd

    Love the TED app. However, in the last few months SEVERAL of the talks, and animated talks WILL NOT PLAY. I have tried to switch to a different wifi, I’ve tried using cellular data only - neither works. The only way I have found to work around this glitch is to DOWNLOAD the episode you want to watch/hear. This is a pain b/c it takes extra time and then the end user has to remember to go back and delete the download to free up memory space. What happened and how quickly can your IT dept. solve this? It would be greatly appreciated!!
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  • Great, but has some bugs

    The atmosphere of the app is amazing, and I love the personalized content! However, the app fails to remove videos from my watch list after repeatedly trying to do so, and it sometimes duplicates videos after an attempt. Additionally, the app lags and freezes almost every time I use it. I don’t both going on it as often anymore and putting videos on my watch list because I know I won’t be able to get them off of it! If these were fixed, though, the app would be undeniably great!
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