F45 Training User Reviews

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  • Content great, usability not great.

    We find the recipes on this app are great and we love not having to think of what to cook for the week. However the usability of the app and web version could both do with improvements. Both my husband and I eat the recommended meals but there is no easy way to view my quantities and then his for shopping and cooking. A simple radio button on the shopping list and recipes to toggle between male and female quantities would be so easy and helpful. The shopping list and recipes also aren’t very printer friendly. They print recipes over an excessive number of pages and some ingredients are missed between pages. Just a few improvements would make the app great instead of just good.
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  • This application has problems

    The old app never had any issues, they updated to a new app have had problems ever since. Calories incorrect, shopping list not loading up and now won’t let me log in. Deleted and reset 4 times, changed password. I can go on to a computer and log in just fine, my iPhone that’s the problem. Not having any problems with other apps on phone just the F45 challenge app.
    Not a happy camper
    Put in a work order ticket, will see what the response time will be
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  • New upgrade needs fixing

    The new upgrade needs bug fixing with many of the recipes missing ingredients mentioned in the method but not included in the list. This is really difficult when you’re doing the challenge and key ingredients and measurements are missing. The new upgrade is clunky and difficult to use, particularly when scrolling between the meals listed for each day. The app is currently stuck on week 2 of the challenge rather than week 3 and the recipe library brings up different results even when using the same search term. You also can’t select multiple new types in the filters list.
    As someone who uses this app everyday for meal
    Planning and to regularly undertake challenges, the new upgrade isn’t delivering the same customer friendly product as the previous version. I look forward to seeing further improvements and bug fixes.
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  • Has some flaws

    still some issues. The app shows notifications but when you open the app there are no notations of notifications. Also, when updating personal info, you have to say you are a foot shorter than you are for the app to save the your correct height.
  • New app update needs work

    New app update like old good but not as functional as the older version. I cook for both my partner and I and can’t go between male and female recipes to compare ingredients.
    You can’t copy and paste the shopping lists into notes anymore.
    I wish you could select that you are cooking for 2 and choose male and female so that the shopping list would add the two together. I spend hours on getting a shopping list together.
    I also like to swap between mainstream and add vego and vegan meals throughout the week as we don’t eat red meat. So the ability to pick and choose your meal plan between the three meal dietary styles to be collated into a shopping list would be very helpful.
    No we don’t have the money to spend on the ready made meals or the ingredient boxes as I can feed the two of us breakfast lunch dinner and snacks for around $200 per week.
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  • 2020 app update

    Have recently downloaded the updated F45 Challenge app. And though there is an improvement in design, there are some crucial features missing particularly from the ‘eat’ tab that would improve user experience.

    - The simple ability to share/favourite recipes from the library would help massively as when following a weekly plan there is always some suggested recipes that I would like to replace with another ‘favourite’ F45 recipe.

    - The search feature for the recipe library also does not function very well and needs significant improvement - This was also an issue with the old app interface.
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  • Poor interface design

    The new design is difficult to use. I much prefer the old app!
    It’s frustrating the way it’s set up with “week 1, week 2” etc and the menu for the following week not loading until the Sunday. It should always give you access to 7 days of recipes ahead of time to allow for planning. But with the following week only loading on a Sunday it gives limited time to prepare. Please fix!
    Also I can only see 10 ingredients in all of the recipes which is extremely annoying.
    Being day 2 of the challenge it’s frustrating this is happening now ☹️ bring back the old app!
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  • Don’t update

    This update is horrible. It doesn’t differentiate male from female portions, it’s missing ingredients in the ingredient list and there is no number to contact to fix this.

  • Pointless features

    They’ve focused too much on making it look nice at the expense of user friendliness. There are sliders for adding weight and other measurements but makes it impossible to stop and land your figure exactly where you want it so I can’t actually add the values I want and very imprecise. Also no decimals so you can’t be exact or track small changes - also de motivating. Just have simple input instead of sliders. I would rather type my calculations and measurements.
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  • Recipe section showing men’s portion sizes only

    The recipes on the Eat page don’t show the correct calories for women, instead I’m seeing the men’s portion sizes. It works fine on the website though. Can someone look into this? I’m doing all my cooking off the app without correct measurements

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