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  • Some people think owning a restaurant is glamorous. This will make you think twice!

    Having owned two restaurants, I can tell you it is one of the hardest jobs you'll ever have! So much about running a restaurant… all the ins and outs are in this book. I could relate to a lot of what the authors were writing about. They hit the nail on the head that's for sure!

    I recommended this book to my book club. Someone gave it to me for my birthday after I had seen the owners of The Grey on the Sunday Morning Show. My book club will be meeting tomorrow night and I'm anxious to see how people felt about the book. One of the things that I really liked about it was hearing their perspectives on the same situation. The other thing I really enjoyed was the sharing of recipes. I have requested that everyone bring a dish from the book. This is going to make for some good eaten!!! I'm planning to bring the cocktails. The evening will begin with the Paper Plane and to finish the evening The Revolver... just one not two😉

    I live in Augusta, Georgia, which is not too far from Savannah. I'm hoping to make it to the restaurant one day soon!
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  • Thank you

    I am the youngest of 4 children 2 of which have schizophrenia. The third I cannot confirm because she is estranged and does not share her diagnosis only to say if she had not had the years of therapy she had she would have been just like our brother. The irony is that she does not see how sick she is.

    At times I had to stop listening to the book to digest what I had heard and to shed a few tears to work through my own grief. I so relate to Lindsey Galvin in so many ways. The main difference is my siblings weren’t diagnosed until they were much older because they were not as severely symptomatic. All of this came to a head at my mothers passing in 2010. Then I truly learned how co dependent our family was. Some of us are healing the others I pray for. Reading this book made me feel that I was alone or the only one in this situation. I am truly grateful for all those who have research and continue to research on behalf of the ones that can’t. I am also relieved to know that the likelihood of my son and his children of having schizophrenia is very low. I have so much more insight into this condition now. I am now more curious than ever to learn of any new developments in treatment.
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  • A must listen for every human soul

    I have read many works of fiction in which great truths were revealed. Books like the Shack which reveal an understanding of the triune nature of God, Who Moved My Cheese - a motivational story on the importance of learning to adapt to changing environments but I have never read a fictional book (written 80 years ago) that does such an incredible job of taking some of the core messages of the Bible and weaving them into an entertaining and impactful message. To consider this book was written more than 80 years ago and so accurately describes not only the trajectory of the decades that followed but also the current state of human affairs it warrants a read by even the most skeptical of people who do not believe we exist in the middle of a conflict of good and evil. I am shocked this book has evaded my notice up until now but I am thankful it was recommended to me by a good friend. I encourage anyone who reads this review to listen to this book with an open heart and mind. Enjoy the brilliance of CS Lewis and his writing ability but do not miss the message which is rooted in biblical truth.
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  • When you hear truth, believe it

    Highly suggest that you read The Way of Integrity. When heartbreak finds me most vulnerable I usually turn to Dante and reread his epic masterpiece The Divine Comedy. There is kinship in that journey for me. I am no great Dante scholar, but I was given the book when I was young to help deal with the loss of a great love and his journey has served me since. I scoured the many books that my friends have suggested in order to deal with a recent bout of nostalgic longing, maybe trying to convince myself that Dante was the best option once again, but eventually came across The Way of Integrity while eavesdropping on a conversation in a coffee shop. Listening to the sample and the reference to Dante gave me the motivation to take a flyer and make the purchase. Having just concluded this book I can honestly say that I intend to make it a part of my life going forward. The way Martha Beck understands Dante is so familiar to me, and her insights are honest, concise, and often perspectives that I had not before considered. I plan to attempt her many challenges and test my own integrity. We do not know when our souls guides will find us along the road, she is right about that.
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  • Well done!

    this book is interesting. I am not a tech type guy and I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It takes its reader through the history and background so we can understand where all the hubbub around 5G is coming from and the influence China and other influencers have had on the new technology and telephony technology in general. China is truly a bad actor but in a way you can’t blame them, they work under their own set of rules. Because they have long strategic plans for the CCP to control much of the world. To them there are no rules to getting to their destination. But we must not be enablers in there world domination. Early on we certainly shared way too much information and we did not protect our intelligence and innovation as we should have. But the good news is there are things we can do to reclaim prominence in the telephony field by unlocking innovation by reducing regulations. One of the things we must do is put country before pure profits by having good policies in tact to better protect America. Because this has such geopolitical concerns the US and private companies need to work much better together that in no way shape or form picks winners and losers. This is our big challenge going forward.
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  • Finding Me

    Viola Davis is incredible!! An incredible actor, person, mentor. I love love love listening to her recant her childhood, her life. The raw truth, the struggles, the pain, tragedy, disappointment, fear. The FORGIVENESS to her abusive dad. I cried a million tears because I was so touched that she was able to build a loving relationship with her dad despite it all……He knew she truly loved him unconditionally and left this life with that knowledge in his soul. It reminded me of my own dad 😭and our relationship. The courage to tell her story the good bad and the ugly. And there were plenty of ugly events that many would not survive. The love for the family despite their short comings. The sincere prayer to God to bring her Julius, the love of her life. Owning her roots and who she is, where she came from and where she is now. Not forgetting any of it. Ohhhhh, the trip to Africa. Gaining affirmation from the Mother Land that she is SOMEBODY…that we are all somebody and figuring out who that somebody is in this cruel world and taking a dignified stand. Standing tall as a beautiful, dark skinned sister, beautiful inside and out!!
    What an inspiration. Viola stated “The Purpose of Life is to Live It”. I’m so very inspired to live my life to the fullest, as tomorrow is promised to no one.
    Thank you Ms. Viola Davis….thank you.
    I loved it all.
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  • Born of Earth

    By A L. Knorr It was almost a year ago that I read this book, so when I found the opportunity to listen to it on Audible, I jumped at it. I am so glad that I did! With AL Knorr about ready to publish sequels to this book, it was an ideal time to review/listen to it. I have never reread any book as I always then knew what had happened. Life is short and books are many, but as I have aged, l remember only the basics of the story. As I listened to Born of Earth, the vivid writing came to life as if watching a movie and I was in Ireland with Georgie. I was there ten years ago, so pictures were brilliant in my mind of the land and people . i was amazed at how little I remembered of the details which brought the story to life. Listening to the reader was reminiscent of listening to radio stories in my childhood where imagination was able to “see” what was happening. So, I loved every minute of the book as if I had never read it. As Georgie grew to see the Fey and become a Wise, I wished to see Ley lines, and fairy buds, to hear the plants telling of what they can cure, and to sink feet into the earth. To read a story by A L Knorr is to enjoy a well-written book with strong characters, a great plot and a new experience unlike any other. But to listen to that same story is to experience it.
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  • Terrible with Apple Watch

    There are too many bugs to list with the Apple Watch. It’s beyond frustrating. Just syncing needs some major work - takes an eternity and you can’t use your phone during the sync process nor let it go to sleep. So you sit by your watch on the charger with your phone in your hand refreshing then audible library for an hour while it syncs. God forbid something happens in the middle because you then have to go through a horrible process of trying to delete it from the Watch correctly and restart the entire process. And sometimes it just disappears from the Watch and you can’t sync at all. So you have to remove the app from your phone and watch and reinstall and then restart the sync. And sometimes it will only sync half the book. Ugh. It’s terrible. I like to listen to books on my long runs and not have to take my phone but lately I’ve just given up. It’s happened the past several years, with different (upgraded) watches and phones. Would be great if these things could be fixed! Also, when you try to pick up off from other devices, it doesn’t always pick up from where you left off (like listening in my car to my phone or watch) so I have to try to find it. Great concept but the same problem for years with never any improvements.
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  • Great selection of books, but I have a few complaints

    I like this app specifically because of the variety of books on it, but there are some things that really bother me. For one, the cheaper subscription gives you limited access to the audible library, which I find disappointing and annoying. Then when I switched to the more expensive subscription I found out I’m not even allowed to get multiple books with my subscription anymore! I don’t know when that changed, but it wasn’t like that a few years ago when I first started using the service. The first time I had an audible subscription I was allowed to download multiple books with it and accumulate credits to spend on extra books. So after coming back to audible and re-registering for a subscription I was extremely disappointed and frustrated by the fact that you can ONLY use you single credit a month to download books, even if you bought the most expensive subscription. I think this change is ridiculous and I would be a lot happier is audible switched back to how it was years back when I had my first subscription.
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  • Vivid Beach Settings and Authentic Characters Learn to Find Happiness

    It took a little more than usual for me to get into the book; at first,It started off feeling too much like a cliché, but that changed after the first few chapters. After reading the book, it almost feels like that was the author’s intention to provide a stark contrast for the character development throughout the book or possibly the author became a better writer once she fully built her world. I really enjoyed the vivid setting descriptions of the “Pond” and the city(really all of the settings were wonderfully sketched through words in the reader’s mind), the characters felt so authentic that I was sad when the story ended, and the structure was also essential to the plot: going between the past and present at various stages, but also within one day at the beach house in the present. It could get a little confusing at times, but this made me pay attention more so I didn’t mind. There were times when I was so angry at the main character, and mother(s), that I literally yelled at her (them)through my phone. It was never the main character’s fault, but she made so many poor, weak choices at times. It reminded me of the human flaws and regrets we all have or carry.
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