Aaptiv User Reviews

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  • This App is very motivational and keeps me going

    I love this App, I love the idea of a trainer in my ear pushing me because that’s what I need when I work out so this app is great in that respect and with all the intensity levels etc. I never get bored or tired or feel like I am doing the same old thing every time I work out. What would make this App a 5 star is on some of the workouts, especially the core workouts even though they explain the exercise in as much detail as possible, sometimes I still don’t feel like I am doing it correctly so I have to pause the workout look it up online or go back 30 seconds to really listen to how to perform the exercise. If there was a way to have a slide showing how to do the exercise where the trainers picture is at, that would be helpful for us visual learners. SWORKIT shows you how to do the exercise but lacks what this App brings to the table in terms of different types and number of workouts coupled with a personal trainer pushing you and giving motivation. If that was added to this I don’t even think it could be any better. I hope that is something that is added in the future so that way at the end of each workout you can feel like you did it right and got the most out of it! All in all I really like this and feel it is worth the purchase!💪🏽
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  • Reinvigorated my gym going

    Was getting so bored doing the same workout at the gym, and could never make the classes but missed the buzz of them. Enter Aaptiv. Ray just ran me through a really challenging elliptical workout. I came away feeling like I had given my all and so uplifted. I then did a legs class followed by a stretch and meditation. Brilliant. I have read the comments about when the trial period is over so I am going to try to use this as much as I can over the next month to justify the annual charge.
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  • I. AM. SHOOK.

    This app is not only changing my workouts, it’s changing my life. I love the choice of workouts and the introduction to new ones. I find it difficult to exercise in front of people and my life is pretty hectic so finding the time, money and confidence to join a gym is hard. This app is so cheap in comparison and I love how accessible it is.

    The music is great and bonus you don’t have to waste battery life by running two apps and having someone in your ear constantly motivating you is great.

    The categories are really great to and I’ve been able to use them to meditate, help with sleep, cool down and warm up. I really don’t think I would be exercising as often and managing to stay active if I didn’t have this. CANNOT recommend this enough!!
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  • Bad experience

    I tried to cancel my subscription through the app before the 30 day trial was up (I didn’t even use the app for 1 workout during that time) and got a message that there was no subscription. Thinking I was organised and happy to move forward with life, I forgot all about it.
    That is until they took the money from credit card anyway. And not ones for a month by month type subscription- we’ll take a whole year from you straight up.
    Customer service advises that I needed to cancel my subscription prior to the trial finishing via ‘any means’. Any means other than their actual app. Apparently could’ve emailed or told them on Facebook.
    Seems to me like a money grubbing way to do business, but apparently that’s how they work. Be aware...
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  • The best fitness app out there!

    I am a long time runner (over 40 yrs) and Ironman Triathlete. I train a LOT at swimming, biking and running. And I get bored when I have to train so much. I also work full time and then some and I live in the Northwest where it snows, rains and ices up a lot, so a lot of my workouts are indoors before I go to work. This app has breathed new life and motivation in to me. The trainers are amazing, the sound tracks are amazing and the convenience is amazing. Not to mention I am working harder than if I had to do these workouts on my own. The treadmill and strength combined workouts allow me to be more efficient as I not only get is speed work, but some serious muscle work. I have used several other apps to include Peloton (video based) and love this one so much more. The variety for different types of workouts is fantastic. And now that I can get it on my Apple Watch too, possibilities are endless. Many thanks to all the trainers for keeping me strong and motivated and for sounding so dedicated to the audience. Love the encouragement and the pushing to the next level. I actually want to even get up earlier so I can have Ben in my ear while I pound the pedals on my Triathlon bike on the trainer. Keep up the great work!
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  • Great! But quick math required for non-Americans

    This app is excellent. I kept seeing it pop up on Facebook and thought I’d give it a try. I am a relatively unfit person and have never been able to run any distance without feeling puffed out. But this app really gets you motivated and the songs are awesome. It feels like the trainers are really there with you and want you to achieve as much as you do.
    The only downside is for people that don’t use miles. If on a treadmill, they want you to change your mph quite a lot and you require some quick math to get the mph to kmph fast enough to keep up. I downloaded a conversion chart and it’s best that others do as well!
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  • Greatest Fitness App HANDS DOWN!

    I started using Aaptiv when I was starting to plateau with my weight loss and struggling to come up with fitness goals.
    I downloaded the app without high expectations with only the thought that at least I wouldn’t have to do my own workout “planning”.
    How happily surprised was I that the trainers were enjoyable to listen to, had great music, & were strangely motivating (seeing as they were simply voices coming out of my phone). There’s so much variation and you’ll find yourself quickly finding your favourite trainers. This app has helped me lose weight, become faster, stronger and built my endurance.
    Thanks Aaptiv!
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  • Great, but a couple of small drawbacks.

    I’ve found this app great so far, I really like the variety of classes available and find the trainers really encouraging. The only drawbacks I’ve found is it’s sometimes hard to hear the trainer’s instructions over the music, and if you miss it you have to interrupt you workout and rewind a bit to listen again. It’d be great if there were volume controls for voice and music separately. Also, twice now I’ve started a workout that is tagged as a ‘beginner’ workout, but during the class the trainer mentions it’s an ‘intermediate’ class. There should be a way to provide specific feedback at the end of a class rather than just a star rating so these issues can be identified. Both times I didn’t want to stop the workout, so I ended up modifying some of the harder exercises because I am actually a beginner, and while I absolutely want to challenge myself, if I’ve chosen a beginner workout, I expect it to be for beginners and to actually be able to complete it properly.
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  • Good for motivation

    I’m probably the least motivated person when it comes to exercise and this app really does help with that. The trainers are very good at making you feel like you’re in an actual session with them and leaves the thinking for yourself out of it.

    Sometimes it can be a bit confusing as to the exercises when it’s just an audio description but for the most part if you know basic moves you can follow along.

    I’d like to have more filter options such as for where the classes have “lower body + cardio” etc so (mostly with strength) I can easily find the classes that target what I want so I can do a leg day etc. It would also be good to maybe be able to build a class out of smaller classes, so they flow straight into each other.
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  • Good slog

    Tried this app to help motivate me a bit more. I have been running for a while but found it boring and would start walking towards the end. This app has helped keep me a bit more engaged and accountable. Some areas of improvement could be a self-assessment test to see what level of fitness you’re at if you’re starting a new program like the half marathon so you can jump to the week you need. Also monitoring your heart rate to give specific feedback would be great so it’s more personalised. Will keep going with the half marathon program and might even try the full marathon! Thanks
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