User Reviews: Stand Up! The Work Break Timer

Top reviews

  • Clear simple fast - it works for me

    I love the simplicity. I set reminders 10am-9pm to stand up hourly and drink water and do 10 pushups. I like the random alert sounds. Unsure of purpose if the 3-5 minute later sound. Would like simpler tracking visual of percent or red yellow green compliance or which days of week or times of day I need to improve. I would love and willing to pay for inviting a group of 10 friends to share data and hourly checkins.
  • Great with an adjustable stand up desk

    I have a motorized standup desk that easily transitions between sitting and stand up heights. I looked for the right sort of timer for quite a while without finding anything that would work for me. I like to stand for 30 minutes and then sit for 30 minutes. The Stand Up! app allows me to do just that. I set the “Stand” setting to 30 minutes. The app tells me to stand and then let’s me know in 30 minutes that I am done standing. Perfect. All the settings are straight forward and allow customization to your own work routine. On weekends, I use the prompt to get up and move around if I happen to be sitting.
  • Better than Apple Watch coaching

    I can’t always meet Apple Fitness’ schedule of standing in the last 10 minutes of every hour. This app lets me do it when I want, and reset the timer at that point. I’ve been searching for something like this for a long time. Right now, I’m also using it to stay hydrated - getting a glass of water at each notification
  • Stand Up

    I do a lot of computer work and have realized over time that I never stand up soon enough my daughter recommended this app I downloaded it and it is so helpful it is a gentle reminder for me to get up and walk and then come back and work I would recommend it to anyone who is fairly sedentary and needs just a little reminder to get up. 🧍‍♀️
  • Exactly what I was looking for

    A few years ago, I bought a Fitbit because I wanted the reminder to move feature. Unfortunately, it would only remind you to move if you hadn’t taken 100 steps in an hour. You could not customize it in any way. I wanted a reminder to move 15 minutes before the hour was up so I could hit my hourly step goal of 250 steps.

    Finally this app basically does just that. Reminds me 15 minutes before the hour to stand for 15 minutes. I plan on walking for those minutes, but it gets the job done.

    The free notification sound is short, but for .99 tip, you unlock all the ringtones. I’ll donate more later when I see how it works.

  • Wonderful / request

    I think the app is wonderful. Easy to use. I would make some requests. Perhaps an ability to fill in missed notices. As an example I was on my feet cleaning all day so I missed the notifications to stand. But it thinks I did not. 😅 Not a huge issue as what matters is I was up.

    Also I would like to request some purple color schemes. Otherwise the app is great and everything I was looking for.
  • So very very helpful

    Really easy to set up, really easy to adjust, well-thought-out options. I've been using Stand Up for about a month. I was afraid I would start to ignore or resent it, but in fact being reminded to come to the surface and move around feels more and more like an essential treat. I'm in so much less pain than I was when I would get absorbed and sit in some hunched over position for hours and hours every day...who knew!
  • Excellent little app that has made a big difference for me

    I can get so absorbed in my work that I will sit in one place for hours and hours. My body has finally told me, painfully, that enough is enough. I’ve tried other timers to remind me to get up but I always turned them off and just kept working. Not so with this app! It’s making a huge difference for me. Sitting really is the new smoking :-(
  • Great app! This is what I have been looking for

    I love this app. it help me to get up to stretch a little bit. Otherwise I will sit in front of my computer all day long. I hope the app can allow me to set the alerts to be continued for X minutes. so I can use the alert music to stretch. For example, I can set the alert starts to rain every 45 minutes, that alerts itself continually ring for 5 minutes. This way I can get up exercise for 5 minutes with you music after every 45 minutes sitting. Love to see it gets better and better. Joy
  • I appreciate the Apple Watch notifications

    I am delighted that stand notifications come via my Apple Watch. It’s far more useful to me to feel the wrist tap and respond on my watch rather than relying on a phone notification and pulling my phone out to respond. In a perfect world, the app would “know” when I’ve already been standing via the watch’s Activity app and avoid sending an alert, but I suspect there’s no path to link that data.

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