Microsoft Outlook User Reviews

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  • Outlook as my organizer…

    I need one platform that I can use on my devices. I am a Windows user on my computers, servers, and other devices in my office environment as well as other companies office environments. Smart phones are slowly becoming an important device and Apple devices are leading the way for me and my users, especially my younger users. I would like to receive a text and quickly, easily add the sender to my Outlook contacts not my Apple contacts. Once added I would like to quickly search for that added contact on either device via Outlook, but cannot. I prefer the Microsoft 365 local environment, but making it work easily is complicated and very frustrating. I am aware Microsoft attempted to compete in the smartphone arena a few years ago but acknowledged Apple was the leader and gave up. Microsoft won the computer and computer OS battle for businesses decades ago, but Apple is still fighting. Can’t Microsoft continue to either battle for or work with Apple to provide us users with an organizer platform between Windows workstations and Apple smartphones that is easy to use and seamless to use as we work across both devices? Please…? Thanks. — Mark
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  • Good but could be much better

    I enjoy using Outlook w Office 365. I grew up using Microsoft products and so it feels familiar and easy to use.
    That said, there are some very basic things offered in Google Workspace w Gmail that are lacking in Outlook w Office 365 subscription. Like, why can’t I schedule emails and why can’t I have multiple domains to send “From” when I send emails? I Gmail w Google Workspace I could choose which domain email address I wanted to use when sending emails and that is super handy considering I have more than one company w different domain names. I like being able to schedule my emails too… these are simple basic offerings in Google products to setup and to use.
    I would have thought Microsoft would be able to offer everything Google can and more… it’s disappointing to me to have pushed our organizations to move from Google Workspace to Office 365, go through all the work to do so, and then learn much used functionality we used to have is now not available from Microsoft.
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  • Needs some refinement

    I only installed Outlook on my iPad and phone to get access to my work email and calendar. I added my personal Gmail account but I actually prefer the gmail app.
    The main problem with Outlook is that it makes you click a button to view more on longer messages. This wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t reload the message making you scroll down to where you left off.
    Also, when you click a link in a message (which opens a browser), when you come back to Outlook it often reloads the message - making you scroll down again to find the place where you left off.
    My work requires the use of the Edge browser and has all kinds of restrictions on it. So, I don’t use Edge for personal stuff. You can configure which browser to use based on which email account you’re using on Outlook. But it often opens the Edge browser when I’m using personal email account, instead of Safari which I configured it to use.
    If Microsoft could fix these issues, it would be a much better app and I might use it even if my employer didn’t require it.
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  • Terrible UI, 10 years behind everyone else

    The only reason I’m using this is because my employer was strong armed by Microsoft into blocking non-Microsoft apps from accessing the email system. They claim it is for security reasons. I don’t believe it. You can’t set it to list the emails without showing the first two lines on the message, so you can only see four messages at a time. All it does is place a tiny dot next to new messages instead of putting the sender and subject in bold like Apple’s client, so it is hard to see which messages are new. It ignores settings from the main pc client. I turned off the focused inbox because as a university professor it is useless to me, but the iOS client turned it back on. I am a computer science professor. Overall, it gets a D. The only reason I’m using it is because it was forced on us due to Microsoft’s shady tactics to try to gain market share. A standards-compatible email server should be able to work with any standards-compliant email client, but adhering to standards is not the Microsoft way. Don’t get this unless you have no choice. I pity anyone who is forced to use to use this piece of trash email client.
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  • Great app BUT....

    It’s been five months that I have reported this issue and for five months I am told it is a known issue and will be handled with an update; BULL The use to work as described. However, I am not able to load multiple contacts when either creating, forwarding or replying to additional contacts. I have Office 365 on my PC and wanted to synch my calendar and mailboxes, so I added the iOS Outlook app. I have tried contacting iOS support and they intermittently respond. It’s difficult to fix a problem they can’t see or spend time trying At this point the iOS app is not functioning correctly and isn’t supported very well. It’s coming off my iPhone. It’s been months and the problem has been “dumped” into a big black hole called engineering. No one owns any problem. The app works perfectly on my wife’s iPhone and the Apple mail app works perfectly.
    It’s now been over a year. My only issue is on average 400+ emails are always visible in my deleted folder. When I try to delete a message it immediately returns. I cannot swipe delete anything from my junk file to the delete file I have to manually move it.
    Mobile Outlook support is useless!!!!!!!
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  • Great for two mail accounts

    This app is great for those who want to use two accounts in one app. It has some time saving features that the built-in Mail app lacks, such as smart actions that learns what you do often(such as moving a piece of mail to a certain folder), saving you an extra tap. But if you have more than two accounts, the buttons are just way too small to switch between accounts, making it a hassle, so it would be less hassle to use different apps. One feature that i really would appreciate is the ability to add a favorite folder to “All Accounts”. Currently, you have to go into a specific account to access the favorite folders of that account. That requires two to three very precise taps. Come on Microsoft, this should be easy to implement. Under the hood, the scrolling operations are buttery smooth just like other native iOS apps. The battery usage is also very comparable—having dark mode also helps. This app is a few steps ahead of the Gmail app.
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  • Adequate product

    In looking through other reviews, I noticed several, many, reviews that stated how bad the product was but that showed 5 star ratings. ????? It is frustrating to sit and wait several seconds to have my inbox loaded each time I select outlook on iOS. I have reviewed settings and see no correction for that. Am I downloading messages online each time data wise? When moving a message from inbox, it would be nice to have predictive folders shown as on the desktop. I have three major folders that get a lot of messages and it is a frustration to scroll all over each time. My spouse uses Apple Calendar on her phone and we have trouble she invites me on an appointment. I have tried to clear that up but can’t. I would prefer the calendar app to be separate from the email to use in separate windows. Handling and setting up groups for emails is frustrating on all platforms. As I am now retired, I have no great operational demands that Mail can’t handle so I might just go back to that. Dropping MS Office would certainly save some money. The app is not “Bad”, just adequate. Certainly, it is no joy to use but does not cause too much pain-except for that one group of about ten days of email that was lost. Never found those suckers. 🚀

    Update: 9/13
    Still simply adequate. I have approached my host to find out if I can move all mail from outlook to Mail.
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  • Top iPad and iPhone email app. Rated 4 because you can’t drag and drop attachments

    This is likely the best or at least the top 3 mail apps for iOS. Swipe actions are customizable and immediate which means you don’t have to swipe and click; you just swipe and the action is completed. The app gives you a few seconds to undo if you swiped by mistake. Unique to Outlook’s email app is that you can accept or decline etc. an invitation and choose to send a response or not the same you would be able to on the desktop version of outlook. It also auto-deletes the invite once you complete the acceptance action which is a more efficient way to manage your invitations. One last great feature for those of us that use keyboards with iPads; the shortcuts are a lot more intuitive and simpler than the Apple Mail app shortcuts. The only reason I gave it a 4 star is that you can’t drag and drop attachments from the emails into side-by-side apps or a side-by-side outlook new email that you are composing to someone else where you want to send selected attachments from a received email. This feature would make it a 5 star app!
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  • I Hate This App

    I was recently forced to switch over to the Outlook app from the native Apple Mail app by my office. Couldn’t be more disappointed. First, despite the fact that everything is set up to push new data, I will regularly open the app to watch a dozen or so new emails load right before my eyes. No notifications, no indication that I received new emails, nothing. And sometimes this can be a dozen or more emails at a time and from a half hour ago or more. Very frustrating. Then there’s the issue of the default email font, which is basically the most unpleasant looking and unprofessional font that could have been chosen, that cannot be changed. Next we have the calendar, which is the least intuitive layout I can imagine. I can never tell when I have things scheduled for any particular day, because it’s just a garbled mess. The layout in Apple’s Calendar app is much, much, much better. And adding items to the calendar is equally frustrating. Adding attachments to emails is always a fun little adventure, as you never know where or how it’s going to add them to the email. The whole point of being able to access email on your phone is that it’s supposed to be quick and convenient, and this app if far from either of those things. Honestly, I’m not even sure it’s worth improving this app, it would probably be better to scrap it and start all over. Save some time in the process and just copy Apple’s apps.
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  • I'd give zero stars if I could

    I dislike everything about this app. Sadly I have to use it for work. My biggest annoyance perhaps, is this: I see an alert in my iPhone notification center that there's a new email; I tap it; I wait about 10 seconds while the app opens. Finally, I see my inbox. Top of the list, there's the last email I've already read. But the new one––for which I just saw an alert––that's nowhere to be found! So I pull down, to refresh. Sometimes it refreshes to exactly what it just was, with no new message showing. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ONE I JUST SAW? When I've already read the first line of the message in the preview, at my notifications center! Where did it go? The app has obviously already LOADED the new message, if I've already read part of it! So why won't it show in my inbox?
    Sometimes, after I've refreshed, a few times, it will load, and then I can view the whole thing. But sometimes I have to close and re-open the app several times. And other times I have to go elsewhere and read my new message at a computer; it'll only show in my phone, hopefully within in the next day or so.
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