Star Trek Timelines User Reviews

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  • Supremely silly, but a good workday time-waster for your inner Star Trek fan

    I played this game for a while. Stopped because I didn’t like spending much money on mobile games, but recently picked it back up. In the time I was gone, the devs made one key change, which is making ‘warp’ a free feature. This means that grinding (and there’s a lot of it in this game) is much easier for F2P players.

    This game is great because it doesn’t require much attention. Check in every few hours. One play session at night after work or before bed, and you can continue to make good progress. Thank you for making a Star Trek game that is playable by those of us who work for a living!
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  • Fun for a while, but it’s RNG driven and a money pit

    This is basically a crew collecting and resource management game. There’s not a whole lot of depth to any of the systems, and unsurprisingly power creep is used to entice players to chase new releases, routinely devaluing older crew member and ships to push more recently released crew and ships, which are often at least temporarily only available through purchases.

    The majority of the purchases, and many of the game mechanics themselves, rely heavily on random number generation. You’re essentially constantly gambling on booster packs of trading cards, but because it’s a digital system and the developer has complete control over the economy, it’s aggressively unfavorable to the player, particularly for premium ships, which have an outright abusive pricing model compared to their in-game value and the utility of undesirable/excess ship parts.

    It’s hard to consistently appreciate the Star Trek atmosphere when the game feels as though it’s being run by Ferengi. And to those less familiar with the franchise, that is not a compliment.
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  • good, but plateaus

    With this review, I am ending my months of playing this game and moving on. I have immortalized a character, and that seems like a good ending point. I am not quitting because the game is too expensive. Despite some criticisms I have heard of this game, I have been able to assemble a set of the highest-level ships and 5* characters without paying anything. This does take patience, but it is eventually possible. The problem is that the end stage of the game gets grindy. There is one type of event involving making the same items over and over, another type for fighting the same 5 ship battles over and over, a third type for running the same few shuttle missions over and over, etc. I have noticed myself repeating actions without even bothering to read text, a sure sign of grinding. I’m not sorry I tried this game, though. There’s plenty of Star Trek content for those who want it, and the graphics are fine for this type of game. There is just a point at which it’s time to try something new.
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  • It's ok.

    The game is okay. You are supposed to collect whichever characters you want, but are limited as to how many you can have unless you spend cash. You'll get offered a whole lot of characters, but can keep less than half. The pricing system is very odd. The only way to have 5 star characters maxed is to spend a silly amount of real money. Very shameless. $4/month will give you daily dilithium. You need dilithium to get characters and equipment you need to advance. The game is a great time waster, but it lacks in being fun and exciting. I was a beta tester for this so I've been playing for 2 years and I'm still waiting for it to get fun. Customer service now takes 1 week to 10 days to respond to issues. I am going to delete this very soon as it no longer holds my interest. They are way too into Discovery. I have buyers remorse wishing I didn't spend all that money trying to get Borg characters that I was never going to be able to get enough of to max out. After 2 years I was able to get a 5 star character up to to 2 stars. There's no way I can hang around for another 3 just to finally be able to use Judge Q. There are characters they released one time and you never saw again - no way to get to 5 stars. This is confirmed by customer service and asking when other Convergence Day Quarks have been released other than the first time for example. Good bye.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Captain, Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. We do always appreciate hearing from the Community and I will ensure your feedback is shared with the Games Design team!
  • It’s gotten better except....

    Ok to start with, if you know your Trek(s) this game will probably still stump you with some really obscure characters. The missions though are still repetitive and doesn’t really make you feel like you are accomplishing anything. WORST is the cash grab, shown nowhere more visibly perhaps in their “free” daily spin of the wheel for a reward. I have played this for years now and have NEVER won anything good on this. Worse still, if you pay for their exponentially increasingly expensive 2nd, 3rd, etc wheel spins with VERY pricey dilithium, you still don’t win anything approaching the value of what you’ve spent. I never did get any of what I spent my thousands of dilithium on. The same goes for their premium packs but you can, rarely, get something of value there. Working your way for months nets you a little honor which can be spent on other valuable things, but good luck, because it takes forever to earn it and nothing to spend it. The economy is out of whack in favor of the fool and his (or her) money, which has, I admit, on occasion been me! I still cannot heartily recommend this game until Disruptor Beam is visited by Dickin’s spirits and loosens it’s purse strings a bit.
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  • So intricate, thought provoking, and simple.

    The game starts at a reasonable pace, guiding you through, and unlocking features through the first 10 levels. This gives you the not overwhelmed feeling and eases you in to the vast expanse the game has to offer. The game includes, missions, challenges, arena battles, space battles, voyages, and events. With over 500 characters and several galaxies in the Star Trek universe, you don’t get bored leveling characters and building items. Also raising your status with the factions increases your rewards. This game is unlike any other, but the ease of play keeps you coming back for more honor, credits, and dilithium, all with satisfaction I finally evolving a character to full level and equipment! Hopefully you try this out, it does not disappoint!
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  • Big on nostalgia, but you better bring your wallet.

    First of all, this game was obviously made by people who grew up watching TOS, for some, or TNG for others, and maybe even Enterprise for some. It's chock full of the bronze-level-hardness sci-fi and semi-plausible plotlines of the TV serieses. There's a lot to love here, as you procure a Borg scout ship and staff it with, say, Kirk, Data and Florist Q (yes, that is a character you can acquire) and boldly go where thousands have gone before.

    But what's not to love is the absurdly vast number of characters in the game, with an equally absurdly vast array of possible traits and skills, and how often you will run into an objective on an Away mission that is locked to all 50 of your crewmen, except for that ONE level ten 1-star character that you never bothered to train or equip because, well, they're USELESS, except for that one Away mission that prevents you from getting all three stars. And you're going to keep running into that, again and again and again, unless you pony up large stacks of cash. And you're going to get your petunias handed to you in ship-to-ship combat again and again and again by people who have the cash flow to have the top-level ships in each category. I had fun, but I ended up bashing my face against the rocks of low income too much to keep going. It's all about the Benjamins, baby.
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  • Star Trek

    For a true fan of the ST continuum there is no other possibility... This game rules.

    Just "killing" Wesley Crusher over & over each time he's offered is worth the entry fee!

    Could it be better? Does a whale sing in outer space!!! They need more "swarthy" Eastern European Klingons and Harry Mudd like the redux Chekov needed to dodge his "wesstle". We can't all meet Albino space Elves.

    But if we could... STT would have said Albino Elves included into the gameplay in a snap. Look how ST: Discovery was incorporated. This spans the entire Canon they include single episode über-beloved creatures from the original series. That has to come from a Trekkie supportive staff.

    Don’t forget if they don’t get paid, then they don’t pay their bills: then their Server provider shuts down... and the game you know you love more then their minor (but realistically described) faults matter. Think of them as that annoying space-wonk Hengist: “Fairy tales. Ghosts and goblins.”

    But Redjac on the other hand... is like the joy of playing this game for it’s own sake: “You'll die. Die, die, die, everybody die. Kill, kill, kill you all.” !

    (And that episode played in the middle of the Summer of Love).
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  • The best Star Trek MMORPG on mobile. The best Star Trek Experience since the one in Vegas shut down.

    The best Star Trek MMORPG on mobile. The best Star Trek Experience since the one in Vegas shut down. Seriously, until someone makes a Star Trek dungeon crawler or top-down tactical game, this is as good a Star Trek mobile game as you will ever get. A little limited in visual frills (I’d love to see the interior of the Romulan ship my crew is moving through!) but that opens up the possibilities of the game. The feeling of command is real because you are choosing the right crew to send on away missions. You are responsible for training and advancing them. I’d like to see real faction events, where not only can you support just one faction, but you can only use crew from one faction. Imagine a true Klingon vs Federation event. But overall, the best mobile Trek game there is, or is likely to be. Graphics are top notch on my iPhone 7 and iPad Pro. I’ve found support (through the website, submitting a ticket) to be great. Some delays when there is heavy traffic. Could do with new episodes though. PLEASE. All in all, the most all encompassing Trek experience you’ll find on mobile.
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  • To complicated

    I love Star Trek and when I first saw this I was so excited. But as I start to play you don’t actually do much, you select characters and then it shares a story with you and you choose which character you want to move forward with. But nothing I really do. Also the requirements jump up higher than you can build you characters up in the same amount of time. I have played it for over a week, I’m only a level 9 captain, have one ship with out upgrades and can’t even get 3 stars in a ship battle. To upgrade characters you have to find or build certain things but all of my characters need things from places I have yet to find, so I can’t upgrade them. It’s hard to understand where to go after the first world storyline and they charge for EVERYTHING. I get it, this is business but when I can’t do enough to get hooked, I’m not throwing money at it... I just stop playing.
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