Star Trek Timelines User Reviews

Top reviews

  • Needs things delt with!!

    This has the potential to be a great game, it has issues!! First is when you log on, pop ups! Used to be one every time & now it’s two-three!! They have also added in the last couple updates more real money wasting!! Right on the daily checklist now has a buy option in the lower left corner that was never there before!! With all this buying options, it’s starting to look like galaxy of heroes & how they push for the pay to play players over the F2P players!! Fix these issues & this can be a really fun game!! Update, I just glance over the pay part but don’t complain about having to pay & the developer responded!! All the reviews that talk about how the game is set to pay to play/win, the developer hasn’t given them any response!! Shows how those people hit the nail on the head & the developer can’t say anything without lying!! Keep ruining games with the stupid pay to play developers!!

    Update, since the last game update, it’s become the only app I have to doesn’t want to load half the time!!

    Developer Response

    Hello and thank you for your feedback! We are working on improving our game and your feedback is helping us to do better in the future!
  • Star Trek Timelines


    Well I’ve been playing this game for almost 3 years now, I love it for the most part, however… The gauntlet is horribly horribly weighted in favor of your opponent. I don’t know how many times my players with twice the stats and higher crit percentage have been soundly beaten by the opponent. Also my players, even Immortalized ones, seem to have lesser stats than their exact counterparts on the opposing side. Tilting Point you need to fix this problem!!! If I wasn’t for this single part of the game, I would gladly have given it a 5 star rating.

    I posted the above two years ago and have only seen a decline in the Gauntlet parity. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on the game and I can live with the complaints most people post in their reviews, but this Gauntlet problem is making me seriously consider abandoning the game altogether. I am a level 99 player with numerous 5* immortalized characters and I keep getting beaten soundly by lesser opponents, some with less than half the stats. Wicked Realm, it’s time to get off your duffs and fix this problem. Dropping another star off my rating until this is fixed.

    Developer Response

    Hello and thank you for your feedback! We are working on improving our game and your feedback is helping us to do better in the future!
  • New Developers ruined the game

    When this was in control of the original developers Disruptor Beam it was great! After a couple years they seemed to quit adding “Episodes”/Story Arcs and added new game modes and features— which mostly made the game more robust…BUT then around the time they sold the game to the new devs Tilting Point - it started seeming like you are playing “carnival” games / like the Gauntlet thing - pretty dumb. … And is it my imagination or did the graphics get worse??? Washed out and 2-D?

    I was thinking about trying it out again after a couple years away , but from the App Store description and user reviews, it looks like it’s still going in a downward direction … “Bosses” really … this is not a platform/Nintendo style game!

    I do applaud the consistent efforts to adding new characters as new shoes come out on Paramount+. I hope Tilting Point doesn’t follow suit using the totally unnecessary profanity Paramount decided to allow on Picard series!
  • Don’t Expect Much from DB’ Successor

    I am a long time player of Timelines. This was a great game, especially for fans of the Star Trek universe, and I have made many friends in the greater online community. But it seems as if every decision the developers make ends up alienating the player base. The worst aspect of this game is the extremely unpredictable nature of the game’s RNG engine: Drop rates for necessary gear are horrible, advertised mission success rates in the 80% to 90% range are just as likely to fail as those below 50%. The Gauntlet feature has empirically been proven to be unfair, yet the new owners of the game claim everything is “working as intended™.” Meanwhile, every time a new feature has been introduced, there have been a litany of bugs and exploits. So play this game or not. Spend money on it or not. Just understand that Tilting Point seems much more interested in taking people’s money than providing a quality gaming experience.
  • Timelines has great promise

    Star Trek Timelines integrates all characters and storylines into one unique plot. Time, as we know it, has all converged into one concurrent place and all characters exist in the same space and time. They also introduced inter dimensional existence with alternative realities existing in this same time line. It is a great concept and opens the door for many possibilities. The problem is the game play. It is very limited. Your job, it seems, is to complete tasks and earn points to build or develop your characters abilities. They have some 1,000 characters they have plucked from real episodes or movies and many from the developers creative imagination. You find them in various places in the game play and “advance” them by completing game tasks. The “tasks” are not very interactive. You send characters on trips and if they are successful, they bring back trinkets that may level up your characters or may not. There is no way to “win.” It just endless tasks that will help you build characters.
  • Love/hate relationship

    I will be fair. This game is addictive to me but I am hoping the developers take some feedback as constructive. I love collecting characters but to get quality characters is limited. The shard collection system yields very weak items and characters. It is really not worth it to collect them. The ship collection system/leveling is unbalanced with the characters. For example I have several blue, purple and fortunately gold at 50 or above but the ship missions limit me as I only have one star ships 4 months I. PlYing daily. I understand that if I pay I will have better opportunities. What bothers me most about this game is that when I watch videos to collect rewards like at the Dani wheel nothing is given to me. The other game I play is Marvel Strike a force and when they realize there are errors they send fair prizes like significant energy. Or orbs to redeem character shards. I watch TNG, voyager, and deep space over and over and I love the premise of the game. I just wish the developers could send out some freebies, some hooks to keep the game exciting for FTP... I may pay like I did in strike force a year in when I found something worthy to pay for. Developers,.. you are on the w precipice of something great something Addictive and possibly lucrative a little restructuring and you are golden. - Long live and prosper!
  • Management blames players for their coding errors

    I have enjoyed this game for 3 years, despite the fact that it is incredibly glitchy & becoming stale. I am an officer in my fleet & rank top 25 or higher on occasion during events. Wicked Realms Games can’t even fix a voyage bug that has been around since voyages started in the game. Every time they push new content out it is buggy. This time they put out a bug new feature that came with a daily free offer with a claim button. Today, after claiming it a pop up came on with a button that that said “Buy Again”. For those of us that “Bought” it again to the extent we were allowed, we were called exploiters & have now been banned. This was a bug in TPs side, they obviously did no QA on this offer before pushing out. We didn’t use macros, emulators or hack their script. But they are blaming us. Shame on you TP. I am asking for a refund from Apple of my recent purchases & I wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone.
  • I Like This Game

    So, I have been playing as a Free Player for a little over 3 Years & so far I have unlocked some pretty good ships and characters. Its amazing how the developers have conceived the various versions of almost each and every character in the known in the Star Trek Universe including the CBS Timeline Characters and Ships as well so Bravo to the Devs for getting those into the game. In addition yo the Next Gen Characters, I would like to see more of the Next Gen Movie ships like the Akira Class, Saber Class, Steamrunner Class, and the Norway Class Ships. The Oberth Class Starship was quite my favorite in the TV Series plus the Ambassador Class Starship - like the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C. Skirmish events are my favorite, and the Faction Missions are rewarding as well. The Supply Events are the most challenging since they will send you around the galaxy looking for supplies and that can exhaust some your resources but they are rewarding. Overall, Bravo to the Developers - I Do Like This Game 🙂👍🏻🚀

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your fantastic review and rating! We're happy to hear that you're enjoying Star Trek Timelines that much and hope you and your loyal crew will support the Starfleet with your bravery in this troubling times of temporal anomalies!
  • Be better!

    I love Star Trek so much! I grew up on it which is why I want this game to be everything. It has a lot going for it but it is sorely lacking in some areas. First, it seems like the developers do not care about their customers and how much Star Trek means to them. There are some shady things going on. For instance, they have an arbitrary cap of 1,000 unique items and after 7 days if you are over that limit they start deleting your inventory. What they haven’t told anyone is that even if you try and build something to use up the unique inventory there is a bug that won’t use up lower level items. They are shady. The gauntlet is another aspect of shadiness. It is so rigged that even if you should beat the other player you don’t especially if it is the third time when your supposed to get a gift. Second, this is a collecting game even if the developers don’t want to admit it. People are here, collecting the cards and the developers are milking every sucker for all the money in the universe. It’s tempting. We love Star Trek and want the characters. Slow down on the introductions. Third, the ship schematics are useless and are just sitting there taking up space. Plus, they are a common get in packs which is annoying. Figure out additional ways of using them. In summation, I love Star Trek and I like this game. Just fix the issues and make it seem like you care about the fan base and customers.
  • Frustrating for me

    While I continue to play this game after several weeks, IMHO, it is "frustrating" in some respects that make me not recommend it:

    1. I have found myself playing the same 2-6-click episode/map 7 (boring) times in a row (with or without 1-click "warping") -- trying to obtain a component "reward" to help "equip" a character -- and not receive it even though there are only 4-5 possible "rewards" for playing it. Meanwhile, i ended up with 8+ units each of a couple of other components. It's ridiculous.

    2. I find I have to wait 5+ hours for my supply of "chronitons" to rebuild before i can continue playing -- unless I want to buy them at prices that seem way too steep to me given how quickly one can use them and repeat the same "didn't get it again" experience described in the prior bullet. It feels like I'm spending more time waiting to "play" the game than actually playing it.

    3. Every time i click on a small subset of my crew members, the game plays a short audio clip of dialogue spoken by that character. But, for some characters, I've heard only one clip! It "gets old" quickly. I'm somewhat glad most characters lack dialogue but really wish the developers had put in a little more effort picking out clips.

    Short Narration by "Q" was fun.

    This might be the first "pay as u go" / "game as a service" game I've played. I much prefer the "buy it once, play the entire plot at your own pace" model.


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