Star Trek Timelines User Reviews

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  • Shameless pay-to-win

    As a huge Star Trek fan, this game was cool for about 2 hours. I liked getting beloved characters added to my crew, and the missions had interesting story lines. Then the pay-to-win mechanic got shoved in my face as I ran out of the necessary currency to play any more missions. Space combat is the equivalent of watching the computer fly two ships around while you press a few buttons (I taught a small child to win the space battles for me in about 30 seconds). Upgrading your crew in order to be competitive quickly became a laborious task of repeating the same text-based missions over and over again in order to hopefully get the required rewards that appear at random. I would be willing to pay $10 for an app like this that lets me kill a few hours. But this game quickly demands hundreds or even thousands of real world dollars in order to advance in any meaningful way. Just to get a second starship would take weeks of grinding, repetitive play. The game was also very confusing initially because it offers no tutorials and has a very confusing interface with buttons all over the place.
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  • Fun Game, Strange Choices

    I definitely enjoy playing the game. The story and random nature of the characters that pop up is fun. You can play for a few minutes or for hours if you have time.

    There are some unexpected details. Some very non-canon thing appear in the game. For example, names of places are wrong. You get to “build” ships using a currency called ‘schematics.’ The ships don’t, however, seem to match what I observed in Star Trek. A ships from hundreds of years ago is more power than the Enterprise-D or Defiant. Kind of makes it less fun because you might want to play a certain ship but can’t because it is weak compared to ships that are logically inferior.

    Some characters bare the same issue. Captain Picard is a weak character in the game with low leadership skills. I supposed one could argue he wasn’t a good leader but I think that would be far fetched.

    There are some things in the game that need better explanation. For example ‘Voyages’ are longer term mission. Don’t know how the duration gets calculated. Don’t know how events during those missions fail.

    Graphics area really good a lot of the time... sometimes it looks like something from the mid 90’s. I have Star Trek games from 2000 that have better graphics.

    But those haven’t kept me from playing it. Just choices I wou”d have made differently from the developer.
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  • Good game, but buggy with horrible customer service from DB

    As a long time fan of Star Trek, this is a great game that is potentially loads of fun. But the issue is that the developer, Disruptor Beam (DB) is more interested in constantly running events (every week from Thursday-Monday, and often longer during holidays) and trying adding features without making sure they work to begin with. This makes playing the game a very frustrating endeavor with random bugs and things not working the way they are supposed to. Their quick fixes often makes things worse. In addition, their customer service is horrible, with CS taking weeks to respond to simple issue. And even when they do respond, they tend to send canned responses requiring further lengthen back-and-forth. This has not been helped by the fact that they recently laid off a bunch of people making things even worse.

    Again, the game has loads of potential if the developer can get its act together. They need to get the basics right instead of trying to constantly sell overprices event packs. Long term they will make more money by keeping players happy and committed to the game.
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  • True Trekkies will LOVE IT

    The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is fun, and the Trek is true. What else is there to ask for? Fun special events keep the game interesting even after you've completed the first 6 episodes (currently all there are) until they roll out new ones. I play every day!

    UPDATE: I’ve been playing over a year now and I still enjoy it. If you’re new to the game or a free to play player, you can still have a lot of fun. I recommend joining a fleet that will help you increase your good results - like mine! Barrel of Bloodwine - we welcome and try hard to help newer players. Some of our members have great crew, which can be shared during certain events. We can also give you tips and support you in how to best use your crew to make the game more fun. Any good fleet will do the same for you, but of course, BoB does it best!
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  • The Devil is in the Details!

    I love Star Trek Timelines!! As a devoted Trekkie(especially The Next Generation), I love everything Star Trek! This game is a lot of fun. I normally don't like games where you have limited energy (Chronitons in STL) but, this game is still awesome and they give away energy (Chronitons) all the time. A lot of times what I do is wait like a month or two, then comeback and find a bunch of messages giving out like 500 or 1000 Chronitons (energy). Anyways, the sheer detail of this game is truly amazing! All the little pieces of equipment for your characters are all from the various Star Trek iterations. It's the little things like Earl Grey Tea(Captain Picard's drink of choice) and Raktajino(Klingon Coffee) that really make this game a must play for any Star Trek fans! Some of things even I can't remember what they are/where they're from! So, make it your "continuing mission to seek out" all the fun to be had in this game!!!!!
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  • Only game that's got me hooked

    As a Star Trek nerd, this game is super fun. My friends have seen me play it and "tried to play it" with me, but it's not the same unless you remember all these cool characters from the various series and try to collect them all. I'm one of the only Americans in a fleet of Canadians, which is super fun, too. Starbases were added very recently, which make the teamwork aspect of the game more beneficial.
    I wouldn't call this game a "pay to play", but if you want to be in the top ranks you definitely have to pay. Otherwise, be humble with whatever event ranks, etc. you get. I love the game so much that I don't mind chipping in $10 for some stuff every couple of weeks. The game is so crazy detailed, it's worth it!!!!
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  • Timelines is a fine time, but...

    I am a huge fan of Star Trek and this is a great game with so many interesting gameplay elements and crew members to collect that it will keep you coming back for more.

    However, that it why I must take a star away. The game is just enough too much pay to win to feel, wrong. I believe in supporting games I love and the monthly dilithium is well worth it for $3.99. But it does not help that people willing to drop hundreds can buy maxed out legendary cards and essentially have a field day with the game.

    Even THAT would be bearable IF free to play players were able to slowly but surely work towards their goal but in a game that is primarily about collecting unique crew, Timelines is ridiculously stingy with crew slots. You only get 40 slots with over 400 different crew members!!!

    An additional 10 slots can be bought with free in game credits but beyond that it is dilithium only, i.e. Pay to Win strikes again.

    But don't misunderstand this is not a negative review. I enjoy the game immensely and it's extremely well made and maintained. I merely want to offer a transparent and honest perception from a free to play player to others interested in the pay to win element.

    Thanks for the great game Disruptor Beam and LLAP!!
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  • Awesome!

    I m a big fan of Star Trek and this game is just great. I've taken off two stars for two reasons. I'm a beginner and as a beginner the game is daunting with no real explanation of how things are best done. For instance when I get to the start of a ship battle some tips or information comes on the screen but disappears too quickly, so I get the first three words, not very helpful. The other star is because as someone who thinks logically, I know I'm never going to own this game so if I ever spend real money on it, it would have to be for a very good reason and it's not likely, so when I see the characters and boosts available to the players willing to spend it's frustrating. I get it that you have to make money and I'm really glad some people will spend, but it's still frustrating. Because of the fact that I'm a beginner when I entered my first event I was completely under prepared, I still have entered into some of the contests, but good grief I get plastered which is very discouraging. I'm really impressed that these reviews are actually responded to and as a big fan of Star Trek I will keep playing and see where it goes, I also think it should be as enjoyable to a solo player as it can be to a social player- there are plenty of people who like staying solo. Thanks for creating this game and making it available to players like me (with virtually stitched pockets!) :-))
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    Developer Response

    Hi Captain, Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. We do always appreciate hearing from the Community and I will ensure your feedback is shared with the Games Design team. If you ran into an issue, please open a support ticket with our player support team they will be happy to help you further if they can. We're glad you're enjoying Star Trek Timelines. Live Long and Prosper.
  • Good but plan on spending a lot of money.

    The game itself has great gameplay for a mobile device. There are weekly events. Crew space on the other hand is laughable. For over 400 available crew members you will not have the space for every single one. They introduced the Cryostasis vault which is great For storage. Unless you want to pay 3000 dilithium for 5 additional crew storage it's getting to be a waste of time. Once my monthly subscription ends I will most likely stop playing until they either provide a fair number of crew slots or they lower the price on additional crew slots. Because at the rate they introduce new crew members you'll be wasting your time also.
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  • Latest update brings many badly needed features

    I've been playing for over a year. I'm in a very active fleet, which isn't easy to find/maintain (there are a lot of casual players and "dead" fleets out there.)

    The recent release, v2.2.0, finally provides some long-needed fleet management features, such as squad and fleet leader abdication, knowing who is in each 5-person squad, knowing every player's and squad's (and now fleet's) final event rank. You can even look up all your personal, past event ranks. You can see how long each member has been absent, sorted oldest to newest. It's now possible to find and recruit players to fleet.

    Fleets are the social center of the game. The game is a lot better when you play along with other active players. This is why improved fleet management means so much. I'm glad to see the developer willing to make significant UX improvements.
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