User Reviews: iTunes Store

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  • Cannot edit album cover art

    Absolutely terrible. Cannot edit the cover art for albums. Having bought an iPhone 13 at great expense, as the owner of this iPhone I should be able to edit the artwork on an album but if I don’t like the photograph. There are many songs which are great, but have bad album cover art. I have no intention of having corporate software on my laptop or PC. I have no intention of buying an Apple computer, nor should I have to. It’s a simple and basic function which should be inherent to an apple iTunes on an iPhone, that we can edit the artwork of the album. this is why Apple is failing in the market and going stagnant. You don’t have anything new in original, so you’re just stagnating and trying to extort us for basic features that used to be, and should be automatically part of the product. furthermore, we want real push buttons like the iPhone 5, we want legitimate headphone, jacks, like the whole world uses, and we don’t want to change away from the lightning plug. There’s no reason why you cannot waterproof these things. The new buttonless interface with a monolithic form is anti-human, and is painful and hostile to the human being, it is an anti-ergonomic, and I don’t appreciate it.
  • Could have been Five Stars, but…

    I deducted one star from the rating because it isn't possible to gift somebody a single song from an album via my iPhone or iPad. There have been many times that I have wanted to send somebody a single song from an album, but the iTunes Store® won't let me. I do so hoping the person will like this song enough to buy the whole album. But, hey – if you want to pass up the opportunity to sell more music, then you go right ahead. It's dumb as hell—but that's your business (which ends up leading to less business)—but whatever.

    It just dawned on me that I bet you can't create a playlist and gift it to someone, either. If that's the case, then I may have to come back and deduct another star. Sheesh!
  • Terrible issues with duplicated or deleted music

    My music library frequently populates with duplicates, and if I accidentally delete anything from my library that isn’t duplicated it becomes a total chore to re-download it again. Often, I can find the song (anywhere besides my purchased list, which, you know, is kind of baffling design) and see it is purchased, but no prompt allows me to download it. They are more than happy to offer me a subscription to Apple Music or play a 15 second sample of a song I have purchased, but not to download it. The only recourse I’ve found is, confusingly, to attempt to purchase the song again—it shows up to purchase in the store at full price—and then finally complete my globe-spanning quest when a prompt comes up recognizing I own the song. If I had deleted something and forgotten about it, I might never find it again.

    Like many apple products, iTunes is easy to navigate (or be navigated through by the invisible hand of the designers) if you don’t have much experience with the nitty gritty of computers, but quickly becomes a cheery-faced, smooth-walled nightmare landscape where you have no agency to solve your own problems the moment you step outside the expected user experience. The only thing keeping me here is the sunk cost I have in my music library.
  • Great but need more access to help

    I Love ITunes but wish it would be connected to the cloud so that playlists and songs could be remembered between old and new devices and the store. Could use a help section and easier access to a chat for a person. I once was able to get help but it took a while and I don’t remember how to exactly get back to that section. A great help would be that if you Ike certain songs, maybe the program could offer possibilities of music you might like. Also the music from artists you have downloaded from never changes it’s song choices so it’s always old choices. Also, could you have the current album covers be connected with our vehicles? Usually it’s so outdated on our vehicles which doesn’t make sense why there isn’t compatibility.
  • Don’t take away the option to buy ever again.

    I am old. I like owning the music. I don’t want to learn about Apple Music pay site. I am 70 and I need some things to stay the same. I can’t be the only boomer who is realizing g that we are behind the 8 ball on technology and will never be able to be fully on top of it. I have learned a lot. BUT - Not everything has to be updated every 6 months until we are all dead. Then the tech savvy kids can do whatever they want. I am pretty good, but I can’t be spending all my time “learning a way to do something “ that achieves the same but is a different way. What do you care if we throw our money away?
  • James Fox does it again!

    I’ve grown to admire and respect the work of Director James Fox, his documentaries always provide interesting new information on a subject the public and now US senate is getting to grips with. His last film The Phenomenon was stunning, he’s focused on one case on this one, a remarkable encounter in Brazil, with shocking implications for everyone. It’s very compelling, the witnesses and interviews paint a vivid picture of something truly otherworldly, I believe they are telling the truth, I’m grateful Fox has presented the story to us, hopefully this film will continue to push this subject into the light.
    I love that Apple includes extras, it’s why I continue to buy films from them, I’m very happy with my purchase, can’t wait to watch again. Great Job James!
  • Daily Bible app

    I’ve been listening to for years 10 years now. I’ve had two major strokes learn how to walk and talk again twice I’ve went and got a divorce during that time but God has helped me I struggle but the word keeps me motivated. in the prayers that I listen to on Facebook, I pray for some people when I was able to get on Facebook and pray, but God has helped me and he will always be with me and I understand that through the struggles through everything and I thank you Brian and Jill and your daughter. thank you so much. I am so grateful. I contribute monthly. Thank you and God bless you and your family Delanna from San Antonio Texas. I can’t wait to start on November 1. That’s why I pre-ordered it.
  • Not enjoy at all

    I was subscriber last time, no more. I was very disappointed. I knew only certain songs were available for sale , most songs are for subscription. I tried to subscribe, then I collect the songs I wanted in my playlist. I didn’t play my play list a while. When I want to play again , they were no more at all!!! That’s so disappointing!!! I spent time to collect the songs, you just made them disappear easily. How could you? Those songs that I already collected long time ago should have been in my song list!!! Why you didn’t include them in my songs list. ??? That’s why when I turn on my musics from my IPhone in my truck, I never heard my new collections on for long time. That’s so disappointing.
    I am long time member of iTunes/I phones. I was subcriber, now I don’t want to be subcriber. It’s waste my money!! I bought lots of songs in ITunes long time ago. So I ask you, please put the songs all the time on the subcriber songs list and don’t make different between the customers who just want to buy songs with the subcriber. All songs must be avaible for not subcriber . I don’t want just rent!! I want to own those songs all the time, and I can play them on all the time, don’t control the one who want to listen the songs he want with suddenly erase those songs. That’s too bad & not fair!!! That’s input for you from customer who you treated not good.
  • Expiring rentals is ridiculous.

    I rented a movie for a plane ride. Ended up not getting to it and now I can’t watch it. The fact apple puts a time limit on “virtual” rentals is terrible customer service. Apple just took my money for no service. What a scam dude. I can’t use it for another movie or song?! I’ve spent thousands and THOUSANDS of dollars on apple products but I guess its the little things. I gave Apple $5 to watch a movie about aliens inside the moon, I didn’t watch it within a day and APPLE is like. Sorry, it gone, we can’t figure out how to leave that in your queue until you want to watch it. You only got one copy of this movie sitting somewhere apple?! Is there someone on the other side with a cassette tape that plugs it in so I can watch it?! Does the software start to spoil after 24hours? I can leave shrimp in my fridge longer than you allow people to watch a rental. Y’all can’t figure out how to let that credit sit on a server somewhere until I watch it? Garbage Apple. What’s the point of your online service? Weak Apple. Super weak.
  • Tired of itunes

    I am so sick and tired of going to buy a song by a artist that I’m not a huge fan of , however i like a particular song so i just want the one song to find out i can only get it if i buy the entire album , that’s just stupid the whole point of digital should be buy only the songs you want and not the ones you don’t, then you have to back up the music you buy on a computer, which is stupid, look i know most people have a computer , however I don’t so if i buy a song or album on iTunes it should be on your phone apparently it isn’t because there have been artist who have removed their songs / albums from iTunes and i guess that’s fine , however i have already bought and paid for it removing your music should only effect new purchases not people who have already purchased it and i tried Apple Music, ill be reviewing you next and you’re not going to fair any better so i tired it wasn't impressed didn’t want it and I actually lost songs that i paid for when i called to complain i was told you have to subscribe to apple music to sync your iTunes purchases and i lost more than 5 songs but was only given a 5 song credit because “we’re only allowed to give out 5 free songs so i more than likely will no longer be making any more purchases off itunes!