Lark Health User Reviews

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  • Great so far

    I have only used this for a few weeks so far, no real weight loss yet but I feel better. I like that it is a constant reminder to do better. More motivation to be active and to make better choices when eating. I also like the sleep tracker, I lack in sleep a lot, busy with work & taxi for my kids, just makes more aware of what that does to my body. Encouraging when you do well. Makes you want to continue. It did take longer then I expected to receive the scale but was easy to set up when I did get it. Only complaint is it would be nice to interact by typing my own responses at times rather then preset ones. Sometimes it doesn’t understand meals or drinks like chai latte, it separated it latte any significant sugar? Then chai any significant sugar?
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  • Not quite sure

    So I came across this app/offer on Facebook and went for it since my insurance covers it. It’s been very confusing going between two providers to try and get to the free scale and Fitbit. Had a near six week back-and-forth trying to be recognized on the app and get my scale ordered when FINALLY that got worked out—though I’ve yet to receive the scale (it’s been a week so hoping in this next one I’ll get it). The scale is connected to Solera which monitors your app usage and sends the Fitbit. I should have that by now had things gone smoothly. Anyway, it looks like most folks do get their scale and Fitbit in a reasonable time period but that’s not been my experience at all. Customer support is slow but does respond. The app itself is ok. Looking for it to get stepped up and really give some helpful tips. I’m willing to give it a bit more time so I hope it all comes together and helps me reach my goals.
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  • Pretty useless so far

    The “AI coach” is a pre-programmed coach, completely not personalized. It doesn’t know or recognize the difference between healthy & unhealthy foods in some circumstances and asks me DAILY is my unsweetened iced coffee has a substantial amount of added sugar.

    Support says this “AI coach” learns as it goes along, yet every morning it asks again if my unsweetened coffee had substantial added sugar.

    It logs meals that I know are healthy as either unhealthy or neutral, and there’s no way to edit or adjust it.

    I’m a former power lifter/body builder who gained weight from chemo after surviving cancer 5x. I’ve since dropped 150 lbs before starting to use this app and I find the errors not only infuriating, but detrimental to motivation.

    Thank goodness I rely on myself for my motivation and not this garbage. Support is apologetic, but useless, nothing changes so why bother.

    The canned responses are also useless. The app doesn’t talk to you, it talks to itself. There is no way for you to provide your own responses, only choose the dev’s canned answer. I have no idea how that’s considered interactive. Why bother chatting with a “coach” that answers it’s own questions? Useless

    I’ll keep using it for the scale and the Fitbit...if they ever show up, and I’ll keep complaining and reporting errors until/unless they start getting it right.

    The idea is great, but in practice in it’s current iteration it’s a waste of time.
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  • Few Changes Needed

    The app is great and I fully get the concept of the check ins and the constant communication. I love this feature. What I would love to see is a way for me to type something other than the pre typed message. It should use the same concept as when you enter meals which I love because of no counting and measuring. The second change I would ask for is a way to look at the missions or save information. There was a suggesting to read and article and when I went back to view the conversation it was gone. I also wanted to look at my mission list and it was no where to be found. There should be a way to save it to your notes. I feel if I don’t instantly do something Lark suggests I miss the chance. I would have given it five stars if I could do those two things.
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  • Newbie

    I have only been using the app for about 3 days~ logging what I eat, amount of sleep, any physical activity and getting moral support from the virtual coach. I was surprised when I was asked to give a review but thought that if there is anyone thinking about this program, my comments might help you make that final “let’s go” decision. I feel good about having to be held accountable for my own health. I would say I am going to do something and not do it, but there was no one asking, “hey I thought you were going for a walk??” With Lark, there is that question~ what physical activity have you done, what did you eat~ but also no negative stuff- not yet anyway. Anyway I’ll check back in when I have finished my first month. 🙂
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  • Approved and Finally Using

    Got approved straight away but it took a week before I could actually use Lark. Have a friend who signed up too, and same happened to her, just slightly less time - took her 3 days to be able to use Lark. Approval is nearly instant but something happens once you try to get going. It seems like the account takes extra time to actually create. In fact I got made a new account with a new email, thinking the other was ‘buggy’ but it probably turned out to be just an app issue not creating the account fast enough. I “think” I even tried online - but I can’t remember- it’s been a month!!!

    1 month in, and I’m loving Lark!!! Not quite learning anything yet, but I’m expecting I’ll start learning new things I weren’t really knowledgeable about before!!

    📌 I’m loving Lark- wish we could type some responses- wish it was more Siri-esk... as in open communication and Lark could open chat instead of prepackaged responses.

    📌 I also wish we could archive the “convo” ... or rather, the information and knowledge that Lark bestows on us.

    📌 I am still waiting on a water logging / drinks log feature that is separate from the food. Reason behind wanting this is because drinking fluids are also a part of weight loss and being healthy - especially with diabetes!!
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  • App issues with unresolved help from Support

    I have been experiencing problems for going on 2 days now trying to get enrolled for the Diabetes Prevention program. I’ve checked all my information and it’s all correct. I’ve emailed back and forth with a Veronica and a Jay from support and have not gotten a resolution. I’ve included screen shots of the errors which are either the server timed out or it couldn’t process my request. I’m very frustrated that this is taking so long and I feel like I’m not getting any useful support. Your company advertises wanting to help prevent disease yet the structure and process of your program only increases the stress and anxiety of someone who genuinely is interested in bettering their health and lifestyle. The canned responses give me no human contact which ultimately makes one feel less support and there is zero compassion and understanding from someone who has walked a mile in my shoes.
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