Lark Health User Reviews

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  • Good and Bad

    It’s a good app in their idea and concept and works well. But the data is old. If I ate as they wanted I would be stuck. I have been doing a Ketogenic diet and in a few months I have lowered my a1c into the normal range, bp is normal, LDL is in the mid 90s HDL is good and I dropped 71lbs By the time LARK sent me the information about using this app and devices I have been pretty much out of the woods on some things and when I set up the program LARK basically laughed when I set up how much I wanted lose in my first 16 weeks. I pretty much already lapped the Lark suggestion and well on my way to my goal.

    I think they need to up their data base and stop following the nation guidelines and use what really works

    Low carb works! Stop recommending whole grains. I eat enough veggies for fiber and have stopped feeding my insulin sugar.
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  • Accountability

    I appreciate the accountability of this app. Meals are very easy to enter. I’m trying to learn how to meet Lark’s badge expectations. I would like the app to include help with that. I changed time zones while on vacation and the app could not keep up with what day it was, so even though I entered meals for Monday, it was still giving me feedback for Sunday’s meals. It will be hard to stay motivated to enter all the information if the app attributes one day’s food and activity to a different day. Something else that would be helpful is the ability to add sleep. It seems like I only can log one period of sleep per day. Often, I’ll wake up at 2 or 3 and the. Go back to sleep at 5. The app only figures on my sleep from 10 - 2. I do enjoy the health tidbits. And it has definitely made me more mindful about fruits and vegetables. I think it will be effective in the long term.
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  • AI Health Coaching

    This is a pretty cool app. I’ve been using Lark as part of the Diabetes Prevention Program offered through my insurance. It’s been a great way to visualize my progress and receive support throughout my weight loss process.

    The best feature of the app is the insight it gives you into multiple aspects of your health data, including sleep, activity, weight, stress, and more. I find these insights really helpful in getting an overall picture of my health! The one aspect of this app I really don’t like is the food logging - it’s very unintuitive and doesn’t provide options or customization of entries like most food tracking apps which makes it pretty difficult to use.

    However, this app is still a great tool 🙂 I’m already down more than 5% of my body weight and I can’t wait to keep going!
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  • Great App

    I’ve lost weight and appreciate not having to go to meetings where I have to sit and listen to other people talk about stuff that I do not need to hear. Therapy should be a private conversation. You get what you need from Lark. Has a great mindfulness feature that helps me when I need it, on the spot. The staff who man their questions related to the app are quick and thorough. The only reason I give it a 4/5 is their food intake feature. It’s only accurate if you know portion control and if you know how many calories items contain. I’d love for them to add a scanning feature and more accurate portion identification. Besides that, it’s exactly right for me and my weight loss needs.
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  • Don’t Expect Them to Contract with Your Ins

    I signed up because my insurance was literally the example in their search for insurance box.... It still would not come up. No one was available through their support at that time to assist. My insurance company advised to enter it as an instate (CA) network saying that if one is accepted the other will be as well and systems often have issues with the out of state info. Well once I entered the instate info Lark had no issues verifying my group number as covered in their system. So today I call as it has been about 2 weeks an I have not received anything more than the initial welcome email from them. No scale or notice that it’s on the way. The app keeps telling me that I’m almost to getting the Fitbit... The rep tells me I was kicked out of the program because I don’t have h the correct insurance. No notice and my “coach” is just stringing me along.... waist of time. Also this is the 3rd time with a 3rd different insurance so I’m not sure what you have to have to “qualify”.
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  • Doesn’t work for prediabetes like they claim

    I signed up because I was diagnosed with prediabetes, and I’m on a special lifelong eating plan specifically for prediabetes/diabetes. Lark doesn’t let you customize your eating outside of vegan/vegetarian/dairy free/gluten free. There is no option for low carb, low carb high fat, high protein, or keto—all of which are prescribed by endocrinologists for patients with prediabetes or T2D.

    Frankly I found it incredibly frustrating to be told DAILY that I’m eating too much saturated fat (I’m not) and that I’m not eating enough fruit and grains (which spike my blood sugar!)

    I deleted the app after my Fitbit shipped. They also have ads advertising a higher model of free Fitbit but once you qualify you find out you get the lowest model for free and have to pay for higher models. I’ll just end up selling the free one (because I already have one just like it and hate it) and buy a higher model that is used.
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  • I’m loving Lark!

    I signed up for the free scale. I had no idea how belonging to Lark would chang my life! My thought process about food has changed completely. I’m no longer eating everything in sight, and I think the fast food places are going bankrupt because of it!
    I’m now in it for LIFE-I want to live a healthy life. I’ve stopped soda and most sweets. I read labels. I WANT to be healthy!
    Over the weekend when we were out of town I ate some things I’ve been staying away from, but in moderation and mindfulness.
    I didn’t go off the program and in fact couldn’t get back to eat the new way that I’ve grown to love!
    My husband is also a member and we are living and loving it together!
    I’m more mindful of getting exercise although I’ve never really been into that. I park further from the stores and I walk my doggie more often and longer.
    I’m in this for the Win! For ME! I’m down 10 lbs in 3 weeks and I haven’t had acid reflux since I started. I FEEL better!
    Eating right is for me now! So glad this program came along to save me from my pre-Diabetes diagnosis!
    You’re coached daily and you log your meals and snacks. Just makes it more FUN!
    Try it-you’ll LOVE it!!!
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  • Easy and Enjoyable Way to Track

    I’ve been using the app for a few days. I enjoy the interactions with the app. It’s simple to record food for a good overview of what I eat. One feature I would like to see is suggestions for foods when it mentions to try to get more unsaturated fats for instance, or anything that it’s suggesting more would make me more likely to grab something. I know it doesn’t take much to either look up or know how to get the recommendations, but it would help subconsciously as well.

    As far as the subscription pricing goes, I’m not sure it will feel worth paying for once I’ve done it for awhile unless the suggestions get more personal or informative. Time will tell. Having access to real coaches or nutritionists - even if it was based on email feedback might make it more valuable to me.
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  • Lark is Helpful for Some

    If you are looking for an app to support you and keep you accountable this is a great app.

    Lark talks to you like a friend texting you. It’s comforting to some who are going for a social pal to keep you in check with your goals.

    Fitness and losing weight is the only big free option to keep track of. I can see my progress week to week and go through parts of the day when I’m most or least active. Eating etc is subscription only.

    What I do like:

    - I can check in anytime and look at my fitness throughout the day, week, etc.
    - Lark gives small information and details related to my goal each day. Some are fun.

    What I don’t like:

    - The small details Lark mentions related to my goal start repeating, and get tiresome. If they want me to check in everyday, they should change up the “conversation.”
    - I can check in for different things like if I skipped dessert or checked in with how I feel in the moment. But to fully experience those details you need to subscribe. It’s a tease, but one that is emotionally draining at times - there are other apps that do that without the baggage.
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  • Not worth $20 a month. Not special.

    My gym cost $40 a month. And there are many apps for free that can do what lark does as far as tracking of weight, food, fitness and sleep. Not only do I have apps to do these things but a simple google will tell you what you ate is bad or not bad. I know what is bad and how much I’ve worked out in a day so Lark does no good for me anymore. If the price was dropped I’d pay for it. Users are silly to even consider $20 a month. This is like $7 a month. Lark isn’t doing anything special or telling me anything new. Just overpriced with a lovely way of sorting the information. I’ll keep it installed but never will I pay for it. I have friends that would have been interested if it wasn’t overpriced for no reason. The developers don’t seem to be interested in paying per year or creative pay plans in general. It’s always been a flat $20 a month since they made it a subscription. I remember when lark was entirely free. :( certainly not $20 a month. Your funny!
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