User Reviews: Patient Controller NR

Patient Controller NR - US
Patient Controller NR - US
St. Jude Medical, Inc.

Top reviews

  • Why 3rd party ads? Tracking location?

    Please tell me why a medical implant requires you to give permission for location, pictures, documents, browsing history, cookies, and requires me to agree to accept 3rd party ads? Tech support said initially I agreed to it when it was first turned on. Ummm no I didn’t. You did on my IPod. I was in surgery and I didn’t set it up initially. Since it has been nothing but trouble since I have had it I am planning on having it taken out. Doesn’t hurt them any. They already got paid. What an embarrassment to the medical field.
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max Support

    I have been using the patient controller app for a long time. I have been using the iPod touch that came with it because originally iPhones were not allowed. Recently iPhone were cleared for use in the patient controller. However, they added every recent model but the iPhone that I own! I have an iPhone 12 Pro Max and it’s really frustrating! Will it support new phones when they come out? If the app isn’t updated regularly I may switch to another, better supported, stimulator.
  • Not supporting the newer iPhone stinks

    I have the XS max - they support the X but not xs .
    The iPod they supply is old enough it doesn’t support current iOS - so you can’t share hotspot with a current iPhone. I was happy when I read iPhone was going to be supported- turns out you need a phone older then 2018 .
    The iPod has a standby battery life measured in hours - you have to charge the thing twice a day even with very little use . Most of the time when I need to adjust my pain management device the battery is dead .

    Why in the world can’t they support iPhones?
  • iPhone 11 Not Supported

    I have had my Neurostimulator implant for almost 3 years now and I was so happy to see that I would be able to just download the app on my own iPhone and wouldn’t need to have a separate iPod too to be able to control my programs on the iPod. So when I went to go download the app it was then a rather big disappointment because iPhone 11 was NOT supported! I have an iPhone 11 and I know I’m not the only one that’s in this same predicament. So could you PLEASE just make the iPhone 11 compatible with the SJM app ASAP as that would be VERRRYYYY HELPFUL!!!
  • Unacceptable that it is not compatible with ANY of the new iOS systems

    Seems to me this is a business move on their part and I would have expected much more from St. Jude. Perhaps not Abbott as they are well known for their kickbacks and underhanded financial ‘incentives’ in the medical community. Seems a sure fire way to significantly increase the odds that patients will require a replacement iPod at $1200 a pop. Worst patient care service I’ve ever received. The representatives that were at the hospital were rude and unhelpful. Never was i presented with any written info or directions on the burst scs device and now this. Had I understood all this, I would have explored other options. Not an upstanding company and certainly not one who puts the needs of patients first.
  • iPhone 11 Not Supported - Abbott, it's time to wake up

    Unfortunately, I've been using this app for many years as both St Jude and Abbott. One would think the developers would ensure the app remains up to date with all current iOS devices due to the importance of the app's functionality with the Patients Stimulator. However, this is not the case with St Jude; now Abbott. Considering how much they're selling the Stimulators and iPods for, a compatible app isn't too much to ask but yet, we still pay $1,200 for a replacement iPods due to Abbott's failure to maintain the app. Honestly, there are a few other companies who provide Stimulators which I encourage you to explore with your Surgeon. I would have given only one Star but Abbott's tech support staff has been helpful. Abbott, it's time to invest in your company by ensuring the apps which control our Stimulators are up to date with the most current iOS and the associated devices. As of now, you are failing your Patients and the Doctors who place their trust and reputation in your hands. It's time for change.
  • Battery percentage

    So I’ve had my implant for almost 3 years now. The version of this app at that point had an actual level for battery consumption (ie green,yellow,red) which was really helpful. Since then it’s changed to a green check mark. It literally makes no sense why you would do that. How am I supposed to know what level my battery is at and when it’s gonna die so I can contact my doctor?? If anything, you just downgraded the app. I guess I’ll know when it dies when I wake up in the morning wanting to cut my leg off. Please fix it! Until then, I’m leaving my rating at 1 star.
  • iPhone XR-Excellent app!

    I am so thankful that I don’t have to carry my iPod with me all the time. I can do everything with the iPhone app that I could do with the provided iPod! The phone’s Bluetooth connects to the implant just as quickly, if not quicker.

    The only thing I would change is to give an actual percentage left on the implanted battery. It would be nice to have the information to know if I should contact my surgeon to schedule replacement when that time comes. This is true particularly when medical appointments are not quick or easy to get due to the current pandemic.

    If that were available, I would give this app the full 5 stars. However not having access to see the actual remaining battery level (which was included on the app when I got my implant) on my non-rechargeable makes me worry that I will not have adequate warning leaving me without the only consistent source of relief over the past 3+ years.

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