Audible User Reviews

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  • I live The Magic to the fullest

    About 15 months ago my sister Klaina invited me to be part of a group to practice gratitude. After seeing the magic happening in my life and transforming my relationships and the way I was thinking and feeling I started thinking that the stories and exercises must come from a book. I was also thinking that something was missing in some of the stories. I looked constantly for a few days and I found “The Magic” book. I wasn’t completely sure that the information that we received on a daily basis were coming from it but I trusted my instincts. I knew that the Universe was guiding me and I didn’t hesitate for a second. I ordered it immediately. After a few months of reading it, I started recording the lectures and exercises and shared them with some friends and they loved them too. Suddenly the magic was in the audiobook store and I downloaded it right away. Just by listening the voice of Rhonda Byrne, and the emphasis she was giving to every single lecture, I was connecting more and more to the meaning of living in gratitude and being connected with the “Universe and the Law of Attraction.” I ended up downloading a few more books written by her. I cannot thank Rhonda enough for putting all these experiences together. My life is wonderful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  • Rating in July - 5 stars. Rating now - 2 stars.

    I have been an audible subscriber for many many years and have been happily using the app for as long as it has been around. The most recent update though has turned the audible app into something I don't want to use anymore. 1. For some reason the library completely reordered itself and no longer sorts by date added or most recent 1.a. this includes whatever book I'm listening to which is no longer at the top of the list 2. The app has been crashing CONSTANTLY unless the app is open and the screen is kept from going into power saving mode. 2.a. the app frequently just won't open at all and requires numerous attempts to open 3. About 90% of the time when I can get the app to open and I can get a book to open, there is no information available on the book or the information given goes with a different book. It may or may not open to the last location I was listening too. None of my created bookmarks are available nor can I create new bookmarks. 4. In addition to the library being randomly sorted, it is no longer searchable when in airplane mode. This added extreme frustration when trying to amuse myself while midair and unable to connect to WiFi. 5. The power drain has become enormous and my phone becomes dangerously hot if I try to charge it while using the app. Please fix this issues as soon as possible as the app is unusable in its current form.
  • An incredible description accurately portrayed

    I grew up in the era of Vietnam graduating from high school in 1967 and going right into nursing school graduating December 1969 receiving my nursing diploma and RN in February – 19 70. I knew classmates of my graduating class who were enlisting to go to Vietnam and had considered the option.
    I believe one of the things that stopped me from enlisting was dating, and eventually marrying a man who had just come back from Vietnam, being stationed in Da Nang and seeing Action. Witnessing some of his PTSD and hearing some of the stories that he told early on, becoming silent about later. This book brought back memories of that time the feelings, the frustration and the wrongness of war. Thank you for telling it Kristen Hanna. Your writing has a remarkable ability to take you right into the situation and vividly live it with the characters. I have read your other books and find you a very honest skilled author. Thank you for using your talent to bring the truth. God bless your writing and all the men and women who gave their lives in Vietnam and all the other wars to keep our freedom. Today’s society needs to remember, be educated, and never forget. It could happen again if we don’t learn from it. Freedom comes at an unbelievable cost, not only in body bags, but in bodies and minds that will never be the same.
  • Frustrating

    As always a new update means a dent in functionality. I want a lot less of having random new books thrown in my face & a lot more of easily accessing the books I’m reading in the order of most recent activity. And with today’s update my books aren’t in order of recent activity and don’t automatically update their order when I listen to a new one. I have to switch sort categories back and forth to force it to update. The app undoes all my sorting overnight, so things are back in the app’s weird sort order when I go to listen again! Also, It’s now more steps to remove books from my phone. I have to go to a drop-down menu instead of just swiping. And the three little dots to do anything with a book are too close to the play button, so it takes several attempts to get the correct result & my fingers aren’t that big. When searching only the first twenty books show, so when I’m wanting to listen to a particular author, I can only choose from a few of their titles even when searching the books I own! While you’re fixing things I’d love to be able to sort by narrator. Those of us with lots of books have favorites & consider them as important as authors. Interesting that a lot of the five star reviews here are for books, not the app
  • I love Audible!

    I loved reading books from a very young age. In my early 20’s my grandmother would give me books to read after she was we done with them .. steamy AVON novels… lol. She was such a soft-spoken, gentile, old-fashioned lady. And to know she was reading these steamy books gives me a giggle even to this day.
    I discovered Audible about 10 years ago. It was such an easy fun way to listen to the books I loved, and discover new books to get immersed in. When you get a really good author with a really good narrator, it really pulls you into the story. and there’s so many genres to choose from! Fantasy, sci-fi, biographies, mysteries and suspense, romance – Children’s books, as well! And you can do a quick search for whatever you’re in the mood for by typing into the search bar, and recommendations, will pop up for you to choose from. And you can add books to your personalized library!! The convenience of listening to your books is great. I can put my earbuds in and do anything while listening to my book. It makes chores easier, long drives go by quickly, going for an evening walk more entertaining. I even listen to my books as I fall asleep. There’s useful functions in the app you can utilize, ie; bookmark certain pages, set a timer so the story stops when you want, save certain clips if you’re using audible with learning materials, and many other useful features that help.
    I recommend Audible to everyone!
  • The Women by Kristin Hannah

    The Women is a beautifully written account of female nurses serving in the Vietnam War. This book invokes the many emotions of love, loss, trauma and the after affects of serving as a military nurse and returning home to war protests. The Women brings a flood of memories from when I was a 17 year old high school junior when this war ended. My male classmates lived with the fear and jeopardy of being drafted. Daily broadcasts of the war hounded our lives. It was good to hear of the rarely heard experiences of females serving in the war. I now have an even greater appreciation and admiration for my 74 year old fiancé, Dr. John L. Rigg, for creating the Functional Recovery Program to treat TBI & PTS at Eisenhower Hospital at Fort Eisenhower, formerly known at Fort Gordon, where so many Vietnam Vets were based, in Augusta, GA. The number of men who seek treatment in the “FRP” far out number the women who attend the 3 week program. I’m always happy to learn when a woman has the courage to join the group. Applause to Kristin Hannah for creating “The Ranch” and Frankie’s continued education, in order to offer the, oft forgotten female vets, the opportunity to heal through Post Traumatic Stress therapy. Thank you, Kristin Hannah, for bringing “The Women” and their memories of serving in the Vietnam War to our attention.
  • Love the App, Losing Access when you pause or end is terrible

    I understand that all apps want to make money. Life changes, and schedules don’t always allow time to fit in audio books. Becoming a mom has changed my schedule tremendously and having another cutie on the way has made it difficult to work, be a wife, etc. with adjusting to life’s beautiful changes. It really bothers me that I pay for a credit and they designed for it to go away; not allowing for you to come back and pick a book anytime even after canceling. I don’t know what they have to lose with allowing customers to use their credits after canceling. We paid for a service. It’s greedy. I have 7 credits and totally forgot to cancel this thing. The only message I get is you have until the end of the month to use all 7! I think it’s great if you have a steady time to dedicate to audible books like I used to have. Not very flexible for life changes in my opinion. I also think I have every right to the books I previously listened to. Once you cancel, you can’t go back to your books you had in your library. Terrible. There should be consideration for customers supporting this business. Whats wrong with being able to catch up on a book and use another month credit when you are ready? Not everyone zooms through. If this could be made more flexible, with possible refunds or even just keeping the credits you earn, I believe there will be more satisfied customers.
  • A soldier’s life

    This didn’t use the common rpg traits but for all intents and purposes absolutely was and a most excellent one at that. I rate it 4.6 star and easily would have given it a point or two higher if it hadn’t ended so soon. I mean it’s not about the actual length though that’s always a plus when it’s a great story to be long as well but my meaning lyes more in where the story was chosen to end more specifically where Eric was personally. Just wish it showed much more progress reflected from him personally. I mean at the very least to have shown the progress he already must have with everything done to increase his attributes plus personal gains. But we’re left in the dark for half the book. Also was incredibly frustrating to not see him obtain or learn any extra spells. Uhg. But I’m pretty picky with my lite of and haven’t left a review for one tenth of all them so when I say this was worth it and I don’t regret picking and using the credit that I hope encourages you to enjoy as well.

    I expect it to continue into a great series worth following and it’s set up for the second to really take off. But again the first, this first book was plenty entertaining. I’ll be very surprised and extremely disappointed if the next book doesn’t double down on entertaining value
  • good for listening, awful as a library

    It’s a good app for listening to books. But it’s clear that Audible’s main goal is not to make it easy to read a book you already have, but to try to get you to buy more. When I open the app I get nothing but ads. Click on library and I see my books, but there’s no way to search my library. The search button gives me a seemingly random list of matching books from their catalog, which may or may not include books in my library. I’ve purchased well over 100 books in the past 20 years, most of which are in the Archive, but I can’t search the Archive. You can put books into collections, but the process is awkward and there’s no way to identify orphaned books not in any collection. It’s galling for three reasons: it would be so easy for them to add a better search and an “Uncollected” collection; it is so obvious that they withhold any features that might make it easier for you to find books you’ve already purchased when they might be able to tempt you to buy more; and this is the only app you can use to listen to books from Audible—who also pressures authors to release some books as Audible exclusives so you have no choice. Thankfully our public library has a pretty good selection of audiobooks, but even they don’t have any of the Audible exclusives. It may not be a monopoly but it ain’t for lack of trying.
  • Pay 16 bucks and no credit?

    Once upon a time I loved this app, I work a third shift job so listening to books was a great way to pass the time and I always had something fun to listen to. A big part of paying 16 dollars a month is to receive a credit to purchase any book in their library which is nice as some of the things I listen to is odd ball stuff that isn’t always free. All this sounds great right? Well it is until Apple takes your 16 bucks , it updates your account that it has been renewed but no credit. Ok this has happened more than once. I have over 600 hours of playtime versus my metrics and have had it happen 3 times. Now I did what anyone would do, you contact customer service and explain the situation and they give you the credit no problem right? RIGHT? Wrong , even though they can clearly see my renew date was updated and that I did not receive the credit as has happened in the past, nope…. Look I’m not asking for any special treatment, I just want the bill of goods that I paid for and that to date has not be resolved and it is disappointing to say the least that a company’s customer service is not bright enough to look at your account which I’m sure has more deltails than I have as far as metrics in my end to conclude that I am not trying to “get one over” on you . All I wanted it the credit which I pay for to be honored. I guess that was too much to ask.

    Buyer beware is all I am saying here because it has happened multiple times to me

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