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  • Used to love…love a little less…

    Generally like app and use it every day and never had any issues. But have observed more issues recently. Downloads that used to take seconds now take over 5 minutes sometimes. Don’t know If that’s an Apple issue or Audible issue. Other times it’ll show as being downloaded only for me to get half way through and realize it’s not fully downloaded and chapters are unavailable. No option to finish download or notification that the download was interrupted. Have to delete and redownload multiple times…which would be doubly frustrating if I were somewhere without Wi-Fi…Also when searching for a book in my library of over 500, using the “view in library” doesn’t actually take you to the book but just to the library, which is of no use since you can do that on your own. The reason I want to view it is so that I can see how fast it’s downloading. Also don’t like the new updated interface, not as obvious which books are downloaded except for check mark.
    Really hate that car mode replaces the position where you could access the chapters list. You should at least be able to choose which icons you want and where. It took me restarting my phone bc I thought it was a glitch to finally see that there was a new icon for chapters next to title. Interface keeps getting worse imo.
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  • Run Towards the Danger

    I cannot describe the profound impact this book has had on me. ALL Polley’s essays deeply penetrated my psyche in ways that can only be described as some mysterious, alchemical nectar that has possibly saved my life. I am recovering from a heart attack (2 weeks ago) which required a stent and a cocktail of drugs which have resulted in innumerable side effects, including profound weakness, headaches and dizziness. I have not, historically, responded at all well to pharmaceutical drugs, having already been dealing with dizziness which commenced 12 hours after a Covid booster more than a year ago, a “vaccine injury” for which there is no remedy.
    Polley’s final essay has given me hope just as I had begun contemplating how much easier it would be to simply die. At this point I have no way of knowing if the strategy of attacking my symptoms will have the effect of
    healing my neurologically challenged brain in the way that it helped the author, but I am committed to giving it a go. I realize that this review is likely too personal to print, (“TMI”, perhaps?) but if you would be so kind as to pass along my deepest gratitude to Ms. Polley it would be much appreciated. Thank you,
    Nell Luce
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  • Very helpful book

    I have been on a mission (I am in my 40’s) to finally learn how to communicate everyday, including having difficult conversations. The author provided so much insight into how I was conditioned to respond in a certain way that has caused the receiver of the message to immediately shut down and become defensive. I listened to this book on my commute to and from work and learned so much that I can apply to everyone I talk to, both personally and professionally.

    I will admit, as other reviewers have stated, that the author’s voice has a slow dragging pace, so I fixed that by speeding up the audio to 1.2x and this reduced a lot of vocal clicks and made the pace more of a “normal” speaking speed without affecting the author’s message. I personally like hearing books in the author’s own voice as it conveys meaning exactly how author meant to convey the message without interpretation from another speaker (professional narrator or not). To me, hearing from the writer in their voice gives life to the message.

    I plan to go back and review some key areas which really spoke to me. I recommend this book to anyone, even if they think they know how to communicate. This book changed my life and perspective, and may very well save my marriage.
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  • Love the phone, hate the changes to the watch app

    I have loved Audible for many many years and when the watch companion app was added it made it even better until… A couple of releases ago the ability to select books from either the phone or the watch was removed and now you can only control/listen to books downloaded to the watch, and worse yet from the watch. I have nearly 800 books in my Audible library and at any one time I’m switching between two or three, plus my Go To favorites. Assuming I wanted to download a handful of books to my watch, even if they would all fit which they won’t, and I was willing to take the hit on time between recharging which I’m not, the difficulty of finding one book out of many hundreds is a complete non-starter. You can’t even push the book from the phone to the app like you could in previous versions. I reported these problems to the developer directly and the response was the typical, “thank you for letting us know, we will take this into consideration for a future release,” which means they’ve mastered pretending to care without doing anything. Here we are 2 releases later and it’s still broken.
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  • Some issues but overall worth the price

    I love audible, it’s easily my favorite app and really the only reason I use my phone for anything other than communication. The price is more than reasonable, for $15 you get access to a lot of really solid books, plus a credit to use on any book you want, no matter the price. Depending on their age and popularity, some books can be upwards of $30 by themselves, so that’s a pretty sweet deal. Credits carry over and, as long as you keep your membership, they will not expire (if you cancel, be sure to use any left over credits before you do).
    My only advice is to check the book’s price before you use a credit on it. As I said before, a credit is good for any price book, but that also goes for inexpensive books. They don’t make it easy to see the actual cost, I have to use my phone’s browser because they don’t show you within the app, but there have been books I want that are only $2-3, which would be a total waste of a credit, so I just buy them with my credit card.
    The only con for me would be (as of December 2022, at least) is the poor compatibility with iOS, you can’t use Siri for any commands other than rewind/play/pause/forward. Since I listen with my AirPods most of the time, it would be nice, but I guess I understand with the whole Alexa vs. Siri war.
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  • Have No Fear

    After listening to this audible with Joyce Meyer it made me understand my fears I have with calling my clients. Listening to scripture made me do it anyways- the Lord is on my side. I have been listening to Joyce’s sermons for over a decade and have purchased some of her books. “Do it afraid ,” is by far my favorite audible I will buy this book to keep on my shelves for reference. Being in sales can be challenging when you get a lot of “No’s by people over the phone, would make me want to quit! But listening daily to Joyce about other normal everyday people with their fears and overcoming them with the help of my Lord Jesus opens my eyes, to see how little my fears are. I would say to myself- just call the first 10 people - then it would be 20 people, then 50 - after my calls were made and I completed the task with the help of the Lord Jesus it would not be as bad as I thought. I would say a little prayer~ Thank you Lord that you are always here by my side helping me build my business and to keep my accountable in my daily tasks- in Jesus name Amen.
    Thank you Joyce Meyer for writing this book, and teaching me the scriptures in the Bible to help me daily do it Afraid but Not afraid anymore 🙏🏼 .
    Lillian from Los Angeles
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  • Her life was saved by Rock and Roll

    Cincinnati Ohio-where I grew up In the 50’s was like an over stuffed chair, inviting thoughts of comfort but quickly becoming carnivorous, a Venus fly trap for the soul. Across the river in Newport Ky, there were “sepia” record stores, where we could listen to “colored” vocalists and groups ,nightclubs where we, as under age kids, could just walk in and hear the likes of Chuck Berry. I was smitten. This was hope personified. Rock and Roll gave joy and connection, a perfect lens. Turning on that tan Philco radio in our kitchen as I rolled in for breakfast was a daily necessity to turn the day into a rainbow.
    Jann Wenner perfectly captures his Rolling Stone magazine and the culture it shaped. One could enjoy it strictly from that perspective. Of course he is a great writer. For those of us who read every single issue from start to finish though it is so much more. One could say the book is a memoir but it is a cultural bible of the times. I loved listening to every word. It is a beautifully told chronicle of a few magical decades. It is only Rock and Roll but I like it. Thank you Jann Wenner for sharing. It means more than I can say. You will never be finished ax long as you are breathing,
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  • Newest Watch update good and bad

    The most recent update for Apple Watch was at first very exciting until I realized that to find the book I wanted to listen to I had to scroll through EVERY BOOK I OWN ALPHABETICALLY 🤨🤨🤨. I have over 1000 books and trying to scroll down all the way to the R or T titles takes forever. They only have three options to sort recent, title, downloaded. These can be useful but there should be a way to sort based on what is downloaded on the iPhone app. It would also be very useful to have the current listen on iPhone to be at the top of any list so you can easily download it to your watch. I am very very pleased to no longer have to rely of my phone to download books to watch.

    The app on my phone is great I saw some reviews that don’t like the home page with recommendations and such I personally think it’s great it points me to books I may not come across otherwise and the next in your series list it really useful.

    I wish I could give this a full five+ stars but there needs to have some refinement and additional options in browsing- but please don’t take away from what you have done for the way you downloaded books and the other items in the updates!!!
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  • Break Shot

    Fabulous. Started it one night, finished it that night. Started it again, finished it again. I think I’ll enjoy being in this loop for the rest of my life.
    Thank you James. You’re 6 months older than me and we’ve had so many similarities in life, minus the hard drug addiction - yet I’m not sure that glass of white wine each evening I’d give up so easily. My family has had its troubles and now my daughter. It’s a family affair. I have those cocktail napkins that read: “Mental illness runs in my family, in fact it gallops.” So, I’d like to tell you how soothing it was to discover your book, your story, after all that music and, oh yes, those fabulous lyrics. I am proud of you in every single way and I wish you nothing but light and joy. I’d like to thank you for writing and singing the music that got me through the loneliness of young adulthood and which still comforts me in old age.
    I recommend your book, music and sensibilities to everyone from teenagers to 100+ years. As I listened each time to your book, I am renewed. As an agnostic person, I guess it’s as though you took me to church!
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  • You Owe You

    This was an easy book to read along/ listen to. Dr. Thomas’ intentional use of simple language makes the principles highlighted in his book accessible to a wide range of readers. This made me feel inspired to examine my own core values and create a plan for myself and my family to create the life we deserve to have. you owe you is a gift to the global community, for anyone who is looking for meaning and purpose in their life. It is an honest reflection on what I’m sure was a difficult journey to self discovery, and legacy building.
    When you are going somewhere it is much easier to navigate when you have a clear sense of direction. But when you are the first in your family to accomplish so much the only direction you have is your faith and your companions along the journey. You Owe You provides that clear sense of direction to cut down the time it would take someone to reach the destination of purpose. By following the principles outlined in this book and applying them to your own life you will receive the fulfillment of clarity of purpose and self mastery. Enjoy the read and your own journey to answering the question what do You owe YOU?
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