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  • Revisiting Justine at 70

    I think this is the third time I’m making my way through the Alexandria Quartet, my life’s most rewarding literature, by the exquisite wordsmith and storyteller, Lawrence Durrell, also great friend and admirer of my other literary hero, Henry Miller. Justine is the first of the quartet, and perhaps my favorite, and no matter how many times I read it or hear it, it is always fresh, literately exciting, and enlightening to me. Such insight Into love, jealousy, intrigue, life, and death. I remember when I first read it, perhaps 50 years ago, with a dictionary. It feels so different now, no longer in my years of great sexual passion, but older, wiser, and more humbled by life. I highly recommend listening to Durrell, particularly with this reader, Nigel Anthony, because I have heard other readers chew up the scenery; while Mr. Anthony has created more subtle characterizations and offers Durrell‘s literature as the great feast it is. I think you’ll agree that listening to a great book with a good reader is a very different experience than having read it before yourself. I look forward to the next three books with unbounded literary hunger and excitement. Enjoy.....
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  • I was at my wits end with how to change my life

    I literally was crying the other day from frustration at the knowledge that I create my own reality but did not know HOW. So there I was on the floor of my kitchen bawling my eyes out and suddenly I had a sense of peace come over me. A couple of days later, I searched in Audible the terms magic money manifesting and this book popped up. I honestly didn’t have much hope for it, because it seems like all of these books that claim to give a person techniques just re-hash the same old stuff. This author didn’t do that. He gives practical how to methods that explain different perspectives and details on how to REALLY harness your inner power and apply it to your life. I feel empowered. I took notes this book was so informational, I’m going to listen to it again! Don’t hesitate to get this book! It really will change your life. You can tell that the author spoke from the heart and put a lot of inspired work into this. Sitting on that floor I begged God to help show me how to use the power I know he gave us all to manifest a better life for me. And this book stood out to me. So that’s how I know it is special and must have been inspired. Prosperity and Goodness to you all!
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  • If you’re a Business owner, you need to read this book, especially if you existed pre-COVID

    If you’re a Business owner, you need to read this book, especially if you existed pre-COVID and trying to get back on track, it gives you incentive and advice on how to get back on “hustle” mode to get back to where you used to be at minimum, the maximum depends on your desired success level... I’m going to the top. It made me realize I was slacking in some areas and put my brain on think mode to not only hustle harder but yes smarter (great title by the way). Im not a hard cover fan but decided to order the physical book anyway (the soft cover isn’t scheduled to be released until late September and that’s too long to wait,I’m ready now) as I’m a physical reader and need the book to take notes which I’ve book marked throughout. I purchased it 3 days ago and have listened to it twice already (thank God for Airpods😆) and plan on listening to it again, this time making notecards... you catch something different every time. I’m not sure which one to thank, Curtis Jackson or 50 cent🤷🏽‍♀️... How about I thank him as a whole ☺️.
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  • A buggy piece of software

    I use this app because I have to. It used to be great, but over the course of the past couple years, it’s become apparent that nobody at Audible actually uses or cares about this app. There are random crashes at least weekly, where the book will just stop playing and you have to restart the app. It refuses to honor the “don’t sync playback position” settings, so listening to the same book someone else in my family is listening to is a headache, since I have to constantly go back to my spot. They changed the “swipe to delete” feature to include an option to “add to favorites.” Like, honestly, how often does a user really add a book to their favorites, vs how often does a user want to remove a book from their device? Here’s a hint: literally every book will at some point need to be removed from the device. Unless literally every book is also added to your Favorites, then this is a bad feature and should be removed. Also, when opening the app fresh, why on earth is the first page ads for new books? 9/10 times I want to go to the book I’ve been listening to most recently, not shop for a new one. And while you’re at it, make the Extend Sleep Timer feature smart about the sleep timer you just set. A default of 30 minutes is useless to someone who sets 15 or 20 minute sleep timers.
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  • Most used app I have aside from gps

    Love this app so much. Had it for years and does not disappoint. Thank you for being here, existing and being in my life. Such a great idea and concept. Sorry it took me so long to rate this amazing app! Get it, you won’t regret it, so many wonderful title and books and not over priced!

    Update: This is still a great app but it needs to be said that the home tab is waaay too much noise visually speaking. Way too many suggestions and advertised books for an app. It’s not a clean look and honestly it’s ugly. The app needs a more sleek minimalist feel for ease of use. I literally get anxiety seeing the homepage with all the extra books recommendations, catalogues and so forth. When I use the app I just want to get to the point not be defaulted to a crazy looking page foot of book images. Please higher someone to update your app comestically. With the IOS update people are discovering less is more with widgets and less apps. Try to use that same concept, I want to see recommendations make it the last tab not the first. Have the first tab be the library and instead of a line chart of books maybe give the option of line display or chart display, just something more sleek please.

    Update 03 May 2021: The app skips the audio for some reason and when the screen goes dark it stops playing. Please fix this. This is pretty frustrating and my settings don’t have anything that causes this to happen.
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    Developer Response

    We appreciate you sharing this feedback, and will be sure to forward it to our team.
  • Save your eyes

    Truthfully speaking, I have never been a fan of reading. This is a bit ironic being I hold a MSBA in business. But then after discovering Audible, wow I’m amazed with all that I am listening to. In my profession, I’m on the computer several hours in any given day. So by days end the last thing I want to do is pick up a physical book and read. Seriously, I use to turn articles into PDFs , use the computer ‘listen to’ feature, bout music in the background and write notes for my class. An occasional glass of wine certainly helped. One podcast for a required class (book was online) the professor who narrated the book was so monotone you’d fall asleep. By the end of the class session in the podcast I would have a great nap. So instead I went to the gym, Wales on the treadmill and stayed awake. The pint is that wa 14 years ago and technology as well as people’s skill have evolved over time for the greater good. I would especially live to thank audible for creating this platform and the many authors and narrators who provide valuable content. I’m constantly inspired and appreciate being an Audible ‘Superfans.’ Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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  • Heart changer!

    Lysa does an amazingly transparent, simple, compelling and vulnerable job in describing and walking out forgiveness. While so much of this book is stuff that we know the way she goes about it is very refreshing and encouraging. Sharing her own journey and experiences in an honest and raw way is Incredibly helpful, challenging and inspiring. The inclusion of bitterness and codependency is a powerful component of this book.I will read the book again. I will do the study. And I will recommend it to others. You don’t have to be going through or have gone through what Lysa did in order to benefit from this book. I believe it’s a book that everyone should read. While every part of it will be for everyone I believe everyone can get something life-changing from it. here are two quotes that I loved from the end of the book about forgiveness.
    “ Even the most imperfect messy forgiveness filled with hesitation and resistance is better than letting bitterness have its way with your heart.” “You don’t have to cooperate with forgiveness perfectly just progressively for it to be good.”
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  • Great Service at a premium price

    Audible works great, I can find great titles, get samples of the voices, and I even get a free credit with the higher tier subscription with a few more “premium” titles. The issue for audible is turning the everyday subscriber into a customer; like myself. I pay $10 and watch hundreds of movies and tv shows that last a few hours to hundreds of hours depending on the title. The budgets are bigger, the price for the customer is lower. I pay $10 and listen to thousands of songs, many just a few minutes, some can be hours. I also enjoy podcasts... for no additional fee. Now we get to Audible where I pay $12, more than the others, and get 1 pick and like at an old movie store I become limited and find it difficult to choose the only free title I’ll get because the rest you have to pay for. I loved the audio books, but I’ll never stay a subscriber when I have other content for cheaper and without a secondary pay wall. I listened to a single book in a week, so that’s 4 books a month on average. Since only 1 is free, I could be paying $30, $50, $100 more for the other titles. I signed up with a free trial, stayed for a month after, but will sadly cancel after as they haven’t nailed down a way to monetize in a way that I can have access to hundreds of premium free titles for a low monthly cost.
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  • Everyone should love books

    I love the Audible app because it allows me to enjoy a good book even while driving or other activities that prevent reading a book while doing them. RIF was a program I loved in school, many of my classmates would have me pick out books and they would get them and give them to me because they didn't like reading and knew I loved to do so. At the time I was happy to get more books to enjoy though looking back I wish I had tried harder to share my love of reading with my classmates. My one real gripe is regarding two issues related to playback, the volume max can vary quite a bit from one narrator to another I presume due to production methods or settings so I would appreciate an ability to make the volume louder than currently possible especially when using the built in speaker on a mobile device. The second issue is that when listening to a book in the background and playing any of a number of games that sadly force you to watch ads occasionally to play for free it can sometimes fail to allow restarting the narration after the ads and rather default to any random music file you have on the device.
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  • Love this app

    I love Audible! Audible has one of the largest selection of books that I have ever had on a audiobook app. There is something for everyone. I have been reading Harry Potter and I am on Prisoner of Azkaban. For the past 2 books that I have read, I have gotten to sleep a lot faster. Before Audible, I would stay up all night because I was bored, but now I go to bed at 9:30 at the latest! Also, the people reading the books really match the vibe of the book. Great examples include the Dork Diaries series and Harry Potter series. Both of those readers read the stories in voices that match the book. Next, like I said, on Audible there is something for everyone. I have really enjoyed reading a book called the Golden Orchard and before, I would have never imagined myself reading a book like this. After your first book, I think that Audible takes you interest and suggests you books that are like the books you like or something totally different all together. Overall Audible is a total must have if you struggle with getting to sleep. 😃
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