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  • What an incredible ride!

    Started watching Glenn Lundy’s Saturday Morning meets! The end of 2017! A man by the way of John Dawson kept bragging about a store selling over 800 cars in a small southern town! I thought this has to be bulldodo! But boy was I wrong.
    In late January 2018. I set my alarm to get up at 5:30 am to watch a morning podcast! Never had heard one live before. And this man in closet. Was exited that I was watching him. He started telling me good morning, good morning, good morning! I thought the dude was a super human! And over time of getting up early!
    My whole world changed.
    I was ready to do something different in 2018. Then I gained our #riseandfamily , hustle and Grind Con in 2018 in October! My income doubled. And the triple after being in the car business since 1981 or 2 cleaning my dad’s service bays and parts department after school and on Saturday. Then running his detail department at Weatherby Auto Sales in 1987. Basically grew up in the business 3rd generation.
    But this book by Glenn Lundy The Legacy Titles ! has got me thinking again to venture out on my own. After getting my lifelong dream job as Used Car Manger at Marietta Toyota! Where people had to retire or die before you could get a job there! Thank you again Mr Glenn Lundy for all you have done for my growth in the car business just a big breath of fresh air! In a very long time stagnant industry!! Love you Brother!!
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  • AMAZING book!! - Not what you think…it’s better

    Last 4th of July, I randomly went down a rabbit hole researching fascia. As a former professional ballerina, now fitness trainer…I’ve always been fascinated by how the human body works, and am constantly curious to expand my knowledge. In my research, I posted a question to my Facebook friends asking if any of them had any recommended resources about fascia. Overwhelmingly the response was, “Ashley Black!!” So, curiosity met direction and I looked her up. At first I thought “the cure for cellulite? Is this just some marketing gimmick?” But I decided to give it a try. So I ordered my first blaster and downloaded this book. I started listening and was immediately surprised at how in depth she went into the science of fascia. “This woman knows her stuff!!” I thought. Then I heard her story and was nearly brought to tears. Wow. Since then I have dived head-first into Ashley’s wisdom, applying and seeing incredible results for personal training clients and in my own body. And yes, even my own cellulite has radically improved. But honestly that’s just the icing on the cake. If you want to equip yourself with this knowledge to help yourself (or clients) live in the healthiest, strongest, most mobile, pain-free bodies (and even that is just the tip of the iceberg)… Listen to Ashley. Dive into every word. Get the tools. Lay down your skepticism and watch the results. I cannot recommend this book enough!! Thank you, Ashley!! ❤️
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  • what good timing for so many to read

    Since I was a young boy, I have always looked up to Arnold Schwarzenegger. My grandfather was from Austria and also served in the military at the same time his father did. Maybe they met who knows. I did have the pleasure of meeting Arnold twice once at the Arnold classic in Ohio, and that same week, met him in a gym and really got to talk to him for about 20 minutes. I came back to my hotel room after that with stars in my eyes because I had met my whole life hero. I came to the United States when I was nine years old didn’t even speak English. Had the unfortunate childhood of having no parents. So the first time I saw him on TV in an interview or something before he started doing movies I was glued to the TV. Arnold has such incredible charisma and he is just so blunt and honest. I love him. Through growing up I pretended he was my father. I always was so amazed at his accomplishments. He was a huge role model for me in so you many ways. This book is huge for me, because he actually narrates the audiobook himself. So I loved hearing him narrate this entire book that he wrote, and every bit of advice is dead on and amazing. He is very self reflective, which makes it even better. So thank you Schwarzenegger for writing this book. I think this book comes at a great time when Society is being ripped apart by many things, and is in so need of guidance. Especially young people. he is right I do feel like he was reading the book just to me.
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  • I almost never read anything with a perfect score, but Audible deserves a five, nothing less.

    This is simply a tremendous app. It is thoroughly and I mean completely accessible for use by blind people and others with various disabilities. This is a wonderful ethic that Audible has that very few other companies do. I have over 1000 books in my library, and I’ve been with Audible using its application since about the year 2000. I joined Audible not expecting much… But they have proof to be a company that is responsive and one that cares very much about their users.
    The Audible app has become indispensable to me, and I can only say that about one or two other apps, among many on my phone. It simply works, and works well. My favorite feature is that it organizes series in their chronologically released order. This means that you can see immediately in your library if you’ve missed one in a long series of books that you enjoy, and can usually immediately purchase it right through the app.
    Audible, I am retired now, but I look forward to many years of listening pleasure, and it’s all possible because you’ve made such a wonderfully accessible and useful application. Thank you, and please keep up the good work.
    John Esak.
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  • A Must Read/Listen

    I'm always looking for the right words, making sure that nothing is missing lol. But to be honest this memoir was so incredible that honestly, I don't think theres enough space here to type all of the words I truly want to say. Nicole literally brought me through every emotion while listening, I could relate on soo many levels and because of that I was able to gain revelation , clarity and also solutions to things I am currently facing. I learned a lot about me and some traits I need to hold on too ,stay true to and some that I need to change. I even gave myself a hug for making it through one of the toughest seasons of my life thus far and honestly wanted to give her one because I KNOW all tooooooo well what STRENGTH looks like when you feel you barely have any. I cried during the health scare with her daughter (it triggered me because I too have a son whom has overcame a health scare ad well ) I laughed, at some of her memories, especially when she would mimic her mom , and I cheered for her accomplishments and her moments of overcoming. Listening to this truly was a reminder of Gods Grace, Love, Mercy, and his ability to do all things. I knew all of these things prior but sometimes you need that reminder while you're in the season where somethings just don't make since or feel as if it's falling apart. Thank you Nicole for reminding me that it's not falling apart but falling into place and that truly nothing is missing. 🥰👐🏾🙌🏾💪🏾🙏🏽
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  • Avoid the "newer" versions they get worse as they try to tangle you int buying more books

    The first version of this app was rather nice. It was not perfect, but had an original, reasonable user interface and a few functions such as a sleep timer that Apple ought to copy. It had its quirks such as: if you want to completely remove a book from your device, you must blow away your whole library and then re-download all your books except the one(s) you do not want on your device. They have a couple of cute euphemisms for this, but reloading 30 or so books takes hours. Unfortunately, when I got a little notice that a "new" version was now ready, I updated on one of my devices. As others have reported, the changes make the app seriously bad, not better. I am being carefully to not update my other devices. The new interface is cluttered with pictures of covers of audio books and a as others have reported, important features have been removed, crippled or otherwise rendered useless. One frequently requested desirable function that has been missing is the ability to buy new books directly from the app. The new version did not solve that problem. You still have to go to your browser to browse or buy additional books, then have the audible app import the purchased files. I wish I could think of something nice to say, but I honestly can not. Although I can think of a new missing feature ... It now needs a nice little button that lets you revert to an earlier version.
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  • Just okay

    The first part of the book starts out centering on a family…Jill, David and their daughter, Sofia. Right away, I was annoyed with Jill and sadly, Sophia. Jill is a helicopter mom, her life centers around Sophia and everything else, including her husband, is a distant second. Sophia is a spoiled brat. Jill had a rough upbringing and then a traumatic event happens in their lives which leads to Jill being unattached and distant, as well as, having a hard time relating to many people.
    The second part of the book is where it picks up. Someone takes Sophia. We also get more into another character, Bea, who has a lot to do with, well everything. I won’t divulge because it would reveal too much. We are also given several snippets of a third character, via her journal. That is the part of this book that I really enjoyed.
    I pretty much knew right away who all the players were before the author came right out with it. What I didn’t like about this story was all the loose ends left open. There were SO MANY. I feel like the author didn’t give Jill and David their due redemption.
    I will say this book really was a page turner and I listened to it even when I wasn’t commuting, which is rare. Aside from the way RD finished this book, it was a good story and the narration was A+. Would I listen to it again…probably not.
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  • Good, but not all of it.

    The first 7 chapters (half the book) are making his case for covenant children. Not a bad topic to study, but I would hesitate to call it “a handbook” as the subtitle title suggests. That portion read more like a systematic theology lesson. Of course his theology is obviously is foundational to the child rearing methods & principles he gives later. However, to me, the principles seem to stand perfectly well (theologically & psychologically) on their own, outside of that specific paradigm.

    Considering that many Christians have not studied that topic and some who have, do not come to the same conclusion regard covenantal children, many may be left with more confusion (the apparent contradiction being- the insistence that God has promised to save the children of Christian parents, by faith, and yet later saying this is an expectation not a guarantee, and can only be guaranteed if we follow our part, which then nullifies a covenant of faith, does it not?) I still do not fully understand his case, which leads me to believe that complex of a topic is better suited to a book of its own, in my opinion.

    The following chapters do hold plenty of practical wisdom. While challenging, and maybe even alarming (like spanking, and parents holding responsibility when a child misbehaves), it’s worth hearing out to challenge your current method’s & assumptions.
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  • Incredible Truth

    Killing Comparison by Nona Jones is refreshing, brilliant, and most of all helpful. Nona’s personal stories sealed it for me. She exemplified what Christians should be doing, sharing their pain with others to help them see that they are not along. There were so many one liners that she shared that was etched in my heart that I will remember all the days of my life. There were times, I actually got chills because her points were life changing breakthrough for me. We are going to either allow comparison to inspire us or expire us and I am choosing the formal. I always say comparison is like kryptonite to Superman, it zaps one of their power. Well Nona gives you the tools to take your God-given power back.

    Powerful book. As I listened to her, I found myself not saying that I wish I was more like Nona. I was thinking that I am so inspired by Nona and I want to step into my greatness just like she did. It’s a moment by moment choice.

    Nona, girl!! God used you. Thanks for your obedience and your love for God’s people. I hope one day, No I pray that one day our paths will cross so I can give you a big hug and thank you personally for giving me the tools to recognize, embrace and reframe toxic comparisons. God bless you. Marian Favors.
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  • Why do they update, only to break the app

    Had my new iPhone 15 pro max less then a month. Go to download my catalog of titles only to find out anything over a GB won’t work. It only streams, as I’ve tried twice since the most recent updates. I called and logged the issue with Audible, and told to download in parts. I love the bigger books all in one file. It was fine on my old iPhone 11 Pro Max. I have reflex sympathetic dystrophy, I can no longer hold books or write. So using Audible is so important to me when it comes to the Bible. Use daily and take notes through the app. The app even encourages customers to download all in one file. That’s great, but it doesn’t work anymore for books larger then GB. If anyone like me you have larger libraries, this means can’t even use higher quality downloads on many books. But it’s getting ridiculous the way Audible has gotten lazy. It happens every other year with iOS update and app updates. It either wipes out all of your downloads, or it breaks the app to be able to download.

    I’ve been at the premium level since 2012, I can’t count the times I’ve bought three extra credits a month. When they had their reading challenges last year, had the amount listened to in a week. I love this app, but I need it to work at the level it has for so many years before. Need this to be addressed and fixed. I can call again and be told sorry, and given extra credits. I don’t want to call anymore if nothing is going to be done to correct the issue.
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