Notifications preferences don’t work
I’ve disabled all push notifications except for order updates, and I still receive push notifications every day with promotions. Horrible.
Best place to buy anything and everything for your home!
I’m addicted
Find a solution to endless scrolling
Please provide an easier way to browse items for sale in the app. Perhaps with tabs? As it is I often don’t even check some items/brands out to avoid the dreaded endless scrolling. Ugh
App/website in English?
Hello, do you have a website or an app in English? Thank you!
Cheaper elsewhere
I’ve found items up to 50% cheaper on the wider internet, esp Amazon. And the quality of some items is mediocre.
Es wäre schön, wenn man noch ein paar Minuten hätte, um eine Bestellung zu erweitern. Nun muss ich leider doppelt Versandgebühren zahlen. Es wurde ein Artikel nich in den Einkaufswagen übernommen…
Esperienza molto migliorabile
I prodotti sono spesso accattivanti ma trovo dei limiti alla app che inficiano l’esperienza di acquisto: non si può fare una ricerca per articolo, non si può filtrare per nessun criterio, i prodotti restano tra i preferiti solo per 20 minuti quindi se anche solo si vuole finire di vedere tutte le offerte in corso prima di fare un ordine rischiano di scadere e di perdersi. Forse queste opzioni sono presenti e sono io a non averle trovate, ma se così non fosse mi sembra comunque una mancanza per la app
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Not available in English
Despite theAdvertisement on Apple apps being in English when you purchase it asks for a language and does not give English as an option
English please!
Please come out with a version of the app in English. Do you ship to the US?
At risk of being laughed at..
I cannot get the version with English. I just selected a country and signed in with my Apple ID. Looks very nice but Im not going to try more than the 15 I have to get it in English. I even looked it up and it states it’s a US company?