User Reviews: iTunes Store

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Not a lot of clean songs

    I’m extremely disappointed with iTunes for its lack of clean versions of popular songs. As someone who prefers or requires clean music for various settings (like family gatherings, kids’ parties, or even personal listening), it’s frustrating to find that many songs are only available in their explicit forms. It’s especially surprising given how long iTunes has been around – you’d think they would have addressed this issue by now!

    While iTunes offers a vast library of music, the absence of clean versions greatly limits my options. I’ve wasted time searching through albums hoping to find a “clean” label, only to be let down time and time again. It seems like a basic feature that other streaming services have, but iTunes has failed to keep up.

    Until iTunes prioritizes offering clean versions, I can’t justify using it anymore. One star for the lack of consideration for all listeners.
  • App Store practices need updating

    Two things wrong with Apple and their App Store. First, a horrible “free” app can be swarmed with good reviews from bots. Apple has not done anything to stop this.

    Secondly, if an app was once good, it gets to keep all reviews no matter how horrible it went. I’ve seen apps that started out wonderfully. No ads, no IAP, works perfectly and great customer support. Then, ads start appearing. There’s IAP to remove the ads, that costs more than a subscription to a streaming service. Looking at you Weather Channel. They get to keep all the good reviews from the beginning, which can be in the hundreds of thousands, no matter how horrible it becomes.

    Apple, you need to start erasing all reviews if a once completely free app adds IAP. And again if one goes from $1 a month to $5+. The old reviews do not get changed and devs are taking advantage of it. You’re better than this. You were one for the people that bought your technology and I’ve seen a shift in the wrong direction, that only cares about profit from these people. You once knew your customers were the reason you made it this far, now we’re just a number. And that’s why your sales are no where near what they should be. And you’ll never get there again at this rate.
  • Restoring Purchases So Broken

    To save storage space I cleared all downloaded music off my phone. Whoops, forgot my alarms were songs, but no big deal I’ll redownload. Went to iTunes app, those specific songs weren’t listed in downloads. Searched for those songs and they were marked as purchased, but if you click on the word purchased nothing happens. Tried looking in my Apple ID for any sort of option, tried looking in things like Hidden Purchases, nothing! Someone online suggested playing several seconds of the song so it appears in “Previewed.” That worked and when it shows up there it has a price and asks if you want to buy it. When you say yes and double click to download it says you already purchased it and makes you enter your password manually. Then it FINALLY lets you download. iTunes has always been pretty broken, but this is so stupid. Not to mention the Purchased list shows 202 songs, but I know my actual purchases over the last decade are over 500 songs.
  • Taking away the ability to buy films!

    itunes until this week allowed for customers to purchase films and shows they wanted to. Now it only allows them to purchase music unless you managed to save films on a wish list (delete that by the way). Apple now wants us to purchase movies on their AppleTV app. fine, but certain shows and movies immediately defer to other streaming services with no option for purchase. It’s all dependent on those services, we already knew that our ability to buy films and TV on iTunes was basically a “license” to the right to watch these programs, but now I can’t even buy what I want unless I buy another streaming service that may not even have what I want after a few months. It’s not fair spending more money on a monthly basis for less content . It’s extremely lame of Apple and other companies to continue to prioritize streaming over a customer being able to actually purchase what they want, I should be able to purchase what I want with my own money.
  • Please don’t take this away from us

    I’m glad it still works for music. I can buy an album or songs and it just appears in the Music app. I don’t want to rent music anymore. I bought albums all my life until the 2010s and now I’ve gone back to buying music again. I like knowing that my favorite albums won’t suddenly be taken down or moved to another platform.

    I’m sad that movies and TV have been moved to Apple TV, because I liked the simplicity of visiting a single store for music, movies and TV. But I guess I should be grateful that we can still buy movies instead of literally everything being gated behind a subscription.
  • An okay future?

    We dinosaurs who haven’t signed up for Apple Music - who have many hundreds of our own CDs scanned into iTunes Match and still buy songs individually from iTunes - are going to be herded into this eventually anyway, assuming Apple even continues to support the iTunes Store.

    But it’s becoming clear iTunes/Apple Music App for desktops is going away first. The Mac version is getting increasingly glitchier (now refusing to sync playlists to iCloud, in my case), and the Windows version has always been sketchy. I listen to music mostly on the phone anyway, so might as well buy it from the app on the phone too

    Disappointed that I can’t move back and forth through song previews (maybe the iPad version lets you?) but one thing I’ve learned is that progress isn’t always forward, and all the other functionality works as expected.
    I predict that within five years Apple will can this product and make us subscribe to AM to access our huge iTunes Match libraries, but glad they’re keeping this option alive for now. Someday you will own nothing and you will love it, or so we are told.
  • Please restore movies and TV to iTunes

    Shopping for movies and TV shows has become a complete and utter disaster. My shopping experience with app Tv app is so horrible. Now you can’t filter or decipher between the movies and TV shows any longer. They’re all lumped in together and you have to dig through them like a big five dollar bin. They are more movies, movie specials and movie selections in the store now then there are TV shows, you literally have to search for each individual TV show that you’re looking for because chances are it’s not just going to be out there in the store any longer. No more wishlist, for those shows your keeping your eye on! The store is mainly made up of movies and movie deals and within those deals you’ll See season passes, top charting TV shows but outside of that there’s no dedicated page for just television shows anymore. They’re all lumped in together. This has made the shopping experience with Apple so frustrating. Irritating and time-consuming. Used to be a quick easy experience now you pretty much have to bunker in to dig through the bin of everything cram together. I personally enjoyed the division between movies and TV shows in the iTunes Store. I mean you guys even offered division in the wishlist, for the beginning! Please fix this issue for all of us who love shopping with Apple 🙏🏾.
  • Apple I store.

    It’s been a few years since I’ve had a I phone and boy have I missed it.
    The ease of use and ability to get access to everything from one location is so nice. And the ability to pay for things with a touch of a button makes life so much better, without having to dig out my wallet or go searching for my wallet or check book to find a routing number.
    The fact that a lot of things cost money that on some phones are free is a little disturbing because I like using Zedge for my ringtones. But for the IPhone you have to pay for it but it should be a permanent feature once I pay and download it.
    That’s the one nice part. And it can be saved to the cloud for later use on another phone I think. Or hope lol.
    Either way. Thank you for letting me go on. Michael.
  • Way too much for 1 song!

    I have been using iTunes since its inception and have only bought three songs during all these years. The reason for my lack of purchases is simple - the exorbitant price per song like 1.29? Don't get me wrong, I understand that artists deserve to be compensated for their work, but charging such a high price for a single track is just too much. Also different artists and songs should be rated differently and priced maybe, honestly I’m not sure!

    If iTunes were to consider lowering their prices, they would likely attract a significant number of consumers who, like me, are deterred by the current pricing structure. Not only would this result in increased revenue for iTunes, but it would also create a more inclusive platform for music enthusiasts from all walks of life.

    I sincerely hope that iTunes takes this feedback into consideration and reevaluates their pricing strategy. Lowering the cost of songs would not only benefit customers but also result in a win-win situation for both iTunes and the artists they support.
  • Yes

    Okay thanks so much and I’ll be there for a while and then I’ll be there for just got a g from grace I just saw this and I saw you guys on a Saturday night at the park on highway highway and I was wondering if you wet your car or not there today or so late Monday morning if that’s not possible for you guys if we need anything else we will have a great day at thanksgiving and we are all good thanks again for the weekend thanks again and for your prayers love this family love love mommy mama mommy love mommy mama love mommy bye mama mommy mama love mommy mama mommy hi mommy mama mommy I need to help you out and I’m doing a great day love mama love love mommy bye mommy love when you get here I’ll be here in about an a half a minute to come back to get you and I will be home in the park I just need you a little too much for my kids to be here at the church I have a couple kids but I’ll just come home in like an a little later than I’m just getting ready and ready so I’ll just come back home by myself and get some moist water