Audible User Reviews

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  • Bring back option to hide finished titles, for 5 Stars.

    I’ve been an audible member for about 20 years ( whenever the service started). I have well over 1000 titles in my library (most purchase, prior to new system, with free titles). I occasionally listen to portions of one book, before switching over to another (especially, when a desired preorder becomes available). Previously, it was easy to locate books that I needed to return to, by hiding all finished titles. Since the new system was unveiled, this has been reversed.

    I don’t quite understand the utility of being able to see all titles in your library that you have already completed. Showing titles that you haven’t started is if some use, but it fails to show anything that even has a few seconds played. So if I accidentally tap on the wrong title and get past “This is Audible”, prior to going back and selecting the title I actually want, it will no longer show up as not started. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING!!! Please fix this for your most loyal members!!!

    A secondary improvement would be to extend the Apple Watch Complication, so that it will permit control / book selection of titles on your paired iPhone, rather than having to download the book to your watch.
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  • Enroll In Drive-time U

    I absolutely love audible! Rarely do I listen to music any longer because I always have an audiobook on the go. In my case, almost everything I listen to is related to business or personal development and it is such a good way to stay engaged in my continual growth and education. Having said that, the vast majority of my listening time comes solely while I’m driving, time that I would have otherwise wasted. What an incredible way to work on yourself, your goals, and your aspirations without having to take additional time out of your busy day to sit down and read.

    I have also started using audible as a means of filtering the books I am willing to read as I tend to be the write in the margins, take notes, and underline kind of guy while reading, and that’s just a time consuming effort. Now rather than going through that process with a book that I don’t find to be quite as beneficial, I am able to listen to more and filter out only those which are going to be the best so I can focus my reading/study material on only that which will be the most beneficial and applicable to me at the time.
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  • Rising out of hatred

    An amazing account of personal transformation. I too grew up with a racist father, surrounded by all of the rhetoric in this community. Awful. I love the courage it took for Roland-Derek to challenge his indoctrination and to find the strength to cut ties with beloved community, even family. That is the hardest part. For real. He said there is guilt in the interviews I’ve seen of his regarding what he helped create. Well, that was happening anyway. The good he has created through his total honesty, vulnerability and accountability - and willingness to speak publicly about it - stands taller and provides more light than any darkness the white nationalist... movement could ever create. He is a light bearer, and it is especially powerful and illuminating BECAUSE of his history. Roland-Derek provides an example of someone to challenge and think for himself within a fear-based, constraining movement. My hat is forever off to this gentleman, a man of TRUE wisdom and bravery while surviving the very human heartbreak of leaving a beloved community that no longer serves. He and Alison are putting their lives on the line by speaking out. I am grateful to Eli for penning this book, and all the others willing to allow their names into this story. Your courage and truth DEEPLY inspires me.
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  • Love Audible books but... the app could be better.

    🎉 It did improve when the sleep timer was restored to the main page. Thank you!

    The purchasing feature is clumsy and annoying to use. It is difficult to find books from any for sale list. On my phone, the wish list and lists of books offered in different special categories are in a series of brief “pages” and to get to the end one of a long list must go through each page to the bottom in order to turn to the next segment. If you stop mid-list it is necessary to start over. GRRR! Also, no chance to go to a given page directly. As a result, I have no idea what is on the last 80% of my wish list or special offer lists or book category lists: takes too much time to peruse them all at one sitting or skip back page by page.

    A minor change in the last update I find annoying: when a book is finished, a persistent popup page makes it not possible to go back or go to different book without rating the one just completed. Previously one could opt out of the popup rating page. I normally rate books but do not always wish to do so. I have found a way out of it but it’s also annoying to have to do this extra step. On my iPad I can close the app completely and when I return to it rating demand is gone.
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  • Can’t wait to get my hands on her next!

    This was one of those books that you not only savor, but you swap between physical and audio because you can’t get enough. The setting was perfect, the characters were hilarious, and the depth was just right. You follow Marin as she takes on a role she never thought she would be in.. PR and media manager for a rock band. But she not only crushes the position, she gains a crush on a band member. You follow along with the band and crew as they make their way all over the country on tour. You see them banter, you see them prank and you see them fall in love.. or lust. I usually have something to knit pick about whether it’s lack of charter build or creating an atmosphere you feel a part of, but Lisa did nothing for me to knit pick. This world was so well thought out, I can’t wait to dive into every single book I have of hers and also... I really need a prequel to see how Craig and Phoebe started. The only reason I gave this book a 4 rather then a solid 5 was I had a bit of a rough time with the big problem and how quickly it seemed to be resolved, I wish it would have been a little longer and we got to see more effort and what happened to.. patch things up on all accounts. I’m a girl who doesn’t trust easily and loses trust quickly so I have a hard with any story that someone’s forgiven too quickly.
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  • This should be a 5-star review-30 second rewind gone

    Unfortunately recent updates of the app changed what was an elegant solution to an important feature to one that doesn’t work at all.
    In past versions Audible app had a feature that quickly allowed you to change the rewind or advance buttons from ones that rewound to the beginning or ends of a chapter to one that changed the buttons to rewound or advance 30 seconds only. Even better you could tap these buttons multiple times and, for example, quickly replay a short passage you need to hear again.
    The most recent updates killed this value-added feature and made it so you have to swipe backwards and forwards an indeterminate time.
    This feature is value taken away! I am an avid listener and have purchased almost 600 books from Audible. The content and some of the narration are excellent. I hope they pay attention to their frequent listeners and fix their clunky new software versions to the great tools they had until recent releases.
    It is frustrating when an app you use regularly changes from excellent to mediocre.
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  • Don’t fix what worked!

    I don’t know why they decided to change the app, but they did. Before, the library section (which is the content I have via the app) was pretty well organized and could be perfectly navigated between what was actually on my device and what wasn’t. Now it’s a mess of a screen with huge empty margins taking most of the space (a recent addition to mobile development that I don’t understand because I though the point was to USE the space as effectively as possible) and the scrolling is WAY to floaty (I only have to barely have to have my finger on the screen and it’ll move)
    Now, honestly Audible is a little to expensive of a subscription service for my taste. They only give you 1 credit at a time and STILL treat their service more like a rental than actual ownership (so I don’t know why they don’t move to a “unlimited” model subscription and stop acting like their credits actually mean anything) I already had bad experiences with the service in the past with the service, but decided to try to give it another shot. I don’t think I’ll give them anymore past this. The quality of the app is quickly going downhill (besides what I already mentioned above I also keep getting warning messages about being on a slow connection when my internet is just fine) and there are now MUCH more better services around that handle audiobooks better than they do.
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  • Continues to get worse

    This app is suffering from iTunes-itis as it tries to incorporate features that detract from its central purpose, which is storing and playing back audiobooks. It is getting bloated and slow, and harder and harder to navigate. The app always tries to phone home even before playing a fully downloaded boom, ostensibly to check whether you've listened to the book elsewhere and to synchronize. On the handful of occasions I've actually used that misbegotten feature, no syncing actually occurred--so the effect is that I'm now continually waiting for the app to let me start playing my audiobook all to enable a broken feature that I don't even want. Solid design work, gang.

    The useless "Home" tab has been joined by an equally useless "Discover" page. There's no way to adjust recommendations, so if you listen to a lot of audiobooks in one genre your recommendations will rapidly become clogged with third- and fourth-tier efforts from within that genre--and nothing else.

    The developers, having saddled the app with a bunch of gameified achievements, have thoughtfully buried them in the settings menu, where at least they're out of the way, though presumably they're still contributing to the app's slowness. Too bad there's not a way to get an app that just does the basics this one is supposed to cover.
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  • Audible Books

    I’ve been a member on/off for many years. You pay a monthly/annual fee and get credits based on your subscription. The fee you pay is often less than the price of most audiobooks. You can pay for the book or use a credit. There are lots of reviews, some are fake but most seem to be genuine. I like that you can hear a 3-5 minute sample before purchasing. I have gotten credits refunded for books I was unhappy with, (books I didn't listen to completely). Customer service has been great. I had to discontinue membership for a while and lost nothing during the time I canceled my membership. I kept the credits I already had and all of the books I had in my library. Starting my membership again was easy.

    I do wish that reviewers would add ore detail instead of simply saying ”I like the book”. That’s not a review. Why do you like/dislike the book? Was it clean, full of profanity, sex, violence? Was this book fit for the whole family? Did the story flow, was the narrator easy to listen to; did they have an annoying voice, were the characters voices distinguishable? That’s a review! A review is meant to help other customers decide if they want to purchase the book or not.
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  • I Love Audible...But...

    I’ve had Audible for nearly 5 years. I started as a way to help me get back to reading since physically reading was somewhat limited by reality. But now when I walk my dogs, run errands, go to the work related matters, drive for a long road trip, ride my bicycle, or even work in the kitchen, I always make sure to have books to listen to. My library has at least 300 by now, and I love seeing it grow. I also love the whisper sync for Kindle which lets me read or listen. I also love the integration with my Alexa devices. I can go from room to room without wasting my phone battery, and have her keep reading to me.
    Here are my only two recommendations:1- this is the most important. Please for the love of all that is holy let us organize our books by subject matter/ category or whatever we call it like we can in Kindle! I need to do this on my PHONE as I cannot scroll through the ALL my books to find old books I’ve forgotten are even there. I need to put them by category. Please please please do this most basic thing for your subscribers. 2- please have more whisper sync and more affordable ways to purchase kindle after purchasing the audible.
    Thank you.
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